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Darth Trethon

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Posts posted by Darth Trethon

  1. Could be a set of wallpapers or the like, if they mentioned all the backers.


    I'm hoping to see new stretch goals myself :)


    Wallpapers seem a bit meh...not worth the hype. So I think it'll have to do with something added to all the pledge rewards sort of like the novel that Chris Avellone decided to write was added to $50 and up tiers. I am starting to suspect a larger in-game kickstarter reward than the kickstarter bonus item....maybe a smallish quest line or a companion or dungeon or something.

  2. I know all I need to know about about the game....it's being made by Obsidian whose dedication to this project is greater than I've ever seen in a developer, they are completely committed to delivering an amazing, branching story and well it's just about guaranteed to be the kind of unparalleled, amazing kind of game that only obsidian can deliver.


    As for the backing....I have given as much as I can for now.....I'll have to take another look at my finances and see if there's more I can do before the kickstarter ends.

  3. This is very welcome, I was just having this conversation with a few members here on the forums last night and am glad to see that Obsidian has coinciding thoughts and discussions on the matter and don't seem very inclined to take the "gtfo" attitude towards those that haven't played the older crpgs as some forum members were suggesting. Once again I am completely humbled by how much they care about this project and how much they care about the fans.


    The results here are unsurprising but the forums are and always will be a very tiny part of a game's fanbase.....or in this case backers. It only makes sense that those who have been with the company the longest and best know its games best are more interested and active here on the forums.

  4. Hello, I have backed this game expecting it to be a great RPG like Mass Effect and now I find that there is no cover shooting? I demand that it is implemented post haste!


    No, not like Mass Effect. Hell I'd hate if it was like mass effect....only pretends to give the player choices and branching ans so on. Expecting it to deliver complex story choice and consequence system like Fallout New Vegas and Alpha Protocol while the gameplay is flexible enough to allow different play styles.....

  5. So in your opinion, the game that explicitly states to be the spiritual successor to BG, IWD and PS:T is backed by people that have no idea what that means?


    Oh I fully believe it is and can fully deliver on that promise without completely alienating everybody else. I think their 2.3 mil stretch goal proves their commitment to having the game be sufficiently flexible to please the old without alienating the new.

  6. ^ More wisdom.


    Not really no, you're both afraid of what it might mean to your precious game if Obsidian start catering to anyone other than the hardcore crpg players when in fact you fail to realize that in some way they will have to do just that....it's been a very long time since Obsidian last did a crpg so do you really want to start taking guesses at how many of its backers are familiar only with the rpg storytelling of their more recent works? Probably more than you're comfortable with....and you're asking that Obsidian completely ignore this and cater only to you....essentially ignoring a large portion of their backers.


    That will NOT generate enough sales to create anything going forward and will ensure plenty won't return for any future kickstarters essentially leaving Obsidian at the mercy of publishers.

    • Like 1
  7. If there is such a great market for combat free crpgs why has nobody made one?


    Well CRPGs are something of a rare breed these days really....there isn't a great market for crpgs period. Ultimately I just want this game to meet the success it deserves....I want to see this game sell unexpectedly well and bring in enough money for Obsidian to make sequels or other games independent of publishers and I don't see that happening if the game is inaccessible to those who like the game for its non-crpg features. If an easy mode can can please those who aren't into the hardcore stat micromanagement then what's the issue? The less prohibitive the game is and the more it can please all the different kinds of players out there then the better its chances of success are.


    Ultimately you have to recognize that a lot of the backers that are making this possible are fans of Obsidian's storytelling and choice system as seen in their more recent rpg days and aren't familiar with all the crpg hardcore bits. I don't think it's entirely reasonable that you expect this to be a pure hard to the bone crpg without options to please the non-crpg players.

    If they like the game just for the non-rpg features they'd better learn to like the rest or GTFO. Sorry if I am sounding like and abrasive ****, but if I had a beer bottle for every time I have heard this sort of argument in the past, I would be swimming in bottle caps like some kind of hobo Uncle Scrooge - and the games suffered for this each and every time. Accessibility is poison.


    I think there's a big difference between the rpg features side of the game and crpg features(stat management and so on.....I was talking about the crpg features. Ultimately whether you like it or not the harsh truth is that there's more to this project than crpg hardcore players and the "gtfo" approach can only ensure there is no more to it after this.....no sequel, no nothing. I do not think that is what Obsidian or anyone here wants. Accessibility is the future and only way forward but I think there is a chance here for it to be done drastically different than it's ever been done before, a way to please both sides without damaging the experience of either.

    • Like 1
  8. I have nothing against content-tourists. Choose EASY and make a diplomat, like someone else said. What I *do* have a beef with is people asking for features that are utterly at variance with what the precursor titles were about. Why? Because (a) they eat development resources (b) they are extraneous (see initial point) and C experience teaches us that the more you pander to gamers who have sucked at the teat of Bioware, the more they will bug you and lobby for yet more dripping wet auto-gaming.


    I must have missed it....what such feature was requested that offended you so?


    Actual removal of combat. Which in turn would remove a lot of narrative as well, and imo hurt both sides.


    It's a question of balancing the combat. Removing major gameplay elements is something entirly different and shouldn't be done. In any case.


    lol no that wouldn't work....I wouldn't want combat removed....it's still plenty of fun beating on enemies.

  9. If there is such a great market for combat free crpgs why has nobody made one?


    Well CRPGs are something of a rare breed these days really....there isn't a great market for crpgs period. Ultimately I just want this game to meet the success it deserves....I want to see this game sell unexpectedly well and bring in enough money for Obsidian to make sequels or other games independent of publishers and I don't see that happening if the game is inaccessible to those who like the game for its non-crpg features. If an easy mode can can please those who aren't into the hardcore stat micromanagement then what's the issue? The less prohibitive the game is and the more it can please all the different kinds of players out there then the better its chances of success are.


    Ultimately you have to recognize that a lot of the backers that are making this possible are fans of Obsidian's storytelling and choice system as seen in their more recent rpg days and aren't familiar with all the crpg hardcore bits. I don't think it's entirely reasonable that you expect this to be a pure hard to the bone crpg without options to please the non-crpg players.

  10. I don't see why I shouldn't be bothered by these demands - these ideas have been occupying my favourite genre for years and when there is finally a chance to have an old school game here they come again demanding the same stupid bloody useless dumbing down of features that can be had in any main stream production.

    I haven't been asking for any dumbing down as far as I recall.....besides what's there for you to be worried about now? You ARE going to get your hardcore options(2.3 mil is literally around the corner and the funds are going up quite well so it's a near guarantee) no problem. Hell I haven't even asked for an easy mode though it seems like there'll be one....if the game can please both sides of this argument through checking/unchecking a few boxes in the menu I don't see an issue.

  11. I have nothing against content-tourists. Choose EASY and make a diplomat, like someone else said. What I *do* have a beef with is people asking for features that are utterly at variance with what the precursor titles were about. Why? Because (a) they eat development resources (b) they are extraneous (see initial point) and C experience teaches us that the more you pander to gamers who have sucked at the teat of Bioware, the more they will bug you and lobby for yet more dripping wet auto-gaming.


    I must have missed it....what such feature was requested that offended you so?

  12. To me it isn't about dictating how others enjoy the media but how people who don't enjoy the media for what it is @ it's base level dictating how the game is overall this is in the case of having no game play and only story btw not an easy mode. To me it’s like being a console player coming here and saying i want to play this PC role playing game and, oh u know but i would like there to be a "mode" where i played on my xbox and the requirements fit that format, the controls were game pad friendly, the fov was fit for my big ass 90 inch TV then assume me asking for those things assuming i got them in no way affected how the pc game was designed.


    Ugh....please don't go there, someone will pick it up and run with it.


    No, the reason I picked up this argument and stuck with it is because I always felt that the "hardcore" crowd is a bit pushy when it comes to other people enjoying a game differently. I can play and overcome any difficulty if the story is compelling enough but I see no point to it unless I have to and I find it quite distasteful when you have the fans of insane difficulties criticizing and acting superior. I'm just all too used to seeing more casual players get run over by aggressive arguments.

  13. OK now that the whole story vs. gameplay issue is out of the way(hopefully) I just want to say that I have no problem at all with the 2.3 mil stretch goal.....as a matter of fact I am quite intrigued by the godlike race(yes I'm aware that they are far from all powerful and their uniqueness can be a disadvantage too) because it is exactly the kind of content that provides a very valuable addition to lore and story.

  14. The more important question at hand here is: why are people who don't care about story and plot driven by player choices here? Obsidian has a long track record for being ALL ABOUT story, player driven plot and multiple endings.....sorry but if you don't care about story why even look at Obsidian in the first place? It makes no sense to me. Not to mention that the Project Eternity description clearly states that Obsidian is dedicated to continuing their tradition of creating good stories and player driven plot and then Chris Avellone has committed to writing a novel so I can't even imagine how someone would think of seriously proposing that the story be shortchanged, diminished or ignored.

    Obsidian is known not only for good stories but for providing good roleplaying experience as well. Roleplaying experience assumes both combat and non-combat abilities of player character. There is easy difficulty mode for those who prefer actual story above efforts to advance it. There are non-combat abilities for those who want to avoid combat.


    From my point of view nobody here says that story is unimportant. But if you want only story then... then adventure games suit you more.


    I'm not disagreeing about Obsidian which is precisely why I do not complain about gameplay or difficulty and never will either, I'm just saying that's not the main reason I play.....what I took issue with was a poster saying that if you want story to go read books and then others reinforcing that with links/pictures of books just because someone said they enjoyed the story more.


    And I disagree about adventure games.....they have no plot changing choices or even nearly as exciting stories so they really are no replacement for the kind of RPGs Obsidian makes.


    All I'm saying is that to me role-playing is primarily about the plot driving/changing moral choices I make and less about how my character looks/dresses/kills enemies. I can and will micromanage stats and play the RPG numbers game if necessary all I'm saying is that I usually prefer to play differently.

  15. I think @Nakia has the issue spot on. I play for the story but enjoy the gameplay in a different way....I don't play for the challenge or difficulty because I enjoy feeling all powerful in a game so I do enjoy the gameplay just differently. Nonetheless at the same time if the easiest difficulty available is really hard or a tough difficulty is the only way for me to get to a story element I enjoy I won't shy from dealing with it and I won't complain about it.

    • Like 1
  16. The real problem with the position of "I want to play the game, but with story only, no combat," is that it's the same as a guy buying a comic book and complaining that the comic book doesn't allow him to enjoy the story without the drawings.


    Gameplay should never be something to complain about imo.....I have always said and will always say that if the story is compelling enough there's no difficulty I won't overcome and no amount of time I won't dedicate to overcoming it....trust me, in the past I HAVE. Now at the same time I really have no restrictions about turning the difficulty down or modding or doing whatever to get to the story but I won't complain about it or the gameplay. Heck I really enjoy feeling like a god in a game when I can get away with it.....just saying. But I won't go around posting for the game to be made easier or to have gameplay eliminated so I think that I deserve the same consideration on the story part.

  17. @Pidesco and @Dermi


    I am sorry but no, not really. Those are just not going to cut it. For one they are a grand rarity, secondly the stories are just not as good and having visual representation whether in still screens of nicely drawn art or cutscenes makes everything that much better.


    The more important question at hand here is: why are people who don't care about story and plot driven by player choices here? Obsidian has a long track record for being ALL ABOUT story, player driven plot and multiple endings.....sorry but if you don't care about story why even look at Obsidian in the first place? It makes no sense to me. Not to mention that the Project Eternity description clearly states that Obsidian is dedicated to continuing their tradition of creating good stories and player driven plot and then Chris Avellone has committed to writing a novel so I can't even imagine how someone would think of seriously proposing that the story be shortchanged, diminished or ignored.


    I am all about story and player driven plot....it's the single, most important reason why I care about the RPG genre in the first place as I have been for many years.....and no company is a better representative of these characteristics in their games than Obsidian.

  18. Well, for the $140 tier you get a VIP badge. :)


    For $5 you just get a "regular" backer badge.


    I probably wouldn't have done it if it was anyone other than Obsidian but their more recent games like Alpha Protocol and Fallout New Vegas meant a lot to me(even though I was a fan of theirs since KotOR II which was also an amazing game IMO)....they meant that there was still a great developer out there who still cared about and believed in truly giving choice to the player and allowing the player to really make meaningful choices that drive the plot. So when I saw the kickstarter go up I knew I had to help out in a meaningful way and I have complete faith that their games are worth it. I just wish I could afford to make a really huge donation....which unfortunately isn't possible for me.


    PS: I have never before spent $100 or more on any CE before this.

    • Like 3
  19. Apologies if already answered but..

    Is this an honor system? Or will it be checked after the kickstarter ends to see exactly who has honored their commitment to the Obsidian Order by adding the 8 to their final pledge amount?

    Well, if you want your kickstarter backer badge for the forum (who would not want it?), then it is possible to check.


    So be honest. :)


    There's a Kickstarter backer badge? You mean besides the VIP badges that we get?

    Yes, for the forum, if you pledge $5+.


    5+ eh? Like I was really going to miss out on the boxed CE.... :p

    • Like 1
  20. Apologies if already answered but..

    Is this an honor system? Or will it be checked after the kickstarter ends to see exactly who has honored their commitment to the Obsidian Order by adding the 8 to their final pledge amount?

    Well, if you want your kickstarter backer badge for the forum (who would not want it?), then it is possible to check.


    So be honest. :)


    There's a Kickstarter backer badge? You mean besides the VIP badges that we get?

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