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Posts posted by PUBG2055

  1. On 10/30/2019 at 3:08 PM, imitenotbecrazy said:



    Choice and consequence (HAHA) is largely a farce. I've save scummed a bunch of situations only to find out they had the same outcome anyway. Maybe one line of dialogue was different and addressed my choice but it's largely meaningless. In fact, they've gone out of their way to make your choices seem less meaningful. I killed the named leaders of a faction and their whole base in my second playthrough, got a simple line of dialogue about it, then still ended up in the same fight with that faction (that I wiped out) with "Faction Leader" as a replacement for the named NPC that I killed. Absolutely disappointed in how meaningless the choices are here. 

    Absolutely agree with this post. It's the truth. I do like the outer world's but was fairly disappointed with the lack of choices. I figured Obsidian would go all out but I was wrong.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 10/29/2019 at 5:17 AM, Mikeymoonshine said:

    Safe and unimaginative how? You not liking the jokes does not mean the writing is "safe and unimaginative" it means you don't like the joke? Safe compared to what? Unimaginative compared to what? Where did the writers go wrong? How would you have done it? 

    Most quests in video games can be considered "fetch quests" but there are plenty of quests that do not involve going and getting an item and almost every quest has some kind of plot, choices, tells a story ect. 

    No the factions do not just boil down corporations vs rebels, but sure in a game that centres around that conflict most of the relevant factions are invested in that conflict somehow. 

    Enemy Veriety could be better I agree, what RPG with big open areas is not filled with marauders or bandits or something like that though? At least this game does give you a reason for why there are so many. 

    There could be some more interesting perks like New Vegas, that's a legitimate criticism. Calling the skill system "bare bones" is nonsensical though. A gun is still a gun, you can still use it with low gun skills. I do think there could be a whole lot of tweaking to the balance though the game is a bit too easy and supernova difficulty is more just annoying that anything. 

    Seems like your issue with the writing is that you don't personally like the writing style. That's not the same as it being bad writing. Bad writing is plots that don't make any sense, characters that are one dimensional ect ect. 

    You never played the game.  Most quests ARE fetch quests . And yes the factions do just boil down to corporations vs rebels. 

    One example is choosing Botanical gardens over Edgewater .. well nothing interesting happened . The only thing that occurs is all of the cannery workers in Edgewater are found standing outside protesting the cannery being closed down. Nothing happens to the CEO guy either. And Botanical gardens remains exactly the same too. Zero changes .

  3. 4 hours ago, TL Gamer said:

    Sorry but all the replies defending this not being in 3rd person are complete bull****! The game already has a 3rd person mode. it was just closed off. I have listed a single key point that prove this.

    1. Let the game idol long enough and it automatically enters 3rd person mode where the camera rotates 360 degrees around your character. This happens anywhere in the game which means 3rd person has already been programmed in.

    Borderlands, the Left 4 Dead, Dying Light, and Dead Island series, and even Bulletstorm were all programmed in 3rd person, then the camera is adjusted to hide the character. So people need to stop defending first person view as if developers have some massive undertaking.

    2. The character customization screen has entirely way too much detail and for what? The game is in first person, it's single player, and has no multiplayer mode SO WHO THE HELL IS SEEING YOUR CHARACTER?

    Well said! 

    I would love third person view

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