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Posts posted by bmm0321

  1. Shorterm: KSE and mods are the way forward. You can achieve a lot more with them than with the console too! >_<


    Longterm: Perhaps it is possible to change the keymap of the ~ key in Windows? Or maybe switching to a different language setting (the 'alt+shift' thing if you have any installed)? UK and US English keyboards have slightly different layouts, so that could be an issue.


    This same problem crops up with Oblivion's console (oddly enough, not NWN1's and NWN2's), so it is definitely key related. Screwing with the keyboard is a hassle, I prefer elegant solutions :ermm:. And yes, I am using KSE for the moment and it is damned inconvenient for testing in-game. Save, Exit, KSE edit, Restart, Test ... Rinse, Lather, Repeat ... it's a lot more convoluted than ~consoleCommand Enter, Test ... Rinse, Lather, Repeat.

  2. If you are trying to get the console to work for cheats, check out KSE, a save game editor. You can find it here. You can do a lot more with it and it doesn't require you to remember the names of items >_<


    If you want something you can use in-game though, there are a variety of mods that give you arm-bands that let you do pretty much the same stuff (with some limitations). You'll find them on filefront or other similar websites.


    Thanks, in the short term, I probably will find and use such a mod. For the long term, I'll keep watching this thread to see if someone who already knows the [Keymapping] Action### = ### values. The value on the right of the = seems to be the ANSI key value (which should be 45 unshifted and 95 shifted for ` and ~), however I haven't found reference to the Action### values anywhere.

  3. With Vista, you don't edit the swkotor2.ini that is found in the game's install directory, you need to edit the one you find by clicking on "Compatibility Files" in Windows Explorer, otherwise cheats won't work.


    Yes, a backup is cached in AppData. This file is a mirror of the one in the SWKotOR2 directory. If the "real" .ini file is edited using Administrator privileges, it updates just fine. Those who have had problems with this likely made edits without those rights and Vista "restores" the edited file from AppData afterwards.


    With Administrator privileges (Full), the mirrored copy in AppData is updated once the "real" file is released from edit, since the system sees the edit as an authorized change, not an unauthorized one.



  4. Indeed. Where is the Launch Analysis button? Right clicked the shortcut on my desktop- to no avail.


    Go to the Program Files/LucasArts/SWKotOR2 folder, right click on swkotor2.exe, you will see the Analysis option. Run it and then zip the resulting file to SecuROM. Eventually (in a day or two) they will get to it and email you a link to a download for a game executable that does not give that offending error (caused by SecuROM in Vista).


    The other workaround is much more convoluted and requires wacking your networking protocols in Vista (which I highly discourage ... but you can go to Microsoft's MSDN site and look it up if you're feeling that bold).

  5. Games that allow modding are, overall, IMO great. It lets you play the game the way you want to play it, not the way some particular dev(s) thought you should play it.


    It's also great that companies like Bioware, Obsidian, Bethesda and others have seen fit to include toolkits (or to support community efforts to do so) - they can't lose; first, it increases user satisfaction with the game, extending it's shelf life (which means $) and (b) it makes those of the community more like lyto buy another of their games (which means $).


    Yes, Virginia, it really is all about profit. But it doesn't mean we have to lose out: I still enjoy firing up NWN1, KotOR and KotOR2 and trying different mods out. Sometimes I get unlazy enough to mod myself (scripting is a particularly tasty morsel).


    So yes, by all means, try the various mods out there and enjoy them. Hint: Save often, make backups. :)


    And remember - if you don't like what a particular mod does, uninstall it (hence the "make backups" hint :) )

  6. I have Vista too, and uninstalling "Microsoft eHome infrared devices" solved the issue for me. But it automatically reinstalls every bootup...


    Thanks for thet tip, it's good to know that. :) I will poke into it more ane what all is invoved in shutting the service(s) down while playing KotOR2 (and possibly Oblivion too, as the two console issues are inter-connected). Hopefully someone will know how to "fix" this issue by using the [Keymapping] in the .ini file, which ultimately would proved (a) easy to implement and (b) not have to be redone each boot-up.

  7. Since you use the Ring of console in Oblivion, I guess that you are using Windows Vista?


    Anyway, depending what you want to do in the console, there are savegame editors available that allow you to add things.


    Yes, it is a keyboard/Vista issue. Savegame editing is a bit cumbersome for what I want to do, mainly use additem to test out different armors, weapons, etc. without having to waste creds buying them first ... so more of a "try before you buy" sort of "cheat" on my part :* Same with stat changes on-the-fly just to see what impact various skill or attribute scores have, etc. All of which is cumbersome to do one at a time in a savegame editor such as KSE.

  8. hey i got the same problem. can u help me? i found out that cheats work but i cannot see the letters do u have somthing that can help me?

    The console window isn't visible, so in essence you are "blind typing" ... if the cheats are working, that means you don't have the `/~ keymapping issue that I have. Enjoy the blind typing! :*

  9. I believe the console is invisible in TSL, so try your commands anyway, they might be working. I don't know if you can remap and bind the keys though.




    Thanks for the reply, and I do understand that unlike NWN1&2 or Oblivion, no console is visible. With EnableCheats in the .ini file, pressing ~ and then typing (for example) additem (then the item name) does not work ... as soon as "a" is pressed, the character moves, as with "d" and then "d", when pressing "i", the Inventory menu shows.


    This occurred in Oblivion for me as well -- fortunately, there was an Oblivion mod available that accessed the command console using an equippable ring. I really don't want to create a KotOR 2 mod to merely add one item :*


    That's why I was hoping for a solution that would work in the [Keymapping] section of the .ini.

  10. KotoR2 doesn't recognize my tilde key (` / ~), a problem I also had in-game with Oblivion with the keyboard I am using.


    In the swkotor2.ini file there is a section called [Keymapping], do any of the Action### = ### (presumably ANSI keyboard values) equate to the key to activate the console (and thus enter commands)?


    Any help on this would be greatly aprpeciated.




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