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Posts posted by Nightblade

  1. But if we must, NWN3 on a new engine would be ok. The engine that NWN2 is using was out dated a long time ago.

    An engine which is less demanding imho. Start from scratch, focus heavily on animation. A bit more minimalistic, something

    that gives you more control. The NWN2 engine has a click'n_sit_back_and_behold_what_happens feel to it. I'd need better

    response-time and less graphics-fireworks from spells etc. to feel thoroughly immersed.

    Sometimes, less is more.



  2. Now, as has been superbly put, you endure point-and-click combat, deploy brain-dead power-ups and slay everything and a rewarded with a cut-scene that drives somebody else's story forwards. NWN was just like that for me, NWN2 redeems the brand slightly.

    The other way around? NWN2 <- 1. Or I guess it's heresy to say that around here uh? :)


    I realise that I'm a grognard. I know, in gaming terms, that I'm like one of those Japanese soldiers hiding out on a Pacific island in 1980, refusing to accept that I've lost. But if a developer has the nuts to make at least one product that nods in my direction and not pander to the baser instincts of spoon-fed gaming then I'll be happy (ish).


    Time to boot up IWD2 and JA2 again, methinks!




    hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!




  3. Not a problem at all. Onyx is very responsive.

    Is Onyx a party-based or a 1'st person viewer engine? If it turns out that OE develops a new and much smoother engine than NWN2's KotOR-core engine, an engine you'd much rather work with over a period of time, would you consider creating a new D&D crpg or a series of "upgraded" NWN2 modules with such an engine? Or is that outside the.. realms of possibility?



  4. NWN2 is based on NWN1.


    Then I shudder to think how and why they managed to make Aurora look so much like the KotOR core, and why all the emotions, animations etc. are all gone or made worse. After all, noone would deliberately worsen the animations and make a game much more hardware-demanding if they reused an old engine for a new game.



  5. The underlying Auroraness of the Electron engine is just too much.


    NWN Aurora was beautiful. Good animations, lots of avatar-emotions and socials. NWN2 seems to be based on the KotOR engine. Char creation, item creation, work-bench, components, auto-rez'ing, animations (or lack of such), all KotOR, no?



  6. The nwn1 cam was good. They should've just used the nwn1 cam, and added more zoom-out. And it would have to zoom out automatically as well, as you walk up and down roads, so you don't have to manually adjust it (maybe they fixed that already. Haven't played nwn2 since I shelved it 3 days after release). Then if we could choose to remove the circle-markers around the avatars and all the spell-effect-graphics, it might've been a decent tactical-squad-based d&d game where combat was interesting and immersive. I'll get MotB some day.. when it hits the bargain-bin and the game has been patched a few years.




  7. Of course folks use philosophical viewpoints to overcome the fear of death. 

    Do you speak for Walsingham? Or yourself?

    You wander into the discussion like a child and start replying to questions not directed to you.


    Btw, provocation =/ pissing contest. I just wanna see how well Wals actually applies Bushido to his life. I wrote a longer post on the last page, and the only reply I got was a two-liner from Wals, proclaiming that he'd rather practice the Way of the Samurai, because he wants to combat fear instead of sitting in some monestary. In the face of ignorance like this I can't help but provoke a little, not to ridicule, but to see how well the guy in question actually applies Bushido.


    Happy? Anything else you wanna know?



  8. Going back to bushido, by accepting death, one of the concomitants is that  by accepting the transience of the grossly physical things like wealth and status one raises the comparative importance of intangible things like honour. No bad thing, IMO.


    Just out of curiosity, how do you (you personally) practice to learn to truly accept death? Do you believe that by adopting some philosophical viewpoint you'll learn to transcend your fear of dying?



  9. Bushido is not necessarily the desire to attack someone with a sword.  It is the way of living life as a Bushi would, living with honor and having no fear of death.


    Yeah.. that's what I thought too, 20 years ago when I was a teenage-mutant ninja turtle like the rest of you.


    There are many ways to achieve fearlessness, but I seriously doubdt some self-appointed US Sword teacher is gonna succeed in getting you there. Bushido might have been a way of life in medieval Japan - today it caters to spotty teens with self-esteem problems. Mostly.



  10. Living without fear is the main objective in my life at present, hence my interest in the Way of the Samurai over monastic buddhism.


    You think bull-shido will lead you to fearlessness? The desire to scream and wield some sword is usually the result of some infantile-ninja dream, and as such a desire to be something/somebody. My guess is, you're trying to impress the chicks by posing as some sort of martial-artist. :shifty:



  11. Isn't the desire to change a desire in and of itself?


    To crave to stop craving.. :shifty:


    Unfortunately that's not what most people crave when they come to practice. They usually crave some sort of solution to their worldly problems, dreaming about a blissful state of mind. This is of course something they'll never find, as zen/buddhism is not a path to joy, but primarily to a clear mind (that's what it is supposed to be anyway).


    It *is* possible to fight fire with fire though. A good teacher can, if you so desire, help you see yourself for who/what you really are, i.e. you slowly come to see yourself, your own traits and your own behaviour clearly. This can be a rather humiliating process, and it often exhausts you and leads you to a state where you no longer feel the need to play games or uphold your image/attitude/behaviour/old way of life etc. When you see how drainy your previous behaviour was, you simply let it go and forget about it. No craving involved, rather the opposite. Like when you're about to burp,.. do you crave to burp? Sooner or later you'll burp, don't worry about it. This "letting go" can of course take some time.. years, or maybe decades. Using the desire to end desire is in the Tibetan tradition, I believe, often referred to as "turning the root poison into medicine". A way of fighting fire with fire.


    If you've met serious and dedicated Buddhists, especially those studying under the old japanese roshis in the US, you can see the transformation they've been through by looking at their eyes and faces. Calm and quiet eyes, a steady look and not a great deal of facial expressions. They have an air of calm and carefreeness, which often can be mistaken for an irresponsible nonchalance.

    Freedom from desire.




  12. With gloves, in the ring? Tyson, no doubt.

    On the street, w/o gloves, Lee, maybe.


    Remember Lee just barely beat Kareem, and K was a really skinny guy. Tyson is as compact as a tank, and would easily trash Kareem.


    Should give Lee a nunchaku. Much funnier .. :p



  13. Since then, terrorists kill Isreali civilians almost every single day, for 30 years and no one in the world seems to care due to anti-semitism.


    Have you met any Israelis? The reason why a lot of people dislike them isn't because they're jewish, it's because they're so damned arrogant and full of themselves.


    Why would the rest of the world care about this US protectorate? You give the little critters guns, and they run around sniping children, levelling villages with their tanks. Your proteges are just as dumb as the "terrorists" they're fighting. The only difference is that they're better equipped.



    Oh.. happy b-day btw..


    Give us liberty, or give us death.. :p terrorist-rebels!! :lol:



  14. We've been over this before.  I eventually massively cheated in BG1 because I was bored.  I explored every map to the fullest and completed every quest, and beat the game in 25 hours. 


    Why would you create He-Man and walk through BG1 in 25 hrs? Sounds pointless.


    Anyway, the fact that you finished it so quickly just proves that we need more wilderness, and larger areas next time. :wub:



  15. Ok,, I finally got the bg1tutu.exe to run properly, however, when I get to the language-section, and choose American, I get this Microsoft error-window, Report/ Don't Report, and the cmd-window shows:



    SET_STRING 73247 out of range 0 -- 62169

    SET_STRING 73245 out of range 0 -- 62169

    Backing up override, dialog.tlk and chitin.key...



    Then it just closes.


    Any ideas?



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