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I want teh kotor 3

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Status Updates posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Atton should blow Carth to hell. He'd be my hero. And then I'd be free of his bull**** until I popped in the ME disk. :lol:

  2. I like the Atton/Carth thing. And the Rock one.

  3. lol google is a powerful tool... without it I'd have no "epic fail" pictures o my profile

  4. Thanks lol I like the Windu/Emperor thing too

  5. lol yeah they pissed me the **** off with that one

  6. wow I keep on forgetting that smileys don;t work on comments lol

  7. :lol: Sorry, didn't mean to scare anyone... sort of :fdevil:
  8. Those are some beastly Legos, I'm not gonna lie :lol:

  9. That's... kinda the point :lol:

  10. Is that you in your pic?

  11. yeah most likely- either that or a hacker

  12. ahh I forgot to add: Thanks!

  13. lol it's an inside joke. I was talking about K3, and my other friend randomly said "teh" right before I said "Kotor 3", and it just kinda stuck. :lol:

  14. that was fing HILARIOUS :lol:

  15. lol- There are more "Banefanatics"? Since when?

  16. Umm... Thank you? lol

  17. lol I'm not following you I just dcided to finally cave in and start up here.

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