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Posts posted by Majek

  1. Division 2. It's everything i hoped it would be. And you can do everything solo and at least i feel much better doing that. Until endgame of course. When i reach that coop is the fun way to go.


    Sekiro. Holy ****. I got my ass handed to me more times that in all Soulsborne games together if i compare the first few hours. I haven't even beaten more than mobs and 2 minibosses here. XD So much fun.


    There's isn't enough hours in a day for me to be able to play both these games enough, and still have something resembling a life. :(

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    Division 2 private beta. Now this is( will be... at least it looks so from the beta) a game where the devs learned the right lessons and used them in the sequel.


    Ubisoft might even convince to buy the Ultimate edition. :geek:


    What did they change?


    Nothing major i think, they just made small improvements i liked. Like no insta heal in combat and combat flows better to. The added specialist weapons that are fun to use. Exploration feels more rewarding so pretty much wandered around the map doing side stuff instead of just focusing on missions.

    And mostly their plan for endgame seems to be better thought out. 3 dark zones and only one meant for PVP, so no more insta gank when you arrive somehwere,... and the whole city going to level 32,...


    To me it's enough but you'll see plenty of people who don't see anything different other than the setting, so the see it more as another DLC than a "real" sequel.

  3. Between Nioh, Sekiro, and Tsushima we are entering a renaissance of feudal Japan games. Only need Ninja Gaiden to come back now.

    How would it come back thought? They messed it up pretty bad with NG3. Another reboot? Set when and where? Can't really imagine it would work well in feudal japan setting. The made Nioh for that.

  4. It's one of my favorite hilarious yet tragic video game tropes, publishers attempting to jump on a fad 2 years too late. Everybody is falling over themselves trying to get that battle royale money, but it's too late, Fortnite and PUBG are firmly established as #1 and #2 and there's no changing that. It happens with every genre that becomes wildly popular. You get a #1 and a #2 that rake in money hand over fist and everybody else fights for the crumbs left over, leaving a giant pile of failed games in their wake.


    I don't know. BLOP4 with their polished attempt rattled them pretty well, so if other keep polishing their ideas they'll earn more than enough.


    And Kathphood that's what you get for living under a rock ... sand? dune? or something. Maybe you should have fun for once while playing a game.

  5. Anthem on consoles was fun to play but yeah bulletsponges galore ( i even played a mission on hard and with the gear i had i almost went insane), no shoulder switch camera ( and the reason for that from lead producer is bad), and worst of all crashes, blue screens of death, disconnects,...  plenty of crap to drive players from the game.

    I think i'll wait for DIvision 2. The managed to fix that pretty well in the end, so i have hope endgame will be good from the start this time. And no a year later. :D


    What? Why would anyone sane believe that the demo has the same "balance and economy" as the review copies?


    Why wouldn't they? I'd expect a demo to be representative of the final product. If it's not then a demo is simply useless, or worse, deceptive, as you can't base a buying decision on it. Especially for this game, which is a looter shooter after all, messing with the balance and economy is a pretty big deal being that's what those games are built around.

    But why should the balance and economy matter in the demo? That's the least important thing. Gameplay and presentation matter nothing else. Hell Destiny beta , Division beta had different economy than retail,... and yet both convinced people based on that, why can't Anthem be given that chance?



  7. video

    So basically the demo (which supposedly is the version that is sent to reviewers...)

    • has different game balance (much easier)
    • has a totally different economy

    compared to the final version...


    *Sigh* And I really wanted this game to actually turn out well, but if they're already pulling stuff like this... I mean, the game can still turn out well, of course, but if they feel the need to hide "the grind" and the monetisation scheme, yeah, not really inspiring especially knowing EA is the publisher...


    Ironically enough Anthem so far looks like a Destiny clone with some Warframe influences tossed in, and I'm not sure how much patience for monetisation shenanigans Destiny players still have left.

    What? Why would anyone sane believe that the demo has the same "balance and economy" as the review copies?

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