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About EternalReader

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  1. And when I said reasonably priced, I meant on Amazon for $15 (or Even the non-discounted listed price of 19.99), not what OP had posted which I was surprised to see at $35
  2. By the way, anyone else surprised at how reasonably priced the Guidebook:Volume 1 is? I sure hope the content will be of good enough quality as well.
  3. As others have pointed out, this is not the strategy guide but a Lore book. It will have artwork and information on the PoE universe. The strategy guide will be created by Prima and that is also available for ordering now. Also, it seems that there is no paperback version of the Strategy Guide or the Guide Book (Lore book). Which, is a great thing. Lore/Guide book would still perhaps makes sense as it will have lore information but as JonnyBear mentioned above, a lot of sales (based on anecdotal evidence) for the strategy guides are for the so called collector's editions that are hard-cover and usually contain some game art or other additional information. I my self always go to game wiki, GameFaqs, Forums, or often just a Google (DuckDuckGo) search to find information when it is needed. Yet, I do own enough Game books to fill up a bookshelf. These include game Encyclopedias, artbooks, strategy guides, and lore books and all are hard-cover. Lastly, I would comment that Prima does decent strategy guides (judging purely on collectible attributes such as binding, cover art, print quality, design, and additional content) But I find ones done by Brady Games and Dark Horse to be better.
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