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Posts posted by BicycleOfDeath

  1. I just got rid of some spyware (hdao.exe & jhenkij.exe), now my computer is running super slow. Usually it's Avant Browser and System under the Task Manager. I've tried a different web browser and it's doing the same thing. I've tried several AV programs (installed & online), Hijack This!, Ad-Aware 6.0 SE, and Spybot... nothing is coming up.


    I also checked to make sure all of my hardware was working properly, all the fans, wires, and processor are all hooked up correctly and securely.


    Any advice?

  2. Someone mentioned an 'ignore' button. I, personally, don't think it'd be that great of a feature for me...though it could come in handy for others. I would also like the ability to mute someone...if it came to that. :blink:

  3. Hey Frank. I didn't even know you were @ Obsidian. Anyway, I found out on nwvault.ign.com and decided that this is probably a place I'd be interested in considering lots of my favorite developers are working on another game I'm looking forward to. I'm really excited that Obsidian is doing NWN2. I don't think, I know you guys will put out a good game.


    Why? Because Obsidian has quite a few devs that have worked on CRPGs, very successful ones, before, and Obsidian also has some people that are 'wet behind the ears.' With the knowledgable ones and the fresh minded ones, NWN2 is pretty much an instant success.


    Good luck Frank, and the rest of the team.


    P.S. Thanks for helping me out with the BGDA2 questions earlier this year. :hakthumbsup:

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