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Posts posted by kilay

  1. General PSA: If your dropdown only shows "hidden" and "friends only" it's probably because you're considered a Limited User: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3330-IAGK-7663


    Adding $5 to your Steam wallet might fix it. I'm mystified as to why I'd be considered a limited user since I've definitely spent more than $5 on steam games, but the good thing about steam being a de facto monopoly is that they can do whatever they want for any reason and you can't question them. Guess I'll wallet up on payday and see if that lets me make my mod public

    That's an already know issue about 'Steam needs your wallet'

    You've never owned a steam game, you are just renting it. Try to check the contract that you have subscribed with Steam games, it's a shame.

    • Like 1
  2. See the title. Can you use the Unity Console mod to add the Legendary enchantment to fully upgraded Soulbound weapons while removing the Superb enchantment? 

    I don't guess so, better try to ask to the maker on Unity Console  page.



    And I also know that is related to your mod request, but how I've already stated we have to wait the 2.1 patch before make changes.





  3. There are mods that add new grimoires to the game. Is it possible to (easily) edit some files and choose which spells I have in these grimoires?


    Edit: this mod, for example




    Yes, you can found the spell list after "SpellsIDs":


    e.g. in the mod you linked their GUID are in this bundle


    		"$type": "Game.GameData.EquippableGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
    		"DebugName": "Grimoire_Alamir",
    		"ID": "d395910f-ce7f-4565-8652-86f9e7c26466",
    		"Components": [{
    			"$type": "Game.GameData.ItemComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
    			"DisplayName": 99950,
    			"DescriptionText": 1176,
    			"FilterType": "Weapons",
    			"InventoryAudioEventListID": "32023afc-c1c3-4b6a-bcfd-77bde56ee6c3",
    			"IsQuestItem": "false",
    			"IsIngredient": "false",
    			"IsCurrency": "false",
    			"IsAdventuringItem": "false",
    			"CanSellForFullValue": "false",
    			"MaxStackSize": 1,
    			"NeverDropAsLoot": "false",
    			"CanBePickpocketed": "true",
    			"IsUnique": "true",
    			"Value": 12000,
    			"IconTextureSmall": "gui/icons/items/misc/grimoire01_s.png",
    			"IconTextureLarge": "gui/icons/items/misc/grimoire01_l.png",
    			"PencilSketchTexture": "",
    			"InspectOnUseButton": [],
    			"IsPlaceholder": "false"
    			"$type": "Game.GameData.EquippableComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
    			"EquipmentType": "None",
    			"EquipmentSlot": "GrimoireOrTrinket",
    			"AppearancePiece": {
    				"ModelVisualDataPath": ""
    			"ItemModsIDs": ["160e7192-e205-4b35-a28e-086b12e1835c"],
    			"OnEquipVisualEffects": [],
    			"RestrictedToClass": [{
    				"ClassType": "Wizard"
    			"RestrictedToPlayer": "false",
    			"ProficientAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    			"CannotUnequip": "false",
    			"ItemRendererPrefab": "prefabs/itemrenderers/genericanimateditemrenderer.prefab",
    			"ItemModel": "art/character/weapons/grimoire/grimoire01/w_grimoire01_cast.fbx",
    			"AnimationController": "art/animation/animationcontrollers/weapon/w_grimoire.controller",
    			"PaperdollOverrideRenderer": "",
    			"AttackSummonID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    			"CannotSheathe": "false",
    			"PropVisualEffects": []
    			"$type": "Game.GameData.GrimoireComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
    			"NPCsAutomaticallyFill": "false",
    			"SchoolID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    			"SpellsIDs": ["46d4d7c5-0af5-4f6e-93b0-483b04184951",
    • Like 1
  4. Grazie mille! Fantastico. L'ordine quindi è 1. Localization Fix, 2. More Custom AI Conditions, 3. Enhanced UI - Afflictions and Inspirations? E la All Classes - Stringtables Fixed and Italian, che è sempre tradotta da te mi pare, la metteresti prima o dopo?


    Edit: non funziona con questo ordine. Non riesco veramente a capirci niente. Ho pulito tutta la cartella Override, riscaricato tutti i files dai link rossi in calce al tuo profilo per essere sicuro di non avere versioni vecchie, estratto i file nella cartella Override, estratto il mod More Custom AI Conditions per il quale ho usato il link Mega che mi hai postato gentilmente oggi, ma niente da fare. Non mostra le condizioni. Inoltre c'è un'evidente problema di compatibilità con il mod Enhanced UI - Afflictions and Inspirations, che per es. visualizza soltanto alcuni colori e non altri ecc. ecc.

    Stai utilizzando la beta per caso?

  5. Non riesco a farla funzionare assieme alla mod More AI Conditions. I nuovi condizionali, semplicemente, scompaiono. Gioco con la versione 2.0.1. Cosa sto sbagliando?


    Edit: mettendo nell'ordine di caricamento il tuo mod per ultimo, funziona. Però succede questo:






    Ok ho controllato è il file su nexus non è aggiornato con la mia localizzazione (l'autore purtroppo non ha inserito il mio ultimo aggiornamento)


    usa questa (cancella la cartella della mod originale e sostituiscila con questa)



    • Like 1
  6. Non riesco a farla funzionare assieme alla mod More AI Conditions. I nuovi condizionali, semplicemente, scompaiono. Gioco con la versione 2.0.1. Cosa sto sbagliando?


    Edit: mettendo nell'ordine di caricamento il tuo mod per ultimo, funziona. Però succede questo:






    Strano, ho provato adesso e non ho alcun problema di stringhe




    In ogni caso More AI Conditions ha una propria traduzione, quindi devi mettere prima il fix alla localizzazione italiana e dopo More AI Conditions.


    Maybe lauch a new request that says you want to remove the old one? :)


    Serioulsy now. Since they read all the requests this might work.

    Well, I should be done with my mod over the next few days, maybe even sooner. I am rearranging auto-grant Priest spells more thematically in accordance with the deity in question.



    Removed your mod request  as you requested :)

    say 'thnks' to @peardox

  8. Many thnks for ability tree preview and gloabalvariables exposed :yes:


    but there are some issue with mods (e.g. check above and below reply) :


    a lot of mods seem broken after this beta , what advice could we give to users about that (and also for future patches)  ?

    Remove mods till we update them ?



    • Like 1
  9. since installing the new beta patch, the override stringtables i had beak the game(cant conitnue/load, lot of strings missing)



    is there a fix to this? to stringtables need a new folder structure? i checked the modding patch notes but saw nothing that could help


    edit: made an attempt by copying the mod stringtables's lines into a copy of the regular tables and putting those into the override folder(with the usual folder structure:override>localized>en>text>game) and still no success


    edit: seems like a lot more than just stringtables were broken, most of my mods if not all of my mods seem to not work anymore :^/


    Imho a sort of warning should be pinned somewhere about that.

    Usually I prefer don't apply the beta patches and I wait the official patches release, and this is the case, but whatever what you stated could happen if you patch the game with the override folder full of mods. The patch scramble the mods in override folder


    Proper way to apply a patch is move the override folder in a temporary folder before patching the game and after you've patched the game move it back in PillarsOfEternityII_Data.


    But in your case the override folder should be already broken, then my advice is: 

    • Take note of the mods you had
    • Delete your buggy override folder
    • Download again the mods from nexus
    • Restart the game
    • Rearrange mods order
    • Exit to desktop
    • Restart the game
  10. It is not a big enough nerf IMO. Most rogue full attacks do + 25% percent damage anyway.


    You won’t even notice this nerf. Dual weilding still will be far better the two handlers


    Paladins hastening exhortation still only gives +5 dex for a Level 7 ability? This is just stupid.


    And monk twins ability still in ruin

    Little premise : Don't take this as a personal attack,  it isn't case i wanna be clear on that cuz in a lot of threads you've misunderstood or misread what people said

    After that what i wanna said is just:


    Please stop to ask unwanted nerfs , how you can see if you ask to balance they just nerf (cuz probably is the best way to beta- test and also  their main routine)

    Any nerf require to me or to other modders a lot of work cuz in the most of the cases people ask to revert that

    You've opened many threads about 2H vs DW and this is the result.. you not seem yet happy.

    You wanna that they also nerf rogue, while people are asking to improve the rogue class.

    If you want something tailored for you, please fill this mod request and i will be happy to satisfy any of your request that is in my chords w/o have to fight with game nerfs.

    Please listen me.



    • Like 6
  11. Many thnks for answer and to listen us, a lot of features you've added are really cool.

    About that



    And about the last request also a sort of warning about required mods to load the savegame w/o have issue could be really helpful for any user.

    Yeah, that would be pretty handy, though it might be tricky to detect which mods are adding content that actually appears in the save.



    I never mapped a POE savegame  and i'm not a programmer but i can try . To me seems really strange that isn't possible leave some reference about mods loaded , some other games are able to do that .. but again i never checked how that works so could be some pattern differences.

  12. Hello, the fact that the distribution of skills points is decided by our classes and backgrounds is driving me mad, I want to be able to allocate points as I see fit instead of having points in skills I'm not interested to (or being unable to select backgrounds such as scientist or philosopher without selecting the very specific culture to which they are assigned to) and I want to be able to roleplay while also doing a bit of powerplaying.

    Please, this is really important for me, if a change isn't possible is there any mod that can change that?

    Sorry but english isn't my first language, feel free to correct any error.


    try that



    and about character creation also those





    • Like 1
  13. Since I last started the game, the area of effect templates when placing spells have completely disappeared. This is quite bad for gameplay, since I don't know which targets I'm hitting.


    Is this a known bug? What can I do? Or is their something in the settings that causes this? (can't remember I changed anything, though)


    I use the game with GOG Galaxy, so all updates should be there and I even repaired the installation but nothing changed.


    Please help! ;(

    Are you sure to haven't enabled 'expert mode' in difficulty cuz this disable what you reported

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