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Tel Prydain

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Posts posted by Tel Prydain



    Please DO NOT port this game to consoles. I find consoler gamers are the worst racist ever. I don't hate consoles myself but the biggest problems are games have to be watered down, gimped, simplified and made actioney to cater to the masses that has no interest in the genre at all.



    I rather have this game stays as a PC exclusive. Console gamers please stop ruining PC franchise.

    1) Are you... are you actually equating console players to racists? That's really ****ing offensive.





    1) Yes i'm equating some console players to racists and they are worst than ****ing offensive as i've seen not one but many of them.



    Obviously you've never tried League of Legends.

  2. Well that's why they need to watching Wasteland 2 and see how that does first.

    If Wasteland bombs, then avoid the console arena - if Wasteland is a hit, look at getting some of the pie... AFTER finishing the PC version.


    And it makes more sense for Obsidian to make a console port - they've made plenty of console games, whereas inExile haven't had nearly the same experience.  


    I do hate those console games! Role playing games (except those from Japan) are not suitable for consoles.

    For a good cRPG you need at last a keyboard and a mouse.

    PoE can not be converted properly to a (modern) console with no keyboard and no mouse.


    Lets see how many copies from PoE will / can be sold in the first 3 month after release.

    I guess Obsidian will make enough money with this and will not have to do a console port for PoE.


    I disagree. With just everything you've said.

  3. I'd be happy to throw into a PE2 Kickstarter. Inexile did a 2nd Kickstarter before Wasteland 2 was finished, and the Planescape Kickstarter did just fine.

    When it's a team I trust and genre I love, I'm more than happy to help make it happen.


    They turned Dragon Age into a shooter?  I guess I was wise to stop after Origins.


    I know that it's kool to hate on Bioware, but I think DA:I is the best they've done since Baldur's Gate. The kind of pseudo open-world style they use is fairly reminiscent of BG games, and while there is some filler... well... only at the same level as BG had.

    And considering it (finally) introduced the tactical combat to console, it's by far the best console effort they've made.

  4. I'm mainly a console player, and I'd love to see it on Xbox One if the time is right. A few caveats though:
    * Backers paid for the PC version. It needs to be out, stable and supported by DLC before the console version is started.

    * They probably want to watch how Banner Saga and Wasteland 2 do on Xbox before making any plans.


    At the end of the day, Obsidian are a business. More money for them means more games for us. If the PC version is finished and Wasteland 2 does good business on the Xbox, they'd be silly not to follow suit.

  5. Stages of Bioware grief:

    Mass Effect 1 was denial (Oh, it’ll get better… I’m sure. The choices will matter NEXT time, right?)

    Dragon Age 2 was anger (This is terrible! It couldn’t be worse!)

    Mass Effect 2 was bargaining (So… if we buy the next one, choices will mater THEN, right?)

    Mass Effect 3 is Depression (I don't care anymore)


    In Dragon Age 2's defense, it's more of an RPG than Mass Effect 2.... and slightly more tactical on console due to a 'move' command for companions... but it was otherwise the biggest disappointment this generation.


    My big gripe is that Dragon Age was to be the 'spiritual successor’ to Baldur’s Gate – the return of the classic cRPG. It did a passable job, even if it was much smaller, much more limited and had less character options.

    So Dragon Age sells well – and instead of taking that as confirmation that a slightly old school cRPG format will sell and improving it, we get an action game with an ‘awesome button’ that makes baddies pop like blood blisters.

    And don’t get me started on the (lack of) consequence and choice. Your first playthrough you MIGHT be impressed at how your choices contribute to the story. But a 2nd playthrough quickly shows that most of those choices are fake.

    Rescue a blood mage? Doesn’t matter, because if you do they’ll get recaptured anyhow. Kill that guy? If you don’t someone else will.

    Bucket loads of choices and a drop of consequence. If it’s not about a companion or a sibling, your choice is basically not going to matter.

    Looking forward to that ending slide showing the effects of your choices throughout the game? It might make a passing reference to who you’re banging – and if you’re lucky it’ll even name the right companion.








    It meets my requirements of "never contradicting any character design the player comes up with for the PC", so in that respect, yes it is.

    Not really - If you're non-human you're still treated like a nord. Silly to hear that a city is keeping demi-humans out, only to be able to wonder about at will.

  6. Your FO:LV is a much better SR than Skyrim (or the other ES games) are. ;)


    What is FO:LV and what is an SR?

    He's calling FO:New Vegas FO:Las Vegas because... because he used to a while ago and doesn't want to stop... I think he enjoys that it annoys the posters who keep trying to correct him.


    Still working on SR, though.

    Solo Role-playing game?

    Story-based Role-playing game?

    Sorry Rodent?

    Sad Rabbit?


    Help us out here, Volly!

  7. And I believe that RPG is not only about choices and consequences, it is about a solid story, solid characters, and how immersive it is .

    I remember playing through BG-II it was so immersive that it was like going through a "good" book, I always wondered what would happen next and never really wanted it to end.

    It's ironic that you used that as the example, since there are so little choices and consequences in BG-II. Outside of how you get the money and your actions in the underdark, the rest of the main plot is on rails.


    That is why I believe that (in the present day) a sandbox style game cannot be an RPG since almost everything is just generic and banal.

    There is nothing generic and banal about Skyrim. You could claim that of Oblivion, but Skyrim is totally different.


    This is a personal opinion but in an RPG I expect challenging battles as well as being able to exterminate an entire low level army by myself, both give you different pleasures and level scaling takes this away. There might be limited level scaling, say you can have 5 discreet bandit levels but still if you are a level 18-19 character even the highest level bandit should be a piece of cake for you, and you can have 3 distinct lich levels and even the 1st level lich should destroy your 9th level character easily, I hope I made it clear.

    The fact you're even bring this up tells my you haven't played Skyrim.


    Some elder scroll fans think Skyrim is a dumbed down version of Oblivion and hence Morrowind, what I think is that they did something right by getting rid of the dumber and frivolous stuff from the earlier games and inserted a Perk system instead (hmm how did they come up with Perks I wonder).

    Who thinks that? If anything, Skyrim is closer to Morrowind than Oblivion.

    The perk system is far from 'frivolous' and means that Skyrim is the first Elder Scrolls game to have character building worth a damn.

    Anyway, the point is Sandbox + RPG could work but should be done by people who have a good track record with RPGs (hence Obsidian) since the important is the RPG element not the sandbox, though I can imagine how it would be difficult to balance and perfect.


    And if this is not possible there are many RPG players out there expecting an RPG (at least it seems so) and it could be done by people who have a good track record with RPGs (hence Obsidian)


    Yes... well...


    I do think that Obsidian are the best hope for the future of RPGs. The level of player agency in both Alpha Protocol and New Vegas was great. But lets not go crazy here... Alpha Protocol had a great level of C&C and offered a great variety of ways to use your skills in the field, but the game itself was beyond broken. Dungeon Siege 3 was a solid effort, but was somewhat on the bland side. And while New Vegas was (in my opinion) the best RPG of this generation, it still has a few glaring faults (like how black the supposedly morally-gray Legion was painted).

    Obsidian seem to get choices and consequences, and the importance of skill checks, so I'm keen to see where they head now.


    But that's no reason to bash Skyrim. If anything, after the swamp of derp that was Oblivion and Fallout 3, Bethsoft should be congratulated for suddenly remembering how to make games again. Fallout 3 might have been more carnival than RPG, but Bethsoft obviously re-learned the arts of location building, player rewards and character creation, and brought those back into the Elder Scrolls.

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