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Posts posted by da_mayor

  1. Device: Android

    OS:  Android 6.0

    Model: HTC One M9

    PFID#: 1AD368E6C53B9ESB

    Pass'n'play: off

    Mode: Story

    Characters: Merisiel, Kyra, Lem

    Locations: Merisiel (Woods), Kyra (Farmhouse), Lem (Academy)

    Turn order:  Lem, Kyra, Merisiel

    Scenario/Difficulty/Wildcards: Brigandoom!, Legendary, Don't recall

    Card encountered: Jubrayl Vhiski

    First or subsequent explore:  Subsequent

    Aid from other characters: None

    Horde?:  No.


    Merisiel encountered the Villain (Lem had just defeated him two turns before).  Both Kyra and Lem were at closed locations, so there was no need to temp-close.  Merisiel had only two cards in her hand.  Being Jubrayl Vhiski, I had to recharge both and, being Brigandoom!, drew two cards (both Staves of Minor Healing).  I selected my Backstab power and discarded one of the Staves.  The 8-sided die disappeared, as did the skill check display.  There was no way to go back, make the roll, or do anything by click the Options and Store buttons.  I tried going to the main menu, exiting, killing the PA process in Settings, then re-opening the application and hitting Continue.  I came back to a screen where Backstab had been selected, and I was being requested to recharge or discard a card.  There were no dice in the play field, there was no check display, and when I discarded a card, I was in a similar spot.  I took a screenshot at that point.  I then forfeited the scenario.


  2. My understanding is that dice skins aren't related to a CHARACTER.  They're related to a PARTY.


    If I'm correct, then that makes perfect sense.  When you add an Experienced character to a party, then they would suddenly have default blue dice, despite what they had in another party.


    I got this impression from, I believe, release notes.  The number of any given color of dice you have is a limit on the number of characters in a single party that can use that color.  That's why there's no point in having more than six of a single dice skin.

  3. Both are known bugs.  First, closing locations in the scenario Here Comes The Flood is unnecessary, so I recommend you don't close anywhere.  This is how you get around the General Store Close bug.  Second, the scenario ends when there are no more cards left in any location deck.  However, there's a bug where if you don't encounter the last card in the last location (i.e. it's eaten by Black Magga), you can't advance on to the next scenario, even if you achieved the scenario goal.


    Both of these bugs are listed as Fixed in the notes for the next patch (

  4. I defeated mammy in the first battle, the computer took the necessary blessings for uncles do lcations from the timing deck. That ain't right, is it?



    Yup.  The first time Mammy is defeated, she is undefeated.  When a villain is undefeated, the blessings come off of the blessings deck.


    Hag card says "before you act .....". I was attackng with a monk, I cared not about the spell problem. It did not give me the before you act roll. I really wish the game consistently did the same thing every time.



    I dunno...  Is the "same thing" now to only roll when you try to play a chained card?  Since you were playing a monk, there WERE no chained cards (unless you'd acquired a spell or something), so it probably didn't come up.

  5. Some of the earlier class decks had 4 characters each. I think the current character pool is 83.


    Lemme do some math...


    Three base sets with 7 characters each = 21

    Three Character add-on decks with 4 characters each = 12

    One "unlockable" character in Wrath of the Righteous = 1

    Three Promo goblin characters (Ranzak, Ekkie, and Tup) = 3

    Seven Class Decks with 4 characters each = 28

    Eight Class Decks with 3 characters each = 24


    I'm coming up with 89.


    Two more class decks with 3 characters each in the next month or so, one more in August, September, and October each, and then a new Base Set and Character Add-on Deck in October as well.  So, before the year's out, we should have 26 more (27 if we get another promo character, though that might not happen 'til 2017 on Free RPG Day).

  6. Well, the Keen Scythe +2 has an Adventure Deck number of 5, which means two more adventures have to come out before you'll see that one.  Flame Cannon is AD4, which means it definitely won't come up until the next Adventure is released.


    Have you seen any of your Chest cards from decks B thru 3 yet?  Personally, I'm getting a ton of Beast Skins, Dilettantes, Noble Brats, and the like.  I'm even seeing some of the rarer stuff now and then.

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