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Posts posted by demon72

  1. 4 hours ago, Steffen90 said:

    Many thanks! I remember that there is a spell that improves casting time. Would dumping might and having high dex be feasible? I just tried to do the math regarding might and dex and it seems to me that since the base multiplier stays the same, dex would actually give you more dps + faster casting time... 

    with Company Captain’s Cap and / or Ring of Thorns and Dex Resting Bonus you will have 19-20 Dex, this should be enough...

  2. I would try something like this:


    RACE: Coastal Aumaua

    BCKG: Old Vailia - Drifter

    CLASS: Wizard

    Starting ATTS: MIG 16, CON 09, DEX 14, PER 12, INT 19, RES 8

    SKILLS: Mechanics 12, Athletics 1+, Lore 2, Survival 7

    ABLTS: Arcane Assault, Towering Physique, Minor Arcane Reflection, Second Wind

    MASTER SPELLS: (1st) Parasitic Staff, (2nd) Mirrored, (3rd) Deleterious, (4th) Llengrath's Physical Shields (retrain might be necessary)

    MEMORIZED SPELLS: (1st) Chillfog, Staff, Ghost, Double, (2nd) Bewildering, Blackened, Infuse, Merciless, (3rd) Expose, Blights, Displaced, Visage, (4th) Shadowflame, Physical, Confusion, Tentacles, (5th) Blast, Lance, Safeguard, Cloud, (6th) Hex, Martial, Gaze, Blunt, (7th) Doom, Image, Bolt, Orb, (8th) Rake, Bulwark, Wall, Wind

    TLNTS: Arcane Veil (R)*, Hardened Veil (R)*, Weapon and Shield (R), Vets Recovery (R), Weapon Focus (whatever you use as main weapon in Act I), Savage Attack, Two Handed, Bull's Will     *if you retrain: you won't need Arcane Veil much in the later Game

    WPS: Steadfast + Little Savior / Adydon’s Hammer

    ITMS: Blaidh Golan (R) or Wayfarer’s Hide (chest), Company Captain’s Cap (head), Master Mystic (back), Guantlets of Swift Action (hands), Boots of Stability (R) or Vietto’s Footwear (feet), Looped Belt (R) or Royal Deadfire (waist), Ring Thorns & Ring of Protection (fingers)


    • Thanks 1
  3. ...is tempering Abydon possible, if you...?

    • didn't finish Act II before, means...
      • no "animancer hearings"
      • Aloth doesn't made enough progress (not sure what is needed, just had a short conversation in the temple below copper-lane so far)
    • if your party doesn't contain
      • Pallegina (can she support without starting Act III?)
      • Maneha (let her forget)
      • Aloth (does he needs to be part of the party?)

    ...as you don't even have the chance to get enough arguments - not even talking about winning them!

    Besides the fact, that I bound the souls to the White Forge, I didn't do anything wrong so far, but did I do enough to temper Abydon?

  4. 34 minutes ago, SirMirrorcoat said:

    So, would you say the Belt of RC would be better on Grieving Mother?

    I use it on my Cipher - and that was a good decision.

    But I always start battles with "weapon and shield" until my priest has finished buffing...

    ...in the later game "Defensive Mindweb" has the very nice effect, that only the build with the highest (or at least high) Deflection and Reflex values stays with "weapon & shield" while all other builds can switch to a two-handed weapon without loosing any Deflection and Reflex boni.



  5. Boeroer has definetly much more experience than me, but what I wanted to say (based on my limited experience):


    Tier-1 Classes:

    • Wizard
    • Druid
    • Priest


    Tier-2 Classes:

    • Paladin
    • Cypher


    Tier-3 Classes:

    • Chanter
    • Monk
    • Barb


    Tier-4 Classes:

    • Fighter
    • Ranger
    • Rogue

    at least from my experience.

    Never tried it, but it's obvious that "two bodies" will definetly be helpfull in the very early game.

    And as the very early game is the hardest part of PoE, you could argue, that the Ranger is a very good choice, but in the later game the additional "body" could even be a handicap, as it will block your way and "pathfinding" / "movement in battle" is programmed really really bad!

  6. 10 hours ago, AnRPGer said:

    Will this party comp work on the Adra dragon?  I've a feeling that Twin Scythes (dragon thrash + flames of immolation) won't be enough, and the only reason I bring it up, is I remember the Adra dragon giving me a really hard time even on Hard difficulty years ago.  Though its possible I was just under leveled.  

    I'm not sure if there is a 100% strategy against the BIG Dragons - as there is always a small risk, that they deal that much damage, that a party member gets instantly killed.

    If I remember correctly, I beat the Adra Dragon with that party on L12 - means without flames and without any pre-battle buffs on my second try.

    I would also win the 1st try, if I had accepted that one party member got killed.

    On L14 or later, especially with Defensive Mindweb, this battle should be no big problem.


  7. I'm a little bit confused about the benefit of the damage increasing talents in PoE:


    While Savage Attack seems to be quite good (+20% at the cost of 5 accuracy),...

    ...vulnerable attack seems to be worthwhile only for builds using 2 Stilettos or a Blunderbuss.

    Bloody Slaughter leaves me back confused, if this talent is any good at all - as it only triggers on enemies with less then 10% endurance?

    While Apprentice's Sneak Attack seems to be somehow underrated, as you will get the trigger-conditions 90% of the time?





  8. 3 hours ago, Boeroer said:

    And excellent late game strategy with a Chanter, Priest and Cipher is to give the Chanter a shield with Preservation (Ilfan Byrngar's Solace for example) and another item with Preservation (e.g. Blaidh Golan armor or some  helmet). Those will stack (because weapon/shield effects stack with everything). This means if you get stunned you will get +100 (!) to all defenses. Now cast Defensive Mindweb (Cipher) and then Withdraw on the Chanter (Priest). Withdraw is a stun effect. The Chanter gets +100 to all defenses. Defensive Mindweb will give those absurd defenses to all other part members. And the best part: Chanters keep singing their phrase when withdrawn. So your Dragon Thrashed chant will still deal damage all the time while you're untouchable. It's a killer combo...

    ...very nice!

    At which number you get immune to everything?


    With a few buffs (especially "Crowns of the faithfull") my party reaches 150 to 180 for all types of defense and especially Will goes even up to 250+ with "Defensive Mindweb"...

    ...I don't have the impression that I my party takes any hits after casting "Defensive Mindweb", but maybe only so few that I do not notice them...

    ...is there a number that gives "Immunity"?




  9. 11 hours ago, AnRPGer said:

    I'm having a blast.  I think I'll only get better as I learn how to use this party better. 

    happy to hear this!


    Some early (spelllevel 2) game strategy for this party:


    • heavy armor
    • start with ranged, switch to weapon & shield
    • phrases 2-3x "comrades" afterwards mix in "death"
    • cast Phantoms



    • heavy armor
    • weapon & shield
    • start with summoning (from items)
    • flames



    • heavy armor
    • weapon & shield
    • casting: Armor, Holy Power, Iconic Projection, Interdiction, whatever else is needed



    • heavy armor
    • start with ranged, switch to weapon & shield
    • casting: Treason (!!!) - only melee to increase focus



    • medium armor
    • weapon & shield
    • casting: Woodskin, offensive spells depending on situation/weaknesses, then spititshift to boar



    • medium armor
    • weapon & shield
    • casting: start with Chill Fog & Bewildering (depending on enemy weaknesses), followed by some defensive self-buffing (e.g. Mirrored) and Parasitic Staff, then switch to melee, Veil if needed
  10. 19 hours ago, AnRPGer said:

    Thank you for the tips on early play.  It makes sense regarding armor.  I just need to get out of my old stuck AD&D mentality of (wizards can't wear armor!).  Actually I think they could if they multiclassed, anyway.

    Best you forget everything you know from older AD&D games! ;)

    The wizard is by far the best melee build and is great in cc.

    The Druid is more the "classic wizard" as he will provide the Damage-Spells.


    All non-caster Classes in PoE I are very weak compared to Wizard, Druid and Priest.


  11. 20 hours ago, AnRPGer said:

    How much does race matter in each character choice?  If I were to run with that great party link, but pick mostly humans and elves, or maybe all orlans (this is all just for theme), how much will that mess my party comp up?

    not that much.

    The 3 Godlikes in that party will help in Act I, as you won't find any good headgear and therefore their race boni are quite good without any downsides.

    In WM 1 & 2 you will find some nice headgear, but at that point the game is even in PotD that easy, that it might be a better decision to take this small advantage in Act I (which is the hardest part of the game).


    For each build there are always some slightly better fitting races, but you won't mess up your party that much. At least not with the recommended party, as the set-up is very well balanced and the party will get insane strong when you reach ~L8.


    I skipped the Barb for the Cipher (a few posts later in that thread), what was a very good decision, as the Cipher is really strong in Act I (great tank with unlimited charm spells) what saved me in many harder battles. Mid-Game the Cipher is quite good, but on L15 he gets the auto-win spell "Defensive Mindweb", which will skyrocket the defense of this party to godlike.


    I don't see any good reason for additional changes in that set-up - the Wizard and the Druid do such insane amounts of damage, that the rest of the party is more or less support to keep these two guys alive/functional. Therefore I would build the priest more defensive / sturdy (a little bit lower MIG and PER and higher DEX, INT, CON and RES)


    If you really want to change one more build, the Chanter shoud be the one to skip - but I wouldn't recommend this, as he can give your party some initial defense you can't get elswhere that fast.

    On L16 I tested several other party set-ups and builds, but no matter what I change, the party was always weaker then the original one (with Cipher instead of Barb).









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