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Posts posted by AuroraDragonKaya

  1. My apologies if anyone brought this up before, I scanned a couple of the latest pages and didn't see it, but does anyone know if we'll be able to make and upload custom portraits in the final game?
    Don't get me wrong, there are some absolutely gorgeous ones available. However, I like to draw and its fun knowing I have something to tally custom. Just wondering if that's gonna be a thing.

  2. I would say I was also confused. Coming in from a table top gaming perspective, I'm gonna assume that might = strength and clearly not a stat for wizards, for example. As a first time play, the descriptions were more overwhelming than helpful. I know it'd be extra work, but it'd be really, REALLY helpful to have even a sentence for each class explaining what the stat does for that class specifically. When you say it as you did, it makes more sense.

    I should add I really like how you did the stat. I like playing social characters and I feel I can do that a lot more with this stat system without screwing myself over, buuuut I didn't actually know that until I came here and read this. So I definitely think there's room for clarity.

  3. Issue:

    I quit the game to start a new, and the music that was playing (in music) continued playing over the login music. (The result was horrifyingly discordant.)

    It continued even after the game loaded.


    Detailed steps:

    (I don't know which inn exactly... I was showing the game to my fiance and it was his file. I can ask him for more details if need be.)

    I quit the game, and went to start new to play with the character generator some more, and the music continued until chara gen popped up. (The inn music and menu music do not go together well.)


    Expected Behavior:

    Music from that game to stop when it's quit and returned to the login screen.



    ...I hope I did it right!

  4. I was about to be super sad: then I realized it was for the standard, not the collectors edition. Standard editon being dvd makes sense: I just want the collectors edition to be boxed, and have that old school feel. (Even if it is less durable, it's more traditional.)

    An extra dvd being INSIDE the collectors box is fine. :p

    However, for those non collector edition people who want cardboard boxes, maybe an option for them to pay slightly more to get a cardboard box? *shrug* Honestly, the cardboard box would be something I'd put on a wall, not use to store my game so much.

  5. I like this poll, especially looking at the differences between one and two. Everyone wants everything: its nice to see what they really want most. :p


    Me, it was a toss up between mod tools and replayability, though one sorta feeds the other.


    Replayability, for me, means meaningful decisions throughout the game that affect the game world as a whole, and multiple endings. The more different a situation is every time through, the more fun and replayability. The more reasons they are, the better, as well. People welcoming or shunning you based on what you are has been mentioned, and I find awesome. But also things that simply do or do not exist based on decisions you made.

    I don't just mean certain side quests were only playable if you do certain things. I'd like how the story of the main quest flows to change depending on how you play. (And, hopefully, on a more meaningful level then "Did you kick puppies or save orphans?")

    To me, Chrono Trigger is a pretty awesome example of replayability, and I think one of the reasons is all the little things you could do, and ways you could see it directly affect a world. Planting a forest, giving someone food when they were starving and through that act, teaching their ancestors generosity (or the inverse) as well as, of course, a dozen different endings. Yes, a lot of the major plot points were the same, but it was on friggin SNES. It was before dialogue choices became a thing, but it was ok, because you spoke by doing.

    I'd love to see more modern rpgs put a priority on actions instead of words, especially now in the time that engines can handle so much more complexity.

    • Like 1
  6. Just realized I forgot about FedEx quests. Or any quests that are not also stories. The bane of cRPGs and what fans of other genres use to mock them. Kill them with fire. Even the word 'quest' itself seems to encourage this sort of game-play-as-work mechanic. Quests should be stories, not tasks. If I do tedious work I expect to get paid and in real money, not in game gold. When my nephew was 7 or 8 he actually liked washing dishes. It was a novelty to him, but then he grew out of it. I can only hope that we have all grown out of that sort of thing.

    Oh god yes. Fable 3 took this to some of the most awful extremes with the whole "Fetch" and "Delivery" relationship quests. Always the exact same thing, and literally hundreds of people asking for it... it's enough to turn you to the dark side. (But then, I have a very love/hate relationship with Fable. They always have some real gems, things I absolutely adore, and then they have some truly, horrifyingly, what-were-they-thinking awful things.)



    Look at Dragon age 2, or Bioware in general, and head the other direction.

    Yes, I'd give the same advice. BioWare obviously tried too hard to be not too “video-gamy”, but it didn’t work very well for them.

    Typical clichés that you would see in most games are:

    1. Super-weapon/ God’s sword/ Magic “solve-all-problems” item - an easy “key” to a victory. I am sorry, but this just gets boring, IMHO.

    2. Random characters… yeah… they just don’t work without a good history behind them.

    3. Paranoiac evil master. Villains play great role in the plot and they should really encourage hero to fight. Another maniac who just wants to rule he world is not really interesting. The best villain that I’ve seen in RPG was Kerghan from Arcanum. Extremely interesting character and in my first play through I have actually joined him.


    I hope this is not too long of a list. :)

    I said it before, and I'll say it again, "anything X company does" is too broad to actually be helpful. The rest of the list, though, is, and definitely something I agree with. Well, 1 and 3, at least, I'm not sure what you mean by Ranom Characters...?

  7. I'm guessing Obsidian will still retain editorial control over those player made NPCs ... and they damned well should.

    I think what Blackstream was getting at is that many people contributing means that there will be that many more unique characters. No matter how creative you are, someone will always come up with something you haven't thought of, which is why brainstorming is so awesome. And each of those people is going to put a LOT more time and thought into that single character then the writers would have time for on their own, focusing (reasonably) on the main cast.

    Thus, the world will be richer. :) Nothing to do with editorial control.


    And... yeah, I hadn't thought of it until Blackstream pointed it out, but that gets me really excited. If only I had thousands of dollars to toss at that. :p


    I'd also like to mention that I'd love some sort of access to modding tools, but I'm not sure how easy it would be, as they're using Unity.

  8. Exalted is my favorite pen and paper game, despite its (many) flaws.

    Mind you, I believe we usually play with house ruling. There's a lot of errata you'll have to look up, and the newer books are just better.


    The game group I play with has a good balance of people who prefer roleplay and people who prefer combat. Newest errata has been added to make perfect defenses less broken, though there's plenty of non-perfect combat charms that make you incredibly hard to kill. Having few hitpoints doesn't make you squishy: having no armor or ability to dodge, on the other hand, does.


    I could go on and on about the setting or about how fun to play is, but one of the things I like best is that the system actually encourages players to become better storytellers.




    They also reward you for making the game more awesome for everyone. You get extra dice (as well as extra motes, xp or wp if you succeed) for "stunting" which is perhaps my favorite system in any tabletop game. By their nature, you can't repeat the same stunt. They can be used to describe how you attack, defend, steal, bribe, talk, anything. Exalted is definitely not all about combat, and when it is, it can also be combat on a massive scale.

    Some examples of stunting:

    1 dice: instead of saying "I block the attack," something, you make it interesting. I.e. "When he lunges at me, I fall back, wrap my legs around him and swing him to the ground."

    2 dice: Similar to the above, only you use the environment. Another benefit of this is that, if something hasn't been described, but fits the setting (i.e. a tapestry in a grand hall) you can bring it to existence by stunting with it. i.e. "I grab the tapestry, run across the wall holding it, then launch myself to swing around him and roundhouse kick him in the back of the head."

    3 dice: the biggest, and hardest to define. It's hard to give an example, but basically, anytime you do something that leaves everyone grinning, laughing, or going "woah," its probably a three dice stunt.


    There's also the whole motivation system. One of the first things you have to fill out, and actually important to the gameplay in several ways, is your characters motivation. Their goal, the thing they would die for, the thing they most want to achieve, and why. And if your an exalt, it has to be Heroic. They don't use Heroic to mean you have to be a nice guy who saves kittens, but you have to dream big. It could be to end slavery or lead the greatest army that has ever walked creation, or to conquer and subjugate the world under your rule. Good or bad doesn't matter, only that its big. Obviously, it should be something that fits your character. But outside of exalted, this is the most important thing to playing a good and consistant character. Kudos to white wolf for making it part of the system.


    (I'd also like to note, that with the exception of Sidereals, who are all about messing fate, Exalts aren't awesome because they're the chosen ones. They become chosen because they're already awesome. Playing through original exaltation is actually my personal favorite way to play.)


    Oh man, do I have some amazing exalted stories, and so much love for the game. But I shall hold myself back, at least for now. :p Hopefully, I haven't rambled too much already.

  9. Assuming this game is to genuinely give input to the devs, maybe we should add a few more rules, to cut out things that aren't actually helpful.

    Yeah, I'm about to start by giving feedback in what not to do in the thread first. Sue me. :p


    E.g. "Nothing that X game does." Games have a variety of mechanics, many (such as dialogue trees, and combat) Eternity will (hopefully) have. If you didn't like a game, try to think about why, as specifically as possible, and list that. Some people have already done that well, such as specifying they didn't like how black and white choices were in mass effect. More like that.


    Nothing that starts with "Bad." I.e. "Bad voice acting." I don't imagine anyone, anywhere, ever went "You know what we need? We need to make sure that this part of our game is just CRAP." Give the devs some credit, they want the game to be as good as possible, and I don't imagine anything will be intentionally bad. Saying "Don't make it bad" isn't helpful. Need to be specific to be helpful.


    Anything that has already been confirmed/denied in the game. I think this also includes things that fall under hardcore modes and whatnot.


    Not that you have to listen to any of this, but I think we all just want to help, ne?




    (On the comment on big numbers, sad thing is, there are a lot of people like that. Want to know something crazier? In the facebook demographic, people are actually drawn more to titles with "ville" in the name. Zynga noticed this trend, reskinned an older non-ville game and changed the name, and the numbers went up. People are weird.)

    I don't feel the need for big numbers. But I also wouldn't care if they were. Large or small arbitrary numbers don't really affect the game at all for me.

  10. I think that could make for a really cool game. Not this game, but a fun one to play.


    In a less brief explanation, a game like that, the game mechanics would probably change, as the manipulation and rise to power would become one of the core concepts, and mechanics would have to be created to support it. If they weren't, it would feel tacked on and weak. If they were, it'd lead to a game with a completely different feel.

    I would like to play that game someday, but I don't think that's what project eternity is. ;)

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  11. I love playing bard, though every game seems to have a different idea of what bards do. Personally, I tend to like ones that actually involve singing, not "thief that carries a lute." (How did Bard become synonymous with Thief, anyway? I blame the fact that both were the skillmonkeys in D&D...)


    The idea of a stealthy mage sounds awesome. Yes, its been done, but its not frequent, and its a cool combo.


    I do like classes that summon things, too. Often times those things are necromancers and demons, (with the exception of final fantasy). Having a summoning class would be sweet. Especially if it was like an old school FF where you had to beat the crap out of a summon and win it. (Is that a thing still? I haven't played FF series for a while.) And since the game has an emphasis on both a non combat and combat way through things, not having many (or any) strong attacks of your own wouldn't be as big a flaw.


    A priest class with a focus on doing things like the blessing a graveyard to stop mobs from spawning like they mentioned in the noncombat skills update would also be pretty sweet. (Holy crap! Priests doing priest things! More of that, please!)




    (Personally, I do like games without classes, but as this is not one of them, better to debate about what classes are interesting. (Though the idea of making them less restrictive is cool, it might also be more difficult to impliment.)




    Having some sort of summoner/blue mage inspired thing where you kill special mobs to take certain powers from them would also be pretty awesome. Especially if it meant taking some sort of "war form" made from it. Even if it were only an animal. I think I might just like shapeshifting though :p

  12. My first instinct was to click every option but the first. I held back. A little.

    The "standard races" that you see in every single game have grown more boring for me. Sure, I might role one and go through it, but I'd have a lot of fun trying something new... even if it was putting a new twist on something old, culturally and visually.


    On the matter of those alien designs, some are awesome, but as someone mentioned before, they mean a ton more work for the developers, as they'd have to do all the outfit designs again to make it work. Not exactly ideal. (That's why Swtor has such humanoid races. They'd have to remodel, rerig, and reanimate a TON to make something too different, and they already have the optional variety in body types... which I loved, btw. More games need options to change bodies, not just faces.) But that's getting into character customization, which is another topic entirely. >> <<;


    Merfolk, for example, you don't see as PCs often. Vampires you don't either, except for specifically vampire oriented games.

    Beastmen, Demons, Bulls, and even Insectoids tend to be more common. (Though the perception of Bulls and Insectoids is possibly slightly biased from having just tried Legend of Grimrock. :p)

    I'm a little confused as to why "Bearmen" is sepparate from the more general 'animal people.'


    I would love to see some nymphs/dryads/other nature spirits. I cannot remember a game where they're a potential player race. (Though, given my memory, I suppose it isn't saying much.)


    Werefolk who had a special shapeshift ability would be amazing, but sadly, I doubt they'd be doable. :(


    In the end, though, whatever's chosen, it'll be awesome. :)

  13. I just joined the forums (felt after funding, I should start putting my input in.) It's a little disappointing that there won't be multiplayer (I had fun playing Baldur's Gate with my boyfriend. I like bonding over games. :p) But I still think the game is going to be amazing.

    What surprises me is how vehemently opposed most people are. Why all the hate?




    "Single-player gaming is our focus"


    You get a straight dev answer as to why it's a bad idea for an SP game and then a published interview saying explicitly that it's a complication that adds no content value, ergo Obsidian isn't doing it (Tim Cain interview).


    People who really want MP should start harrassing other game firms to make one, maybe on KS. PE isn't it.


    P.S.: By Null's post, if we're talking about a totally tacked-on crappy MP module created after SP development, sure. OP here however wants MP at the expense of SP--MP was absolutely not the best quality of the IE games (I'm sure he never played PS:T), I mean, really?

    I definitely wouldn't want to focus on MP at the expense of SP. SP is clearly what this game is about, and in Baldurs Gate, it definitely felt tacked on: basically, going through the game with a PC party member instead of an NPC one. Which was perfectly fine to me. First and foremost, I like a good and immersive story, and that's why I'm excited about this game.

    Either way, I do understand it isn't happening, and I actually am glad they know what would be too much for them. They're chosing the integrity of their vision, and kudos to them. The part that confuses me, as I said, is how aggressive some people are in their response. See below.


    man when will you multiplayer people go away, this isn't your steam co op hurp achievement LOL omg type of game, this game is designed for a different type of nerd, nerds that don't play xbox with bros in frat parties, we are guys that are lone wolfes just keep to ourselves, many of us dont even have friends and hate people

    See, this, this is exactly the type of hate I don't understand. Especially considering that the RPGs evolved out of a very social activity, even if its one that's most commonly played by geeky outcast types. When this comes out, half my tabletop gaming group will probably play it. Most of them have already played all the obsidian games already.

    It's one thing to say "I'm not interested." Obviously not everyone is, (and it sounds as if its not getting implimented.)

    It's another thing to call people who like it 'xbox bros in frat parties' and tell them to 'go away.'

    The more so because... we're all funding this. People going away, even people who disagree with you, is bad for everyone!



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  14. Why the heck not? :p I just upped my pledge by $8. (I keep eyeing that signed hard cover art book, but I really, really can't afford it. What I chose is already probably more than I should...) How do we verify? I used my hotmail instead of gmail account when signing up on kickstarter. (Or, rather, my gmail instead of hotmail when I was signing up here.)


    Also, if its not taken (that list is huge, I only scanned it. ^^;) Can I be Exalted of the Obsidian Order? (No way I can't reference my favorite Tbrpg of all time... >:3)

  15. I just joined the forums (felt after funding, I should start putting my input in.) It's a little disappointing that there won't be multiplayer (I had fun playing Baldur's Gate with my boyfriend. I like bonding over games. :p) But I still think the game is going to be amazing.

    What surprises me is how vehemently opposed most people are. Why all the hate?

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