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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. 1 hour ago, Sarex said:

    NATO is bat**** crazy. They flew a eurofighter or some similar variant under a Serbian passenger plane near the Russia/Latvia border. The Russian asked the Serbian pilot to id the aircraft below it, after which the NATO fighter withdrew. Just in case anyone here wants to think there are actually any good guys in this whole mess... The **** they are willing the orchestrate to suit their needs...

    Isn't that normal in Baltic sea area, both Russian and Nato military planes are constantly flying close by of civilian planes and violating air spaces of countries where they don't have authorization of flying. And they also often fly their transponders turned off so that civilian planes have hard time to detect them.

    Such has been norm in that area over 20 years now.

  2. 8 hours ago, ComradeYellow said:

    *cough* This kind of rhetoric is similar to that of the Nazi's after the Winter War, hindsight is 20/20 but at the time the Germans were so confident that the Russian army was weak and inept after Winter War that it was the underlying motive to launch Barbarossa the way they did.

    Just because Russians have a history of inept invasions doesn't mean they can't defend themselves if attacked ;) 

    Finland almost added 50% to territory in beginning of Continuation War. But mainly Finnish forces stopped to Finnish borders before 1939.

    One of main reason why Finland didn't continue to Leningrad and didn't destroy railways that supplied sieged Leningrad was that UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand declared war to Finland and USA started to supply USSR and threatened to declare war to Finland if Finland doesn't stop it attack against USSR. Which lead to Finland to move defend its territory.

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  3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/02/ukrainian-children-used-as-human-shields-near-kyiv-say-witness-reports

    Ukraine accuses Russian using very terrorist like tactics


    Ukraine’s attorney general is gathering a dossier of claims about the Russian use of local children to avoid fire when in retreat from around Ukraine’s capital and elsewhere.

    Coaches of children were said to have been placed in front of tanks in the village of Novyi Bykiv, close to the encircled city of Chernihiv, 100 miles north of Kyiv.

    It was further alleged that children had been taken as hostages in a number of conflict hot spots around the country to ensure locals would not give the coordinates of the enemy’s movements to the Ukrainian forces.

    “Cases of using children as cover are recorded in Sumy, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia oblasts [regions],” said Lyudmila Denisova, Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman.

    Colonel Oleksandr Motuzyanyk, spokesman for Ukraine’s ministry of defence, said the cases were being investigated by the country’s attorney general, but he was unable to provide further details. He said: “Enemies have been using Ukrainian children as a living shield when moving their convoys, moving their vehicles.


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  4. 15 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    Hmm, i thought it was, they buy RUB at the bank and pay with them. Flow is similar but the FX risk is at a different party. 

    Scheme is that buyers pay to Gazprombank , which then exchanges euros/dollars to rubles and puts them for buyer's ruble account where the payment is forwarder to seller (so usually Gazprom). Idea is that because contract prices are in euros/dollars, then if rubles value crashes during payment process which can take over week, buyers need to pay more.

    EDIT: which is probably unacceptable for Germany and France at least, so there is quite big possibility that they stop buying gas from Russia tomorrow.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Malcador said:

    It is funny how everything they say remains gospel 😛


    Ah ok, was searching at 0100 without my glasses for the Russian equivalent of the B61 but nothing came to mind.

    At least Kh-15, Kh-55 and Kh-59 are lighter Soviet/Russian air to surface missiles that have tactical nuclear warhead version

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  6. 3 hours ago, xzar_monty said:

    While I have zero sympathy for the Russian side in this war and believe in nothing it says, it is also true that this particular cruelty has been a part of nearly every war, whenever it's been possible. This strategy is very, very old.

    You should read how it was quite different level on Soviet army

  7. Russian are reportedly using Soviet era strategy against civilian women




    1 hour ago, Malcador said:

    Was that confirmed? Article I saw earlier said Swedish military hadn't yet.  - https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/uppgifter-ryska-planen-var-karnvapenbestyckade

    Granted, had to rely on translation site.  Honestly surprised an Su-24 would be kitted out with a nuclear weapon.

    It is designed to carry nuclear weapons during war time



    Perhaps more important to students of the Cold War was the Su-24s clearance to field tactical nuclear-tipped bombs if required. Droptanks can take up the inner underwing weapon stations. Self-defense was handled by a up to four of AA-8 "Aphid" or (later) AA-11 "Archer" air-to-air missiles.


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  8. 3 hours ago, BruceVC said:


    So in SA we have student university funding scheme called NASFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) and students get about R1400\month 

    In 2017 one student was accidently paid R14 million instead of R1400 she went on a greedy spending spree and spent R800K 

    She was charged for theft and today jailed for 5 years. I wonder if anyone thinks that sentence is too harsh considering the money was accidently paid into her account. Of course she shouldnt have spent anything and immediately let NASFS know about the mistake  but 5 years in jail....I would have thought a suspended sentence is more applicable?

    Do you know what were sentences in this case?


  9. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/03/30/refusing-to-kill-people-isn-t-a-crime


    — When and under what conditions were your clients fired?

    — On February 25, [Rosgvardia, the Russian National Guard] was getting ready to send my clients to Ukrainian territory, but they refused to leave Crimea. A review was initiated. On March 1, they received contract termination orders due to their failure to carry out orders. They thought about it and decided to go through the courts to get their employment reinstated. 12 people have reached out to us so far, but a lot more have been fired.

    — Are there legal grounds for reinstatement? To what degree were they required to take part in the “special military operation?”

    — If there was an armed conflict, an emergency situation, or martial law, the terms of the contract could be changed without their consent for six months. But we don’t have an armed conflict or a war, it’s just an “special military operation.” The law doesn’t say anything about that. You can go there [as a Rosgvardia officer], but only if you agree to it.

    — Beautiful.

    — The authorities themselves refuse to call it an armed conflict. Whatever category you choose, that’s what you’ll get. That means everyone who goes there must agree — there’s no point threatening them. And if it is a military conflict, another question immediately arises: who started it? Oops. And nobody wants to answer this question, since there’s a completely different qualification of the actions [in the Russian Criminal Code] — and I don’t mean the soldiers’ actions. That’s why they won’t recognize what’s happening as an armed conflict.


    [in the Russian Criminal Code]

    What do you mean?
    Article 353 of the Russian Criminal Code establishes criminal liability for the "planning, preparation, and launching of an aggressive war," punishable by up to 20 years in prison. "Oops" is right.

    Although I am not sure if even Russian own laws matter in this case

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  10. 1 hour ago, Zoraptor said:

    There's also the dichotomy of propaganda pretty obviously at work.

    1) Russia is running out of arms and supplies.

    2) Russia also has so much of both that they can be wasted deliberately targeting puppy orphanages and juice fountains for disabled old people rather than military targets.

    These both can be true

    Russian soldiers in front line may have running out of arms and supplies where they have plenty missiles and artillery shells 

  11. 17 minutes ago, pmp10 said:

    Yes, but these areas are being actively defended.
    And let's be honest - Russians are capable of much worse than they have done so far. 

    But it is vain claim you are trying to avoid civilian casualties if you use indirect fire against city full of civilians even if there are troops that defending it against your invading troops. 

    Ability to do more damage against civilians doesn't mean that you are trying to avoid civilian casualties. I mean nuclear powers could always claim that they avoid civilian casualties even when they carpet bomb cities with fire bomb because they didn't use nukes.

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  12. 4 minutes ago, Malcador said:

    Concentrating on those regions doesn't exclude hitting military targets elsewhere.

    But they didn't shoot military targets. As they shot oil refinery and communication tower, they are strategically important targets in case Russia wants to continue their invasion, but they would not be important targets if they actually wanted just to 'liberate' Donbas

  13. 45 minutes ago, Malcador said:

    This missile attack in Lviv is a big deal, for some reason.

    Considering that Lviv is 1200 km away from Donetsk, it shows that Russia declaration that they will concentrate to liberation of Donbas does not really mean anything  


    5 minutes ago, ComradeYellow said:

    Here we go again with the moral high ground "exceptional" ****

    Daily reminder

      Reveal hidden contents


    "The World"

    EDIT: Also reminder, Russia is trying to avoid civilian casualties, which could explain the apparent lack significant breakthroughs lately

    That is lie considering that they use artillery and missiles against residential areas in cities that they are sieging .


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  14. 16 minutes ago, Lexx said:

    Smart. I wonder if this will work out.

    For short term it may help prevent ruble from crashing, but it means that Russia loses it main source of foreign currency, which would mean that their economy has higher risk to crash if they in any point lose their energy export. 

    It also increase volatility of their foreign trade as they have less foreign currency to use in case ruble's value drops in some point.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, BruceVC said:

    But Elerond whats your personal opinion? Should Russia be charged with war crimes ?

    Everyone who commits war crimes should be charged of crimes they have committed, but sad reality is that currently only losers of wars involving small nations are ones that face such charges. And even with them most of crimes go without charges or even investigations.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Zoraptor said:

    lol moment, India won't be sanctioned for buying Russian oil. Hot on the heels of Saudi moving to accept Yuan, it also won't be paid via dollars. Guess they've finally worked out that the Oprah Gift approach to sanctions is, well, monumentally stupid.

    Why would India be sanctioned when Russian oil is not target of sanctions? US just does not buy it anymore.

    Saudi Arabia and China have had talks about yuan trade now for 6 years  (talks started in 2016).

    Even though Saudis aren't happy with US, main driver behind their talks with China come economic factors

    US imports of Saudi oil has decreased to fourth what it was thirty years ago (from 2 million barrels per day to 500k barrels per day).  China buy now about 1.76 million barrels Saudi oil per day (25% of all exported oil from SA). China, Japan, South Korea and India buy 65% of SA's oil, which means that dollar trade causes unnecessary overhead in the trades, but Saudis have so far preferred dollar because they have imported so much stuff from USA, but now most of their imports come from China, which makes yuan more attractive, even though they aren't as good as dollars to trade with other countries and it is more volatile than dollar which could cause economic issues for SA.

    Saudis are also aware that majority of European and US car manufactures are looking to stop manufacturing petrol/diesel cars in next 10-15 years, so predictions says that demand for oil is decreasing in US and Europe, so it does not look like that they will found new demand for their oil in Europe and US, so they have already started to look other markets for their oil. 

    Saudis also would like China to stop supporting Iran, so they are also using switch to yuans as negotiation tool with China to ensure that Iran will face trade problems even if they are able to come some deal with US and EU.

    Now Saudi Arabia would probably like to prevent Russian oil from Indian markets as they currently together with Iraq India's biggest suppliers where Russian share of Indian oil markets is currently ~2%.

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  17. 13 minutes ago, 213374U said:

    Is it? It's basically going back to the status quo pre-2014 -- minus Crimea, which there's no way in hell they are getting back anyway. If Russia is offering those terms, there might be something to the reports that they are significantly depleted and would struggle to sustain combat operations long enough to fully de-militarize Ukraine, remove Zelenskyy and forcefully secede the Donbass. However what alternative is there? NATO isn't getting involved and I don't see any possible scenario where Ukraine wins this.

    There is also this  "The biggest sticking point remains Russia’s demand that Ukraine recognise its 2014 annexation of Crimea and the independence of two separatist statelets in the eastern Donbas border region."


    Which means that Ukraine needs to give up three of it ten biggest cities Mariupol, Luhansk and Donetsk 


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