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Posts posted by FootDive


    -Hylea runs on fool's hope, i love the Grieving mother but this isn't the right thing


    "But"? The Grieving Mother agreed with me that returning the souls to broken bodies wouldn't be a good decision.


    I released them back into the Wheel. My next playthrough will be Galawain, I like the idea of strengthening the living with that which was lost.


    Grieving Mother's reply is dependent on how you deal with her subquest.

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  2. I noticed not many refer to the most wonderfully designed Stronghold system in a cRPG which was created none other than Obsidian themselves:

    Neverwinter Nights 2 Original Campaign's Crossroad Keep.


    If any of you have played that campaign then you would know that CK blows PoE's stronghold out of the water. The stronghold in PoE feels poorly tacked on and is absolutely not integral to the plot. There aren't any special sequences (special visitors or dealing with land tax), stronghold improvement quests (such as finding special captains) or extensive stronghold management (assigning captains to certain tasks).


    If there's one thing Obsidian needs to do for the expansion, a patch or a sequel, it's that they need to improve the stronghold.

    • Like 2
  3. Basically what the thread title says.


    Too few portraits. Too little variation.


    Here is a riddle for you: Why go through the hassle of making 3D models with detailed choices for looks, if you are still going to use Portraits for characters and not a still picture from the character creation process (like Dragon Age. It's brilliant)?


    I have yet to start this game 3 days after installing it because I have been desperately trying to find a custom portrait online that looks like the character I want to create. Of course those portraits will clash like hell against the game UI, but what can you do...

    If you're having so much problems finding a custom portrait for THREE DAYS then the issue comes down more with you as opposed to the portrait selection. Don't get me wrong, it does need more variations but struggling to play the game because you can't find your own portrait of your liking (of which there is plenty on the web) is an issue of your own.

  4. I wish there was a slider to reduce global exp gains. More than anything, I don't like hitting the level cap way before the end and a simple slider would be effective in making the game more challenging and allowing players to hit the maximum level near the final boss. This seems to be pretty relevant for PoE since people are hitting the cap many hours before the final boss (in some cases 20 hours or more). Maybe this would be something easy to mod.

    You could hit the cap for BG1 pretty easily hours ahead of the final boss as well so its not like this hasn't been done before in other games.


    I do think the cap for this game should have been at least two levels lower though. Everything has become trivial now.

    • Like 1
  5. Has anyone tried combat Mage or how to call it, a more close combat oriented mage?

    Yeah. It's nuts and absolutely fun once you get the gear and necessary spells.


    If I min maxed my mage she'd probably do a lot more with a two hander.


    Citzal's Martial Power + Alacrity is easily one of the most funnest combinations you can do. You hit like a goddamn truck on steroids.




    • Slicken spell is now a single hit AoE.
    • Chill Fog is now a friend or foe spell.


    That was the only reason to even think about having a Wizard in the party.


    I'm not even going to try playing one until a all encounter-spell or permanent-rest mods are made now.


    Yeah this makes Wizards suck pretty bad early on.


    Their power creep is marginally larger than every other class though still from my experience; especially considering the other classes took some nerfs.



    Druid is already much better and took no nerfs.


    With Wizards t1/2 spells being so bad after 1.3, they should be encounter based at the very start.


    Druids' late game spells are nothing compared to what a late game Wizard can put out.


    Let me put it this way. Remember how much you loved the first level spell Sleep from Baldur's Gate except that it only worked on Kobolds? PoE's equivalent of Sleep works on the PoE equivalent of Mind Flayers.

    Compare the 5th level Wizard spell Blast of Frost to any of the Druid's strongest spells. Nothing comes close damage-wise. 6th level spell Minoletta's Piercing Burst ignores DR and does a lot more damage than it lets on.

    • Like 4

    • Slicken spell is now a single hit AoE.
    • Chill Fog is now a friend or foe spell.


    That was the only reason to even think about having a Wizard in the party.


    I'm not even going to try playing one until a all encounter-spell or permanent-rest mods are made now.


    Yeah this makes Wizards suck pretty bad early on.


    Their power creep is marginally larger than every other class though still from my experience; especially considering the other classes took some nerfs.

  8. I know that the mage is usually slightly harder in these sorts of games. In Kotar I/II the pure force jedi/sith was at start slightly harder then the rest. But in this game, it just seems a bit hefty. I made a wizzard and it was so difficult to play. But then I decided to reroll as a barbarian and boy is it easier.


    Will it change later on? Is it worth to stick to wizzard after a while? ( I played with it a bit, got to lvl 5) The problem is that mainly the aoe abilities, which are the best, make so much friendly dmg if not aimed right and since it takes so long to cast them, the units move about and so you either hit an allie or very few of the enemies. They also get upclose and personal, so its double hard to aim. As a mele character though, thats not an issue, and I can just pummel them.


    Also the fact fact that you have to rest in between is annoying, but I guess thats D&D, though I thought that Obsidian took some liberties from the classical foruma. But that I can deal with.


    Also since the characters can't cast anything by themselves and there are no hotkeys (that I found) it takes so long to select each caster class and tell them to do this or that.


    Did I just not understand how to play the wizzard, or is it meant to be more of an expert class?



    They become absolutely filthy at late game as soon as they hit 4th level spells which is about 8th character level. Hands down my favourite class late game.


    They start off much like BG1 mages do; spam Chilling Fog (Sleep in BG1) until they get some levels then blast everything once they get get several levels in.


    My Battlemage/Spellsword Wizard outdamages everything and hits harder than any of my melee characters. A shame their Battlemage/Spellsword potential is realised so late in the game but it makes me look forward to the expansion(s). I've been playing on Hard and I roleplayed my stats so I didn't min max stats.

  9. But still : some game breaking bugs here are pretty obvious and any careful game tester would have been able to check them : stats changing, loading time going up, items disappearing, black screens...

    Many of the bugs are only obvious when you actively look for them and if you have ever done testing for any software project, BELIEVE me, pain in the ass bugs are almost never obvious. They're only obvious when viewed in retrospect.

  10. Well to me the number one reason the game is unfinished is: THIS IS OBSIDIAN GAME  :grin:


    For years they blamed the publishers for their unpolished, bugged games. Who is to blame now?


    Let's face it Obsidian will continue to make games with a very nice story and worlds. But the actual game part of their RPGs will forever remain the bugfest and a thing for community to repair.


    Let's face it fans. We are to blame. Right now CEO's of obsidian knows that however bugged unplayable the game will be the fans will buy and then even fix the gameplay for them.


    I wonder if it wouldn't be better for Obsidian to fail at sales of one game that they invested their own money in.


    Maybe then they will hire a more competent crew of programmers and game designers.

    The game has bugs and issues, sure, but many of them do not break the game. Give us a more extensive list of bugs than an extensive post with no real substance.


    There have been bigger games with even more crippling bugs on release.

    • Like 2
  11. Are melee wizards going to be fun in this game? Looking at their spells and base stats, it just doesn't seem like they're going to be much fun. Spell durations are too short, several long term spells can't be cast outside of combat for preparation, accuracy is too low, health/endurance is too low, deflection is too low, Arcane Veil being underpowered as a per rest ability and their most powerful spell, Citzal's Martial Might, can only be used as a sixth level spell which can only be acquired extremely late in the game.


    Has anyone had much luck with melee wizards in the latest beta? I don't want to have to make a Cipher instead as I prefer a melee wizard for roleplaying reasons.

  12. Yeah but you're looking at it from the wrong point of view. The whole game design is being done from a mindset not bound by 'simulation' so some stuff may not make complete sense and you may have to use your own suspension of disbelief, but it is being done because it will produce better gameplay.


    It takes time to get over. When we first learned that all damage would be from the same attribute, I was not impressed and I had the same reaction as you did. However it's taken me time to come to terms with/understand the point of view.


    Ah fair enough. From a game design point of view it's fine.


    Still, the problem is that the game design and roleplaying POVs clash heavily with each other and because this is, first and foremost, a RPG then I believe that the roleplaying element takes more precedence and game design philosophy/balance comes after. I don't think this is an issue that can be gotten over and ignored.

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  13. All they have to do is change the wording of the attribute description and it solves the problem. I don't know that physical strength equates to more damage anyway as with swords, their damage comes from cuts, do you need to be strong to draw a blade across skin? Not really.

    Changing the description doesn't solve the issue. A magically adept wizard with high might can still rip and tear even though the player might have originally planned the character to be physically inept but because Might governs both physical and spiritual strength the player cannot roleplay like this.


    Greater physical strength can dictate a hammer swing to break bones or the surface of a metal golem. It can dictate whether a sword thrust will pierce through all the way or through tough skin.


    It's like saying you can increase magical strength by lifting dumbbells all day.

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  14. Change Might to Physical Damage, add Magic Damage to Intellect or Resolve and Range Damage to Dexterity or Perception.


    Having Might dictate physical strength AND magical strength in roleplaying dialogue decisions really screws up especially if you plan on playing some sort of hybrid (I'm planning a Battlemage Wizard myself).


    I cannot see any other resolution to this.


    Edit: If Magic Damage goes to Intellect then the original bonuses Intellect originally gave should go to Resolve.



    Resolve (RES): A measure of the character strength of personality, intensity, and determination.

    It makes sense since spell/skill duration is increased due to the character's resolve to see events to the end.

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  15. Not sure if VtM:Bloodlines has ever been mentioned in this thread but that game is a shining example of quest XP done right and is pretty much agreed upon by many to be one of the kings of the RPG genre. VtM:B featured zero kill XP.


    In the end, you're still going to get loot for killing which still gives the player an incentive to kill everything in their way whether it be incredible loot or merchant food. You will never have more incentive to go for the kill route for more XP if you traditionally play a diplomatic character for example.

    • Like 1
  16. One of the things I've noticed about the combat in this game is how much clutter you need to go through which is something I've been worried about since I saw some of the first skills previewed in the updates.


    There's a lot of micromanagement to be had which is one of the disadvantages of the RTwP. Naturally in both PoE and the older games you were more inclined to just leave your melee/archers to autoattack all day as opposed to micro'ing your casters to cast spells, waiting for the casting to finish and then casting again.


    Now here's a proposition to alleviate this problem:

    Remember how KotOR2 allowed you to queue attacks and skills? The same logic can apply here and make it much more better in this game by allowing your characters to queue actions not just by attacks but also by movement and by target.


    This keeps the tactical side of the game (you can't anticipate when to use heals and dispels for example) while alleviating the cluttered nature of having to cast/recast spells.


    What do you guys think?

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  17. "BG3 is the worst idea anyone can think of. The Bhaalspawn Saga fully ended, there's just not more you could possibly do to add to the franchise"\


    \Simply not true and if you think so you lack imagination. There's tons that can be done with a BG3. And, it would be GLORIOUS. Unless you lack imagination.




    A BG3 can be done and it can be done awesomely. It should not eb done, hwoever, unless the docs are involved. That said, an Obsidian/BIO/pick  developer can still make a fun BG3.

    Right, go on and say I lack imagination, I won't name call back.


    The reason its a bad idea is because every single ounce of possible imagination in the BG franchise was absolutely and utterly spent. There is nothing to build from, every plot thread was resolved. At that point, if someone does make a BG3, it would be all entirely new content unheard of in the previous series at which point you may as well ask "why not just make a new game?". Do you understand how much that dev/publisher is risking just to make an entirely new game with the same name of an already pre-established franchise? I even mentioned it in my previous post, even Black Isle knew not to tread there, they went with a completely unaffiliated route and was BG in name only. 


    The characters had their final epilogues and you know their fates. You wipe out all Bhaalspawn essence in the end, the blood of the franchise that drove the game and its story and finally either find peace through mortality or become a god. The Bhaalspawn PC was level 30+ by the game's end, the PC was a walking death machine at that point, absolutely NOTHING can get in his/her way, that severely limits the types of stories you could do with the PC which is not even taking into account with the PC was a god or a mortal.

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