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LT Wulverine

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Posts posted by LT Wulverine

  1. I tend to agree with said above. The crashes are killing the game. When playing with friends, it continues to kick you out and becomes very frustrating. Has anyone else experienced the flashing lights on the side of the screen? This has become annoying and harmful to the eyes. Objects like grass planks fall threw the floor, especially the rocks. The spawn ratios are horrible. All of the worker ants are gone, which defeats the purpose of gathering ant eggs because there aren't any without the workers. When attacking with bow and arrow, why does the arrows force the creatures to run away? It should enrage them instead. The building mechanics need A lot of work. I enjoy the concept of building wherever however, that feature you guys nailed and should be recognized for. We definitely need more options when it comes to customization. New bugs with options of armor and weapons are sorely needed. New buildings and structures are A must. Boss creatures with the potential of rare rewards for defeating them would be an awesome edition. Pets later on down the road with there own Tier stats and unique abilities would be cool to have. Example: Taming A lady bug will grant extra storage carrying weight for hauling items. To be able to tame and operate A flying creature sounds out of the question i'm sure, but think Honey I shrunk the kids when they were riding bees. lol. Grounded has A huge ceiling for potential and so far I am having fun. I am looking forward to more of the story line and ALL of the awesome potential content in the near future. Keep up the good work Obsidian, and don't follow in Bethesda foot steps. CHEERS!

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