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Posts posted by BicycleOfDeath

  1. I have a fire blanket on the rear storage shelf with the heater pointed toward the front of the vehicle with the head rests taken off. Plus a mini-fire extinguisher I'm borrowing from work til I go home. Also, it's been so windy that I don't need to crack windows for the air to circulate. That, and being that it's hard to sleep from 5am til whenever, I usually wake up around 9:30-11. It's a great way to save money, though. It saves $800 a month. Canadian National will not reimburse me for lodging costs even though I'm working temporarily 300 miles away from home. Sure, I could take it off of my taxes, but how in Hell am I supposed to afford $200 a week after being on lay off since early December and still beable to afford my monthly expenses?


    If you get a chance to work for Canadian National; don't.


    We have a new Union contract that's been in mediation for just shy of three years. So far, every time I've had a problem with CN being shady the Union will do nothing about it. The only thing the ****ing Union does is protect guys who sit around and do nothing or cause problems. If it wasn't for the lack of other job offers, I wouldn't be here. Having free time at Noon til 7pm Six hours from home is utterly boring. Thank you Starbucks employees for the free Chai.

  2. Sounds like you may already have one, but I have to say I really liked my Army sleeping bag. Other piece of advice from our staff sergeant: don't sleep with all your clothes on. Makes waking up harder. Aways leave at least one thing to put on on top when you get up.


    Not much help, I know. But if it does help, then happy days...

    IIRC, it's not just the wake up, I think there was also something about less clothes making the whole heat transfer from you to the bag back to you a lot more efficient than what goes on with wearing everything you own.


    I was actually thinking about that. I had two pairs of socks on. The issue is is when my bag presses against the seat or the floor, it's pulling the heat away and it's obvious. Well, it was -18 last night. I did buy a space heater and an extension cord. That helped significantly. I slept like a baby.

  3. My feet were cold the entire night inside my car. The mummy bag is rated for 0. I thought it was -35. Well, it was -9 outside without the windchill. The worst part was was breaking down infront of other railway workers. These guys are serious rednecks. Which just made it worse. It's nice to be away from home, but working nights blows. Not much for social events going on between 1pm and 7pm. I don't know anybody here. Hell, at least my Starbucks was free.

  4. I kicked her out last night. Now, to beable to afford rent + bills after coming off of winter layoff...

    Right on, booted her out the door :p I know what your feeling, was there myself years ago. I was lucky enough to be the one with income though, good luck bro it will work out for the best. It may not seem like it now but in time, as for cash...can't you collect unemployment? I know it doesn't cover all lost wages but around 70-80% of them? I could be way off, I collected over ten years ago for a year, but I'm sure it's changed since then. Under the table job to help supplement income till winters over?


    Good luck dude

    You can't collect state unemployment if you work for a railroad and I don't qualify for Railroad unemployment until a fiscal year with the company. I go back to work tomorrow in Duluth, MN. I'll be working nights and staying in my car. If any of you live in the area and want to buy me a cup of coffee ... ;-)

  5. It's CoD: MW2... I'm not going to purchase it anyway. Besides, the DLC I do buy, I don't. I wait for Game of the Year versions of stuff. You play the game a lot later, but it saves you money. Fallout 3 new: $59.99 on the PS3. All of the expansions cost about the same together so that's $120. Wait for the game of the year: $59.99 ... even better if you can get a used copy that's in excellent condition.

  6. [blah, blah, blah] .... I argue that terrorism should be treated exactly the same way.

    :bat: It would makes sense to. Though, if the intention is to dissuade potential terrorists then I don't think it's going to do much. Though, I think the punishment for terrorism should be extremely harsh no matter what soil the terrorism happens to plague. I'm all for sending a message, but politically, I do not believe violence against the general population is a just action.


    P.S. Thank you for taking the time to post the multiple links.

  7. Find something you love and stick with it.

    He was an inspiration to a young Joe that needed it. It wasn't the sole reason, but it definitely did help me kick my drug habit. He's a former professional BMX rider and now works for Eastern Bikes near Raleigh, NC.

  8. It's as good as NWN OC? I hardly believe it!


    Maybe your expectations were hgher?

    That's not a difficult feat to accomplish. While every other aspect of the game (besides the graphics) were amazing at the time, I thought the overall Original Campaign story was... stretched and scattered.



    The aliens really killed it for me.

    But then again, I'm not entirely sure if they're in the Forgotten Realms lore... If so, then I blame that. *chuckles*

  9. Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da


    Haven't had a chance to listen to the album last year, so listening to it now. Haven't really made my mind up yet...


    I found that, overall, I liked it. It had roots to their chuggier sound from their first two albums but still retained elements of their industrial progression. Though, some songs kind of felt tainted by a softness that aging bands grow into. It did take me a few 'listen-through's to appreciate it as I do now.

  10. Really the only part that doesn't sit well with me about this is the real intention behind it. That intention, I strongly believe, is profiteering. Granted, why do people start a business? Generally its a blend of doing something they love for a living and income. The issue with this, is I can't really see anyone starting this type of service because they love talking to gamers, especially male gamers.


    It's simply about making money by taking advantage of something that has no real benefit. Though, like it was said in a previous post; if the person paying for this service gets what he/she wants out if it, then great. I'm more on the former side of the fence than the latter. Quite simply, I will not pay for it and I hold no grudges for anyone that does use it. It's just a service I believe is highly unnecessary and it's reason for existence is one of greed.

  11. One of my current favorite bands 'Monument to Thieves' is a resurrection of the Hardcore genre's prime sound. I really can't help myself but give you a little insight on exactly why this genre, and more specifically this band, appeal to me. Hands down, if I had to pick an album that would describe who I am and what my beliefs represent; it would no doubt be Monument to Thieves self titled album. As a side note, I did skim threw this and edit out profanity. Hope I didn't miss any.




    The sound is a heavier and more aggressive variant of youth crew era punk. The music is generally some sort of wake-up call or positive message relayed in crunchy, but rhythmic, instrumental structure. But these types of bands never forget to have fun and it shows at their live shows in an unprecedented fashion. A hardcore show has an energy like no other. Though, recently the younger generations of kids are slowly degrading it as it's been becoming more and more popular. Which in turn means that more disrespectful attendees will be present.





    Song: Profit System

    Lyrics: WALL STREET PARASITE THE GAME IS OVER. No one is free in a profit system bathing in greed. So calculated you never had a chance in a season of greed with a sweet romance. Always the victim - I never thought for a second they gave a f*** about you. PROFIT SYSTEM - THROW IT AWAY. PULL THE STRINGS UNTIL THEY BREAK. It's not a dream anymore the steady flow of green to red. And now the people will take it back. They've come to collect your f***ing heads. KILL THE PROFITEER. WALL STREET PARASITE THE GAME IS OVER. So unshackle your mind. Refuse to feed the greed and the crime. And I will never support the casinos of Wall Street hiding in pinstripes. Eat s*** motherf***ers.


    Explanation (By the Band):

    Today we are raised in America to think that making money and turning a profit is the only form of success. We don't just have capitalism, we have predatory capitalism. Never before have businesses and corporations so blatantly squeezed the life and wealth of the lower classes to benefit the few at the top. The only goal of these corporations is to maximize profit, regardless of the social and environmental costs. With endless amounts of capital these corporations and their lobbyists have strangled our government and congress into submission and are raping the economy and the consumers. These industries now have complete control and power over legislation and our media. Of all the industries, the financial one is the most baffling to me. On many, many occasions I've asked my father (life long banker) to explain the importance of the stock market only to be left with a confused feeling of disgust. Why must everything be a gamble? Why must everything turn a profit? Wall Street is a ... casino and the house will always win. Our largest corporations are making money off of money. These aren't tangible products -they're a series of zeros tucked and traded away in computers. This culture of greed has left us believing we can't do anything without an incentive of monetary gain. I absolutely ... disagree.


    Check out their MySpace Band Page:


  12. Just made some purchases on Half.com for CDs to fill in the CD cases that have missing CDs in them.


    Earth Crisis - Forever True

    Eighteen Visions - Vanity

    Relative Ash - Our Time With You...

    Remembering Never - She Looks So Good In Red

    Snapcase - Designs for Automation

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