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Posts posted by prototype00

  1. Xoti ideally shouldn’t attack. I just have her hang back with a wand and spam all her buffs and heals.


    Maia in damage dealing I find is better than Serafen. I like her in the Ranger Rogue for that role. Pick mostly passives that boost crust and damage since she has good accuracy.


    Pallegina is a pure tank, boost her Metaphysics and Athletics solely and have her equip that skill scaling Shield in the Neketaka Undercroft. I multied her as a Chanter for party healing and buffs.

  2. So I’ve done a bit of testing of Xoti and her lantern upgrades:


    1. Basically if you push her towards the dark end, she’ll end up eating the souls she reaped and you get the Threshing Aura upgrade. (And a quite horrid ending)


    2. Light side, you release the souls and get the (currently bugged and horrible) Light of the Dawnstar upgrade.


    We’re there any factors I’ve missed? Can you release the souls and still get the Threshing Aura upgrade?

  3. It’s an interesting piece of equipment this, benefits from Transcendent Suffering, counts as both a Shield and another attack so you benefit from both Sword and Style and Two Weapon Style. But a couple of things I need to do some science on...


    1. About how much damage do you lose opting for this? The deflection does seem nice.


    2. If I’m playing Shattered Pillar does the extra wounds bonus apply? (Just when you’re dealing damage not taking it?)

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  4. I dunno, at low level, going to the wrong places (including in Neketaka or when I was attacked by pirates) still cleaned my clock. (Playing on Veteran)


    So either I’m really much worse than most of my vocal friends here (a possibility I admit) or I have less of a masochistic streak (another possibility).

  5. So Maia Rua is always going to be a Ranger, at least in part. And her subclass is probably the best with guns in the game. But should she multiclass? And if so which one? The Geometer or the Scout?


    Also, I had assumed that her best weapons were either the Soulbound Arquebus Blightheart or that 45k monstrosity the Royal Deadfire Company sells, but what do people think?


    Edit: Also, what are the best skills for ranged DPS Maia to take?

  6. Errm, build wise? I've got her specced as a Herald (Paladin/Chanter) tank


    On the Paladin side - Lay on hands and Flames of Devotions and upgrades to help party (shared flames). Then every defensive talent in the Paladin tree (faith, deep faith, sword and shield style e.t.c.).


    On the chanter side, Ancestral Memory to provide some healing, swords of flame to provide some party damage, and all short cast invocations (like paralysis e.t.c.).


    Very effective, so far.



  7. Draining Whip, actually. It builds up your Focus twice as fast which means Soul Annihilation gets nasty in half the time.


    Been playing a Monk/Soulblade, and it definitely is straight DPS, engage with your Tanks, skirt around to flank, and blow something up on the second or third attack with Soul Annihilation.


    And with each kill, your max focus increases, so you can build up an even larger SA charge for the next enemy. It’s really effective (I’ve come real close to offing triple red skull enemies with this)

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