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Posts posted by Grimlorn

  1. I guess I can agree prophesies and destinies are stupid.


    But you're not going to be some average joe killing monsters and saving the world. That just sounds retarded.


    I do think it would be kind of cool if there was a prophecy for the main villain to destroy the world or succeed at whatever goal he had and it was shoved in your face throughout the game that you can't stop him.

  2. Not the validity of the theory but how impressive/important it is.

    I guess I can agree with this. Bioware proved that you could throw out all consistency with the plot/story and create a terrible ending that makes no sense, and their fans will still buy it and defend them. There's a difference between looking a bit deeper at something, which I think is fine, and creating something just as crazy to try and justify your faith in them. Sometimes a turd is just a turd and Bioware isn't infallible. They're crappy writers and ME3 and DA2 have proved it.
  3. Lol Grimlorn, disregarding my own feelings on the theory, I don't think that the accuracy of it is what is so incredible but the fact that the series allowed for such an interpretation to begin with and that the fans worked so hard to look at a video game beyond what was presented to them at face value. That is not something that happens very often with games (are there other examples of such a widespread theory for a game?) but you see it a LOT with literature and film and even TV. Not every analysis of The Sopranos' ending can be correct, for example, but the argument over it is what makes it brilliant (and this will make it sound like I'm calling the ME3 ending brilliant so... I'll stop there).

    I don't consider this a strength to be honest. I didn't watch them but I certainly saw the links to the hour and half indoctrination theory videos on youtube. That kind of denial comes off as bordering on mental illness, because their fans are so zealous they would create an alternate interpretation of the ending to a video game. Being widespread doesn't really justify it.
  4. As to the second part of the above quote, this may take another separate thread to cover and it is a hot topic, but I feel that Bioware is entirely offensive in how they handle various sexual orientations in their games. Its pandering and, as I posted above, reduces these characters to little more than objects defined by their sexuality.


    I just can't agree with this at all, I guess. I have never understood the Anders... controversy, I guess. I don't see what people dislike about having the freedom to pursue whom you want, especially when all romanceable characters are objects defined by their sexuality; at least I get to choose which one I want regardless of my sexual orientation? There is nothing more frustrating than finding out that a developer had no desire to implement something so harmless and engaging for a large minority of players.


    Bioware's community is frightening and immature. Have you seen BSN in the last few years?


    Lol, I have! A lot of them are very... eager to a fault, sure, but the passion that they display in certain areas leads to things that really fascinate rather than repel me. For all of the whining and the obsessive demands, there's also an Indoctrination Theory to show how deep they can go as well. There are places to go on that forum to have discussions that are as thought provoking and interesting as the ones here, IMO.

    Indoctrination theory was just pure denial about how Bioware could end ME3 so ****ty and nonsensically. It actually shows how deep their fandom goes to the point where they will make up nonsensical things to justify the crap Bioware gave them. Nothing makes sense, Bioware must have indoctrinated the player. You see this kind of denial and faith in religions.
    • Like 3
  5. The key to understanding the romance crowd.




    Here's a sane person who doesn't like how romances have become the center of Bioware's games in recent years.


    I've been away from these boards for a few years, and I can hardly believe my eyes now that I'm back. It seems at least a third of all game threads are in some way related to the romance options in the game. I can't believe that this is what RPGs have come to focus on.


    Remember BG2? That was done in a good way, the romance was there as something in the background; adding a little bit to the story of the Bhaalspawn, if you will. But the way it was done in DA2 and the way it is focused on in "Things you want for Dragon Age 3"-threads is staggering.


    Please, focus on the core gameplay mechanics and create a good RPG instead of spending a lot of resources on what in my opinion should just be secondary content.


    I have a feeling that a lot of you may disagree with me, but it just feels like there are many other areas where resources would be better spent.


    Here are their responses to him.

    it's BSN. Didn't you know the only thing people care about is who they can ****?
    I still want my Cullypie.heart.png
    No thank you, romances are part of why I got hooked to DA
    People want romances because Bioware is good at doing romances.
    what happend op did you're LI dump you for a phew gigga bites?
    op Looks like you would be happier playing a game like Skyrim. something i wont waste time or money on because of the shoddy way they handled romances.
    I want more romance! >:D
    Romances are in all RPGs.Get this dude off of this site.
    I hope one of the "changes" will be to allow us to kiss and hug our LI's at appropriate times *throughout* the game, not just a one time thing and then no more affection at all.

    Yeah these people aren't the least bit crazy.

  6. I've also figured out, using the power of my mind, that you have come across as both humourless and pompous.


    Look, we have got off on the wrong foot. I am having a laugh. In my country we call it banter, our version of trading quasi-ironic "yo mama" jokes. And the way the rules work in this game, the more you bite the happier I am. It's not trolling, but please try to apply your scientific method to the concept.


    As for scientists, wasn't climate change peer-reviewed and taken as a given. And what a load of horse**** that turned out to be. :D

    Romances are serious business.
  7. This really sounds like a straw man to me. Who's asking for the game to be a "romance simulator" - as in, find a quote of someone saying that.

    I'll just drop this here. You don't outright say it, but you can read in between the lines.


    Personally I love how well done the romances are in Bioware's games. I love that I have the options to choose who I want to romance and that I can romance every companion in my party.


    I'd like to see PE do the same in their games. Hopefully Obsidian will take a cue from Bioware and create romance options like in DA2. That way everyone has a romance option.


    Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

  8. Personally in a fantasy RPG I prefer fantastic relationships, with exotic partners or circumstances that you'd never get in real life. I get enough exposure to standard human relationships from all the other media and indeed everyday life.



    I prefer fantasy firmly grounded in reality.


    And having a romance with a half-ghost-zombie-dragon lady is something that is totally unappealing...Actually more like retarded. Some on BSN wanted to romance Justice...the corpse....


    I'm happy with my human-centric flavor nad relative normality. Humanes. Elves. Maaaaybe dwarves.. everything else is just too damn weird.


    To date BG2 still had hte best party relationships. Romance and otherwise.

    Yeah but Bioware made BG2 and you see what happened to them. With the success of their romances, came more and more resources dedicated to romances until you got the ME and DA series. I'm surprised people would like to see Obsidian travel down that dark, lonely road.
    • Like 1
  9. The BSN is probably one of the most disgustingly pathetic places on the internet, would hate to see this forum go that way.


    I just checked it and boy, you'e not kidding! The first three pages of the DA3 forum contain thread topics such as:

    • Dear Bioware, I want a Qunari woman in my bed.
    • Click to hug / Click to kiss ?
    • The F/F Romance thread: what do you want to see in the female love interest(s) for DA3's female protagonist?
    • Female Kossith for companion and LI
    • Different bodies different undergarments!!!!!!
    • Cullen as a M/M romance?
    • F/M romance Thread
    • [suggestion] Romance without the Romance.
    • Cassandra's too Manly to be a Companion..
    • Weddings?

    I really, REALLY don't want that to happen over here. :D

    Yeah several of those people are already over here talking about how they should have romances in this game. It's a joke. There's nothing that justifies that kind of retardation from the BSN.

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