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Posts posted by BicycleOfDeath

  1. I tend to not have crushes in general on celebrities. It's usually character's they portray. That being said; Gaspard Ulliel's Hannibal Lecter is exhorbidantly passionate, intelligent, and he's not afraid at all to stand up for what he believes in. It gives me girlie wood every time I watch that movie.

  2. All though I enjoy the classic and nostalgic feel and experience of a book, I may have to pick up a kindle with all of the damned traveling I do. I have a small box filled with books to read while I'm on the road. Dunder Mifflin, Inc. beware.

  3. I agree to disagree. You have a compelling debate as most people do. I'm not saying that I'm 100% in agreement with my posts (sometimes I like to pick people's brains for the hell of it). On a moral and ethical stand point, I'm in agreement with you, Mr. Neutral.


    And since you're such a good sport you can have two pieces of cake ... and chicken, but in the reverse order.

  4. I think it's a start. There's lots that can be done about over population. I think people's high horse of 'human life is too precious to put a price on' is complete crap. We're humans. That's it. Sure we have a brain and we're creative and we feel and think. But how does that mean that we can breed and voluntarily turn our heads to oblivion when regarding things like this that are just considered 'morally wrong.' Persons believing that nobody's life or death should be decided by others is nonsense. I'd would rather have in-stone convicted child molesters, rapists, serial murderers, unwanted fetuses put to death. Keep in mind this is entirely my opinion and I'm not at all saying 'feel this way or you're going to Auschwitz or Hell!'


    To me, it makes sense to take steps, even if it's baby steps in regards to the threat of over population. The irony is is that I don't hold much value on human life but I care about the well being of the human races' future. *chuckles* I don't get that. I think having a stable human population is something the world would benefit from. A harmonous balance of farming grounds, commercial and residential properties, jobs, nature. Then again, perhaps I'd change my mind if I decided to look further into humans expanding their habitat to space stations and other planets.


    But for right now I'd rather give the choice "Cake or Death?!"

  5. Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics for the PSP.

    wow, looks promising , thanks. I'm not going to buy a new PSP just for this game though (the old one I gave to my friend and I don't think I'm gonna be taking it back

    I will try to emulate it if I find a way



    I was really bummed that there wasn't a Steam, XBOXLIVE! Arcade, or Playstation Store version of this. I found the game to be very enjoyable. ... and there is a way.

  6. Why is the value on human life so high? If people that contribute nearly nothing, if anything, to the the world are voluntarily removed from the equation, how is that such a negative and offensive thing? It could even be saving one from a life of extreme poverty, depression, and perhaps even humiliation. It's on par with pulling the plug on persons in a vegetative state. They contribute nothing other than draining their friends and families emotions and finances. How can something like the OPs original post not help with the inevitable threat of over-population? There isn't much being done about it.

  7. In 2010 I drove 5,605.4 non-per diem miles w/ a $.50 per mile rate for tax deductions. That's $2,802.70 for mileage alone. Now to go through my reciepts for lodging and food deductions. Optimism is right around the corner. I need an out of all this wretchedness I've been experiencing lately.


    This is all from October til December 31st. The Fall/Winter months for the railroad are the hardest, especially for the low guys on the seniority roster. In the Spring/Summer months a lot of the production gangs (Rail gang, Tie gang, and Construction gangs) usually house 20-30 guys with full per-diems (Single is $30/day, double is $70 a day if you're more than 60m away from home). So, as much as I look to the rock to my left and the hard place adjacent to it, I'll be back on top after I get my tax returns. I think I'm going to have to go to H&R Block and have them done. I think I can forfeit some of my returns to get my funds transfered next day into my bank account and I'll be entirely fine. I just need to stick in there and get this scheduled before I kcuf this up.


    By the way, thanks for allowing me to vent and whine without any backlash. I really appreciate forum-mates.

  8. my heart is still yearning for a proper D&D dungeon crawler, so I installed the horrible Ruins of Myth Drannor. generated a party and everything seemed to go well. but as soon as the game started the graphics glitched. every model is invisible or transparent if you adjust it to the max in the settings. turns out the game conflicts with Catalyst drivers for Radeon cards... gah, I don't feel like rolling back to some pre-2000 drivers, and I wanted to make a Let's Play of it too ;)


    Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics for the PSP.

  9. *hits the dead horse with a baseball bat like a pinata*


    Going through my job briefing books, I even wrote down what days I had suspicions of Katie's infidelity. I totally forgot about that. The really sad thing is, is how often I was away from work; I was home for 2 maybe 3 times she slept with the dude of the 4 times that I know of. God damn it. I feel like a **** having an emotional relapse and in a public place of all places to be. ... Maybe I'll get a free Venti Soy Chai Latte out of it.



  10. I'm all for it. If the person(s) that volunteer for the euthanasia are healthy enough, we could harvest their meat and feed the hungry. In that, more jobs would also be created. It would have to be a very carefully managed and governed project though. Remember, the holocaust started with castration of criminals, the disabled and eventually lead to varying euthanasia and you know how that story ended up.

  11. Going through all of my job briefing books since October to finish up my mileage for tax returns. ... at Starbucks - Duluth, MN.


    Angry, your life appears to be a bit like Waiting For Godot filtered through early John Steinbeck. With maybe some 1960's Ingmar Bergman black-and-white angst on the beach thrown in.


    You deserve a break somewhere tropical with hot and cold running dancing girls.


    I don't think I'd be comfortable taking a vacation to your bedroom, Monte. But thanks for that entire comment. It made me feel less vapid today.

  12. I'm actually getting annoyed with the endless mooks that it's preventing me from progressing in the game. Mostly due to limited playtime at home. I'd rather be working on story progression than spamming back stabs all day.

  13. When I'm traveling on the road I have an HP Pavilion dv8. I don't remember the exact model number and I don't feel like looking. I got it because I get a nice hefty discount through my employer. For the most part, I'm happy with it. Though, it's obvious when it starts chugging with the newer games.

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