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Posts posted by Hopper

  1. I would like to see a system with greater and lesser gods...

    That way there could be a "primary god" you worship, that grants you certain benefits/perks, and lesser gods, that you can pray to at shrines/by following specific rituals, which will grant you short term favours/blessings or cause minor long term changes to your experience.


    Some ideas for lesser gods:


    - a god of gamblers: praying to him/her more often could result in "luck +1" or similar

    - a god of things lost and found: when you please her/him by praying at one of his VERY WELL HIDDEN altars, the chance to find better loot or random coins slightly increases (stacking, the more altars you find the higher the bonus)

    - a god of travellers: the more you travel, the more you will please him/her and you therefore randomly encounter safe havens for camping in the wild from time to time

  2. It's similar in Germany. However, if there is written retailers invoice (they have accepted order confirmations e-mails that include the amount charged to my credit card), that counts as proof of price. However, that's the thing, since this is not a buy/sell process, I wonder how it will work. Technically Obsidian could write 20 $ on the box, but they will still want to see a document with the price I paid, and that would be a 180 $ credit card bill then (or whichever is your tier) ...

  3. Another good update! Documentary is a nice bonus, and I'm sure the cards will be awesome too.


    Just wish I wasn't in the UK, I'd love to go for a physical tier but don't want to get stung by import taxes...




    I never thought about taxes either...

    here's the thing, in Germany you have to go to the customs and pick up your package. They ask for a receipt/document with the selling price on it to calculate taxes.

    How are we going to be able to prove the price? Will Obsidian include a receipt or send us one by mail?

    This could be a bit difficult seeing as it is not a buy/sell transaction really. Does anyone have experience with this?

    • Like 1
  4. I agree.


    In a lot of recent games different races get different starting attributes (+1/-2 etc.) , which then end up nothing but cosmetic once you reach level X.

    I understand this is done to allow for freedom of choice, and so you can be an elfish weight lifting champion or a nimble footed ogre thief.

    While technically I support this system of choice, I think some stats should be should be capped at a maximum value for certain races.

    E.g. due to his bulky physique an 8 foot high, broad shouldered ogrish character should not be able to max out dexterity, same as a 6 foot lanky elfish character should not be able to max out strength.


    Plus there should be disadvantages to having absurdly low levels of some stats.

    This would lead to a lot of critical misses on checks.

    Say you have 18 Strength and 18 endurance and as a trade off 3 Intelligence.

    In that case I would love to see things like reduced dialogue options, maybe even inability to read maps etc.


    However, I think the difficult part is getting the disadvantages just right.

  5. Hey to everyone out there. At first a big THANK YOU for the decision to offer a German Version, I really appreciate this! This is a thread concerning the German translation, thus I think it will only concern German speaking people. That is why i will continue in German (the other reason: it is a lot easier for me).


    Ich weiß nicht wie viele deutschsprechende Menschen sich hier herumtreiben, aber ich versuche einfach mal mein Glück. Obwohl ich Englisch recht gut verstehe und die originale Version des Spiels wahrscheinlich kein Problem für mich darstellen wird, freue ich mich wirklich sehr darüber, dass es eine Möglichkeit geben wird das Spiel in Deutsch zu spielen. So sehr wie ich mich darüber freue, so sehr befürchte ich auch, dass in dieser Hinsicht die (meiner Meinung nach) falschen Schwerpunkte gesetzt werden könnten. Mal abgesehen davon keinen Abkürzungsmüll zu bauen wie damals bei Oblivion, bangt es mir vielmehr davor, dass etwas wie bei NWN2 passieren könnte:


    Betroffen ist in diesem Fall die Sprachausgabe (falls es eine geben sollte). Bitte benutzt für alle eindeutig selbst erdachten Eigennamen eine deutsche Aussprache. Dies würde sich viel harmonischer in das gesamte Klangbild der Übersetzung einfügen und nicht wie Anglizismus-Dissonanzen im deutschen Sprachgefüge hängen. Auch die Aussprache der Namen mancher NPCs blieben englisch, obwohl sie keinen eindeutigen Bezug zur englischsprachigen Kultur hatten. Beispiel: Casavir (eher lateinisch: vir = Mann) oder Faerun (klar ein Name der einer erdachten Kultur entspringt). Die Gründe die Aussprache einzudeutschen sind dafür meiner Meinung nach:


    1. Das Gesprochene wirkt in sich stimmiger bzw. nativer und legt seine Pseudocoolness ab (die find ich schon seit ich 16 war nicht mehr toll)

    2. Der englische Klang in deutscher Sprache bewirkt immer eine Art Verschleierung, während die deutsche Ausspreche direkter und konsequenter klingt.

    3. Wer die englischen Begriffe/Ausspreche lieber mag (was ich absolut verstehen kann) der kann auch die originale Version spielen, deswegen ist in dieser Hinsicht trollen unsinnig.


    Was mir auch wichtig ist, ist die konsequenter Übersetzung aller englischen Wörter in Ortsnamen, bzw. bestimmter Organisationen. Ich weiß, dass sind Eigennamen, aber wer die englisch haben will, der spielt es einfach auf englisch. Elfische Namen oder ähnliches sind davon natürlich nicht betroffen, es geht mir nur um englische Wörter.


    Ich gehe davon aus, dass ich nicht allzu viele Befürworter finden werde. Aber es ist kein Grund zu flamen, ich denke mit meiner Meinung kann ich es mal probieren. :-)


    Quick and dirty translation, it is 3 am after all:

    Text in [ ] are additions I made for ease of reading


    I am not sure how many German-speaking folks are present here, but I'll try my luck. Though I am able to speak English fairly well and don't think [playing] the original version of the game will be difficult for me, I am really happy that a German version will be available. I may be happy about it, however, at the same time I fear some aspects of the localisation could go wrong (from my point of view). The usage of incomprehensible abbreviations as in Oblivion aside, I am more worried they could go down the same road as NWN2 did:


    The issues I see concern spoken dialogue (if applicable): I believe German pronunciation should be used for all made up names. This would result in a far more natural overall tone of the localisation and would not introduce anglicism-related dissonances into the German dialogue. [in NWN2] the names of some NPCs were pronounced the English way as well, even though there was no direct relation to English culture/origin to be found in these names. An example: Casavir (likely Latin: vir = man) or Faerun (clearly a name derived from a fictious culture). In my opinion, the following arguments support a German pronunciation of these names [in the localisation]:


    1. The spoken dialogue will sound more harmonious and natural and will not seem artificially trimmed towards being "cool" (I have disliked that ever sine I was 16) [translator's comment: in German, pronouncing names the English way is sometimes used as an attempt to show how hip/cool a product is, this usually does not work with audiences age 20 and up]

    2. English pronunciation in between German dialogue always results in an obscuration, while German pronunciation sounds more direct and consistent.

    3. Those who prefer the English terms/pronunciation (which I can perfectly understand) are free to play the original version, so please don't troll my post.


    Another important aspect, in my opinion, is that in all English words contained in the names of places or organizations should be localised. I know that these are proper names, but If you like them in English, you can play the English version. Elfish names or other similar terms [from made up languages] are exempt from this, of course. I am only talking about English words here.


    However, I doubt many will share my opinion. Still, no need to flame, I just thought I'd add my two cents.


    I hope you don't mind HumanFlesh+5, but I feel it is a very valid point everyone should be able to read ;-)

    If you think I got anything wrong, just let me know and I'll fix it.

  6. Regarding bad localisation and the necessity of translating games:

    As a German native speaker and professional translator with experience in translating smart phone, TV and Software UI, among others, I can tell you this:


    Localisations of games have a tendency towards being sub par. I know this and that's why I mostly steer clear of German localisations.


    But I am lucky, I speak and understand English better than most non-bilingual Germans.

    For some people reading and understanding a game they wish to immerse themselves in is not possible in a foreign language.

    They may have to resort to a dictionary or even get the meaning all right most of the time, but it still means an extra effort for them.

    It's quite akin to subtitles. Do you enjoy watching a movie and having to read the subtitles to understand it? Usually the answer is no.


    And as for the translation workload and quality:

    Usually the text is extracted out of software and handed to a big company for translation in multiple languages.

    The problem is that the people translating the software do not have the time to play it or even the means to search for difficult to understand sections.

    And most of the time the first sentence you get may be the first sentence you read when playing a certain part of the game, but the second could be something that comes up 5 hours of playtime later.

    There is no such thing as consistency, which makes it very hard to know – and thus translate correctly – that "The carrier of the emblem of a thousand fires", when addressed as such, is actually a woman and not a man.

    Later on you will realize the mistake, as you find out when playing the game and localization testers may realize the issue. Or they may not.


    And this issue is also true for describing a room/setting/item with the appropriate register of words, when you have never seen the graphical representation for yourself or have no idea what the original writer envisioned.



    All I can say is use a combined effort during beta (if a localized beta comes out) to find issues and keep writing feedback mails with flawed translations to make the localization team aware.

    • Like 2
  7. Regarding the pet:

    I would like to see maybe 2 or 3 different pet options. Of course this means a lot of programming effort.

    However, what if you gave us 3 options: a bird, a dog-type and a rodent.

    Then make 2-3 "skins" for each which totals 6-9 pets. That reduces animating work and you just need to make more "skins".

    You may have to scale for size but the animations could be the same for each animal


    For example:

    Each time you start a new game you get to pick a pet for your character.

    This could be either:

    canine-type: a) domesticated dog b) wolf

    bird-type: a) crow b) falcon c) parrot

    rodent-type: a) rat b) gerbil c) mouse

    (i was gonna add reptile but can't come up with any distinctive animals that coulg share the same model)


    The animals may be very similar, but still a witch/sorcerer with a crow is cooler than with a dog. Yet a range rneeds a falcon not a crow or a parrot.

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