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Posts posted by Ostkant

  1. By saying combat overshines the story in KOTOR 2 I mean that it seems more like the developers focused on making a good combat system, yet the story remains with its pile of failures, it was OK but not very much.


    To me the combat system seemed really great, but the story... not so good.

  2. I love T3 and HK-47 (HK especially) but G0-T0? I'd rather not see the fat one return, as HK-47 calls him.


    I also would like if you could play as Revan and someone else, (you choose Revan or <new person> when you start a new game) the replay value would be excellent.


    Also a night/day feature would be great, I even know a game for the Gameboy Colour that has that. You just set the time in the game to what it really is on your clock, and whenever it's night or day at your place, it'll be night or day within that game. A feature like this would be nice to have in KOTOR 3.

  3. Why aren't Atris or Vrook in that list? They're the worst Jedi I have ever seen.

    One preaches the Light but is in fact a follower of the Dark side, and ends up being a jealous schutta. The other thinks he is doing the right things all along when he is in fact nothing but a fool that deserved his death at Dantooine.

  4. Yes this current engine is 50% of what makes KOTOR what it is to me, I would never ever want some sort of first person shooter engine.


    Upgrades sure, freshen up the engine and all, but no new engine.


    I would never buy KOTOR 3 if it was made on the Halo engine, I dislike Halo 1 and 2 a lot. I've bought them both to see what the big fuss is all about, and I still haven't found out, they are two of the most boring first person shooters I've ever played. Perfect Dark and Goldeneye still kicks the crap out of them. I'm tired of seeing people worship two games that do not deserve fame.

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