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Posts posted by babydol
kinda like compairing apples and oranges to me
. I want to say that KOTOR 1 is my favorite - because it's an actual finished product (and the big Revan shocker was pretty sweet the first time), but then again, TSL has a LOT more replay for me. There's just WAY more to do in that game. So can I like KOTOR 1 more, but feel the need to play KOTOR 2 more? I'd say it's my favorite too ,until you head to Malachor V - then it's all crap from there.
Naw, if these guys http://team-gizka.org/ EVER finish, I'd probably lean more towards TSL - and you retards should, too. After all this is NOT the Bioware forums.
As for Bastila, most guesstimates I've seen say 18. I hope she wasn't supposed to be any younger than this, considering the whole romance angle and Revan's age.
I believe it was explicitly stated somewhere that Mission was 14 and I was under the impression that Bastila was supposed to be older.
Ya - I DO remember Mission saying something like "hey, you're not that much older than I am!" to Bastila. As for Revan - 28 sounds about right to me (that''s how old I am right now), and I'd like to think that the Exile is probably like 5 years younger than Revan. The Exile was a General, but war can promote some pretty young people.
well does it say bastilas age?
nope - just stresses over and over her "youth". My guess is (just to state the obvious) - it's okay to assume that a male Revan would be older than Bastila, and a female Revan would be younger than Carth. I myself only dated older men - and eventually married one. So this is a pretty natural state of things.
It's impossible to tell for sure, but a late twenties estimate may be a bit too young. Revan has been stated to be a prominent and renowned Jedi Knight by the time the Mandalorian Wars began. And from the start of that war to the end of the Jedi Civil War, nine years pass. Obi-Wan for instance, was 25 by the time he was knighted, and only because he defeated Maul. Anakin was ~22, and he skipped the standard trial business, too. Revan might have been teh shiznit and all, but not much younger than that.I figured Carth to be maybe 10 years older than Revan, but it could have been even less than that. I don't really know how old Revan was supposed to be but my guesstimate was that she/he had to be late twenties, given the timeframe of events leading up to the opening of KotOR. Even if it was ten years, it wasn't an age difference that bothered me too much but I can see how it may have seemed like a big gap.On the other hand, the only data we have on Carth is that he is a somewhat competent Republic flyman by the start of the Mandalorian Wars, and that he has a son that's old enough to be a Sith apprentice, nine years later. That could make Carth as young as 36 by the time of KotOR, younger possibly.
But given the inconsistent mess that is the EU and the all too frequent retcons it suffers, Revan and Carth might be any age - logic is irrelevant and facts can be, and often are, retroactively reinvented.
This is probably a WAY nerdy thing to do, but since I happen to have a Prima Games Strategy Guide for KOTOR, I guess I'll go ahead and plagiarise it.
Carth Onasi:
A career soldier at 38, Carth has seen more than his fair share of war. A skilled pilot and superior tactician, he has always faced his duty with grim determination, believinng that loyalty and dedication to the Republic would see him through. He has come to discover, however, that not everyone holds this opinion.
Hailed as a hero of the Mandalorian War, when the Sith began threatening Republic space again, Carth thought that they could be fought like any other enemy, but their influence extends far past simple starships and blasters. Though he will not speak of it, a very personal betrayal has affected him deeply. Duty called him to fight the Sith, but now outright hatred threatens to replace it.
It is no longer clear whether he fights to stop the destruction or avenge what has already been destroyed.
This makes no mention of the PC's age, however.
Didn't the Exile get the idea about being the last jedi from Kreia?
It really is too long since I played this game. Currently waiting for the TSLRP
I think Kreia spread a bunch of lies around just to make sure the **** hits the fan. For whatever her sick twisted reasons were. Like "this is a test" or what have you. Probably the same way all the baddies suddenly KNEW where the Exile was.
hey, walkerguy, what was that link again? JK
I could help you, but I wont until you ask in a more polite manner.I sympathise with the frustrations of getting games to work on the PC sometimes, but you can hardly expect fans of the game (as most of us are) to feel inclined to help after such a post. Please do re-post focusing on your questions, and we'll do our best to help.
You guys crack me up!!! Thanks for making me laugh so early this morning
there is a mod that turns mira to mission?
She doesn't really look like Mission - but she is a blue female Twi' Lek
For my two cents, I kept waiting for some kind of romance to materialize too, and then was very disappointed when nothing happened. I always thought I felt this way cuz I'm a chick, so it's good to see other people were disapointed too.
Nah, it's more cuz they do a good job of starting to build one :
For female PC:
~Atton asks Bao-Dur if he has a shot with you
~Atton tells Mical (Deciple) to piss off when he asks to join your party - then the two of them argue on the Ebon Hawk if your allignment with Mical is higher than your allignment with Atton
~Mira asks if you and Atton/Mical 'hooked up a power coupling'
ALso, more subtly
~Atton asks you to be careful before entering the Jek Jek Tar on Narr Sheda
~Mical has a nice little pep chat with you after the confrontation on Dantooine
Then I saw this:
and I felt better.
Hes just fun to play with. With Mira, you can change her to a Dark Jedi, give her mad FP, and have her spam Force Storm while you go in with your Saber(s). e tole!
I usually get Mira because I can't help but be Lightsided most of the time, but Hanharr is a lot of fun because he's... different. Ya, you can make Mira a Jedi, but I find I already have enough of those, and also WAY too many humans. Mira should be a Twi' Lik or something
I think theres a mod for that
Ya, I 've already got it, I just didn't want to be too obvious about it
Also, whoever created that mod changed her name to Mission, and I didn't reallly like that for a number of reasons. Mostly cuz she's NOT Mission.
I find Mandalore a strange dude anyway. Getting him to talk, even when his allignment is high , is a whole different thing from most of the other party members. I think he's a classic example of a character who had a lot of his content cutt.
Hes just fun to play with. With Mira, you can change her to a Dark Jedi, give her mad FP, and have her spam Force Storm while you go in with your Saber(s). e tole!
I usually get Mira because I can't help but be Lightsided most of the time, but Hanharr is a lot of fun because he's... different. Ya, you can make Mira a Jedi, but I find I already have enough of those, and also WAY too many humans. Mira should be a Twi' Lik or something
please do not include a cat.
in Aliens RPG: Speculation & Discussion
Alien - yes, but it also had an alien/dog hybrid, if I remember correctly (or was it an alien/cow?)
Aliens - not so much - just like a cameo in the begining.
I love animals, but I seriously can't handle a situation where it's a human's life being put on the line to save some stupid cat that's too busy licking its own butt to sense incoming danger. I guess I wouldn't mind having a kitty that just chills wherever it is that I sleep, but no cat-missions, please.