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Posts posted by eselle28

  1. Ah yes, the ole "one last thing" and "Ill say the same things but backwards!". :facepalm:


    All opinions are welcome, whether others agree or not, as long as they are within the forum rules. We ask that posters try to get along and if a topic becomes too charged for you participate in a civilized manner, then to step away and/or use the tools at your disposal to fix the problem. :yes:


    So that's where you step in and what matters to you, after all the many offensive things that have been said. Okay then.

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    Everybody goes on side rants every now and then, and those side-rants don't get any real attention. This subject matter doesn't really deserve any special treatment; the reason I went on that rant was simply to bring out another viewpoint for a person in a relationship, I thought the viewpoint might be useful so I shared it. And I don't make observations about how life should be, I don't think any mortal can really claim that sort of wisdom, I make observations on how things *are*. I have noticed a trend that women tend to be happier in feminine roles and women who seek to fill a masculine role tend to become nervous wrecks, it is an observation. I'm not saying that *all* women should *always* take on feminine roles *or else*, and I think assuming that is quite ludicrous. I seriously hope I don't come of as someone stupid enough to think in black and white. Nevertheless it is a trend worth noticing. But I'm going off rails again so let's leave it at that.


    And if I'm completely honest, I wouldn't mind hearing people rant a bit more, I've found that people bring out their most interesting ideas and thought patterns during those rants, and I would never judge someone for slipping out a rant every now and then, as long as it is made in good enough taste of course. Listening to someone's rants gives me insight into how their mind works, which lets me better device a communication strategy that will lead to a more productive and efficient exchange of ideas, so while everything is best done in moderation, don't be afraid of slipping out a little rant every now and then. At least you don't have to worry about that with me, even if the rant is slightly off-topic.



    Everyone does go on side rants from time to time! But sometimes people let them go when they see others aren't enjoying them! And the next time I read observations on how things *are* I suspect I will annotate them with my stories of men who beg for cuckolding and strapons. I'm not saying that *all* men should *always* take on submissive roles *or else*, and I think assuming that is quite ludicrous. I seriously hope I don't come of as someone stupid enough to think in black and white. Nevertheless it is a trend worth noticing. But I'm going off rails again so let's leave it at that.

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    I must have missed them, being occupied responding to these blatant attacks on my character so I hope you can forgive me that. It is not my intention to dismiss valid points or respectable criticism, but I am only a human and I can't always notice everything. As you can see I've been dealing with a lot of volume.


    The one point you made on this page is about me talking about gender roles; what I have attempted to do is to explain the certain natural expectations people have when dealing with female characters, and the disconnect between what is presented by a game and the player's understanding of reality erodes the sense of immersion. I went into details about gender roles so that I could make specific points about games, such as it being important that the strong warrior woman is represented as an exception rather than the norm. Pallegina is a perfect example of this; her character design respects reality and thus she is one of the most engaging characters in the game. Our notions of reality are deeply interconnected with our ability to immerse into a piece of fiction, and since the disconnection people feel with the game causing them to not even finish it is a very strong theme on this thread, everything related to that is highly relevant. Gender roles obviously are only a small part of this, but it got blown out of proportions due to all this drama.


    Again, I hope you forgive me for not noticing your arguments and giving them attention earlier. If I still missed something, feel free to remake your case. This subject matter interests me a lot and I'll be happy to discuss it.


    Through the wonders of the internet, they are easily found by scrolling back to the last page. For easy identification, look for the picture of the cat!


    As I have mentioned before, my primary objection is to your "aside" earlier. I am not particularly enamored of your views of gender and gaming, but I think you have some reasonable and well-made points. I do think that some of them might be better condensed in a thread on that particular subject rather than spread out, but it's not a strong objection. The point where it became a problem with me was where you decided to devote a long paragraph to your views on what makes women who aren't video game characters happy. It's off topic. It's anecdotal. It's completely unnecessary to make any of your gaming related points. Every culture that's existed has had practices that weren't particularly conducive toward happiness. I don't think it would impede you from making any gaming-related arguments to leave observations about the way you think life should be lead in reality in 2017 to the side, or to the parts of the forum specifically dedicated to those discussions. I do it, and I think everyone here is the happier for not hearing my Daylight Saving Time rants.

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    After some time into the game if we get recognition/respect, some quest giver NPCs should come to our ship rather than we go where they are to discover a quest, And we deal with them in our captain's cabin, behind the table, leaning back.


    Since this would be similar to the audiences in Caed Nua (anyone else think sitting in the steward's lap was kinda weird?), I'd wager we have a good chance for this - could be really cool.



    How about an "intercept a plague ship" mission? I know, I know, this plays on Space Hulk / Dracula / Armageddon tropes, but it could make for a nice horror themed story.



    Yep, I loved the added stuff to Caed Nua.


    Plague ship could be a good way to enter the "big city" for the first time; having intercepted the ship and BURNED IT WITH FIRE, we could enter the city as a hero(with some enemies related to the burnt ship)...or quarter of the docks district dead cos of us not doing anything or being unsuccessful in out attempt :p



    I like that...and maybe to make it complicated, if you do BURN IT WITH FIRE, you get to run into a couple people who would have loved to have one of the passengers stagger to shore, plague and all. Maybe the ship carried a spy bearing a secret? A father of a small child who doesn't understand? Just a bunch of peasants whose illness would have cleared out the slums a merchant wanted to buy cheaply?

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    I am not responsible for your irritation, and you do not have the right to determine what I can and cannot speak about just because some lines of thinking lead me to subjects you don't like. You being irritated is your own personal problem and doesn't give you any special powers to not treat others with respect. I'm not the one who keeps bringing this topic up again and again and again. If you don't wish to derail this thread further, then don't keep responding to non-topic issues. Being irritated is not a valid reason for bad behavior, and an adult person must recognize this. If you disagree with something I say, then do so in a respectable manner and share with me your reasoning. If you're afraid that your questions and arguments would generate drama and wish to avoid that, and you're truly interested in discussing it, then I'll be happy to exchange ideas via private messages.


    Being irritated is not a valid reason for bad behavior.



    How on earth am I behaving badly or treating others disrespectfully? I've merely criticized your behavior in polite language, as you've criticized others'. I've responded to an ongoing series of posts, as you have. I don't think disengagement here is necessary, but if you believe that it is, shouldn't it be you who ceases to respond?


    I am not interested in PMing you or anyone else on this forum.



    I wasn't referring to you specifically, perhaps I didn't clarify that well enough, but if you're not interested in having a discussion then don't keep talking. If me or my views are attacked and disputed, I am within my rights to defend them and I *will* respond.



    But why won't you respond to me specifically, rather than only engaging with people who are speaking in inflammatory ways and then complaining about them being inflammatory? I've set forth my criticisms of your behavior. (I don't know anything about you personally, and the substance of your views on non-fictional life are of no interest to me, as my standpoint is that it's irrelevant unless tightly tied to gaming concerns).


    It's fine enough to reserve the right to defend yourself, but if you do, it's a bit hypocritical to try to hush up the opposition by shooing them to non-responses and PMs.


    I am not responsible for your irritation, and you do not have the right to determine what I can and cannot speak about just because some lines of thinking lead me to subjects you don't like. You being irritated is your own personal problem and doesn't give you any special powers to not treat others with respect. I'm not the one who keeps bringing this topic up again and again and again. If you don't wish to derail this thread further, then don't keep responding to non-topic issues. Being irritated is not a valid reason for bad behavior, and an adult person must recognize this. If you disagree with something I say, then do so in a respectable manner and share with me your reasoning. If you're afraid that your questions and arguments would generate drama and wish to avoid that, and you're truly interested in discussing it, then I'll be happy to exchange ideas via private messages.


    Being irritated is not a valid reason for bad behavior.



    How on earth am I behaving badly or treating others disrespectfully? I've merely criticized your behavior in polite language, as you've criticized others'. I've responded to an ongoing series of posts, as you have. I don't think disengagement here is necessary, but if you believe that it is, shouldn't it be you who ceases to respond?


    I am not interested in PMing you or anyone else on this forum.

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    So, what about the bits of this that aren't a personal spat between the two of you? Katarack isn't the only one who's been irritated by your posting.


    Personally, I think it's one thing to post about gender and gaming. I'd much prefer it be in its own thread, rather than half the threads on the board, but gender and gaming at least has to do with games. When you start with asides about the place of men and women in modern, real life society, it veers far from the subject matter most people are here to discuss. I suspect it's fine by you if it's only you doing it and expressing your own views. Would you really want to frequent a gaming forum where dozens of other commenters were constantly sharing anecdotes about their friends in support of various social and political views, sidetracking conversations about mechanics and storylines, if the sidetracking views were ones in opposition to your own?


    Some of this seems more appropriate to another section of the forum, and some of the rest of it seems like it might be best if you started your own thread about it, where people who were interested in the topic could engage with it there.

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    The above

    Come now, you could make your point somewhat more dispassionately :).

    Can I give it a shot? I come here to talk about the game, not to read strangers' opinions about what career, relationship, and childbearing choices make people of my general group happy. Posts about gender and stats are at least somewhat relevant to the game. Several long digressions have not been, seem terribly out of place, and probably shut some people out of the conversation rather than advancing it.

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    I guess i'm in the minority but i like time limits and always thought it is severely underused especially in games with resting mechanics. Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 had quests with time limits, which worked out well. I like time limits since it is a "hard" resource which you can't bypass and actually forces you to adapt. I am not arguing for time limits in Pillars since i don't think they would enhance the game as it is and resource management is only a very minor aspect of the game.

    Time limits are the enemy of exploration. It just takes away an important element of the game, as I always feel like I have to blow through the plot without looking around. FO1 felt like that -- I couldn't just go randomly off somewhere, but had to constantly stay on mission. For me that ruined the experience, so I prefer to play it with the mod version that eliminates the time limit.


    They could add time limits as a game option, with a default of off, but then they would need to include failure consequences.



    Time limits are also pretty brutal for gamers who aren't able to finish their first time through the game in a weeklong binge. I know it's more realistic when a character has to be on their toes at all times, but that does meet up with the reality of human gamers who have exams or business trips or sick kids.


    I don't mind time limits for a side quest or two, if they're explicit, but for the main path that's just punishing - especially since it wouldn't be clear how many saves back a player would need to go.





    It also doesn't seem like a realistic budget for designing and testing both the arena and a matchmaking system for players.



    Yeah, budgeting for MP requires you to get into the funny money range.



    I won't even pretend to know the tech requirements and so on of multiplayer, but but it seems like the amount of money being quoted couldn't even pay for an adequate team. Obsidian doesn't do multiplayer, so they'd need to hire people with experience in that. A quarter of a million dollars sounds like a ton of money, but once you divide that by a reasonable salary, that translates into a handful of people. That doesn't sound sufficient for a major, complicated feature.

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    Right now PoE I has good ballance. Any character is able to complete it solo and that's a sign. MP / Duel ballance should not be significative for the storyline, it should be just for fun.


    I have never seen that work. If a game includes a feature, even an incredibly minor and cosmetic one, there will be at least some players who expect it to be done well. If it's a popular feature - one that's used enough that there will actually be someone online for you to play against - there will be a lot of players who expect it to be done well.


    The fact that all the classes can complete the game solo does not mean they'd be balanced in individual pairings against other players. PvE play is fundamentally different in that developers can control the strength, numbers, and composition of enemies to give all classes a chance to show their strong points. In PvP, you have only the classes the game provides, playing against you one on one or in groups of equal numbers.

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  12. You can't just make an arena mode and set it off to the side. The minute there is one, people will start complaining that priests are OP and that barbarians don't stand a chance, and there will be calls for patches to address a problem that didn't exist or was fairly minor before the arena was introduced.


    Developers already get plenty of flack for things like making a stronghold that's not fleshed out or interesting enough, and that didn't even come with the frustrations of competitive play. If people are actually losing battles because of class design, they'll want that to be fixed, and will have a right to. The problem with that is that it will inevitably intersect with the single player experience and result in mechanical changes for characters that will never step into the arena.


    There are a ton of great multiplayer and PvP games out there. I enjoy some of them, but I find it refreshing to play a game that concentrates on the single player experience.

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  13. I guess I saw the firewood as a "you can make this choice, but there's going to be a cost" mechanic. In POE's case, the cost was a couple of minutes spent in load screens to go back to an inn or find some firewood. Personally, I'd rather have that cost than a debuff. Tastes may vary, of course.


    I don't have a problem with unlimited resting, either, at least not in this style of a game. Achievements can be available for those who want to be encouraged not to rest much. For that matter, I have no problem scrapping rest altogether.

  14. Will it grow to AAA franchise levels? No. The game design itself works against that. POE is offering a style of gaming that some people clearly enjoy very much, but that's decidedly out of the mainstream. The first Witcher game's look and play style were a lot closer to the things that the average gamer liked and was familiar with.


    Can it grow to attract a greater percentage of gamers who are interested in indie games? Yes, especially if the games continue to get good reviews. There are plenty of PC gamers who haven't tried POE, and I think that's where the growth potential is.

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  15. I actively do not want there to be PvP in Deadfire or other Pillars of Eternity games. It inevitably leads to complaints about unbalanced classes, which leads to class balancing, which often leads to boring sameness.


    As for coop play, I wouldn't object to it (but also wouldn't engage in it) if Deadfire had a huge budget and could do everything its players wanted. As it is, the developers are working with limited funds, and adding coop play would take a huge investment of resources. I could see there being a place for a coop-focused title in the Pillars of Eternity universe if there's demand for such a thing, though.


    As for what can be done when the game is finished, I don't think there always has to be something. I think there's plenty of room in the world for games that say that when you've seen everything the game has to show you, it's time to step away from that series for a little while, play other games or do other things, and return to the universe when the sequel comes out.

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    Am I the only one who plays PoE because it's a good game and I enjoy it, and not because it's similar to a game I played 20 years ago?


    I play it because it's a good game and I enjoy it, but I paid attention to its Kickstarter because it's in the same gaming genre as a number of games I played 20 years ago and I felt quite sure that it would be a good game and I'd enjoy it.


    I have some friends who are enough younger that KOTOR was their first RPG, and while we enjoy a lot of the same AAA titles, they found the concept of POE to be pretty far from any of their gaming reference points. It had nothing to do with perceived complexity or time commitment. Given how many games there are available and people's limited budgets and schedules, it's a bit of a leap of faith for people to get invested in a game that's both unfamiliar and a bit niche. I wouldn't be surprised if the average POE and Deadfire backer is a bit older than the average gamer, who as others have pointed out, is already quite a bit older than the outdated assumption of a teenage boy.


    On the other hand, one of those same people later bought the game after spending some time tablet gaming and getting used to the 2D look. I think that bodes well for the series in the future, especially if Deadfire's reviews end up being as positive as POE's.

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  17. The first time I played, I got myself into the same pickle you did with a certain quest, especially because I'd been working on my keep at the same time. I still ended the game with far more money than I knew what to do with - enough that I'd almost consider it a small flaw in the game that it doesn't require any real resource management toward the end.

  18. I thought Twin Elms had lots of good ideas, particularly that last thing you mentioned. I think the gating was part of my problem. I was ready to be finished, and the game had signaled to me that it was winding up, and then on the other side of the gate were a bunch of quests. Twin Elms struck me as something that would have shone in an expansion, especially with a new companion.

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  19. Oh, I thought that was just me who got tired in Twin Elms. I'm fond of making new characters, and when I got to Twin Elms with my chanter, I stopped and made a druid...and a wizard...and a cipher and messed around at the low levels of the game for a bit. Then I took a break from the game, came back to it later, finished, and replayed a couple more times.


    I think that it kind of shows that Twin Elms is a stretch goal, and that interferes with pacing and momentum. At that point, I was ready to be done with the game, and the new crop of side quests weren't that tempting. I don't think being forced to keep my own quest log would have helped. There just wasn't enough time for the area to be engaging without making the game much longer. I would have preferred to get on with the final quests at that point, which wouldn't have truly needed a new city.


    I'm glad that particular cities weren't stretch goals this time. If the narrative requires it, I'll welcome one. If it doesn't, I'd rather they save the idea for an expansion or another game. I think Obsidian has a firmer idea what they want to do this time and hasn't locked themselves into as much promised content, do I'm expecting Deadfire will be more cohesive (which certainly doesn't mean POE was bad - I love the game).

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