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Darth Sirius

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Posts posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Alpha Centauri? What the hell was my first sig? I can't remember...Damn it. :)  :lol:


    And watch it dude! When I put my pointer over my name it goes orange....Thats right, like a mod!! :) Feel the absolute power! MWAHAHAHA!


    Edit* Oh I remember! It wasn't Alpha Centauri on my sig, it was Alpha CMa (Alpha Canis Majoris) The brightest star in the sky after the sun AKA Sirius....My stolen name. And I'm guessing here but CMb would be it's white dwarf?


    I mixed Calax's sig with your name, thought it was yours - sorry. I called you 'Alpha Centauri dude' because Sirius A is the closest star to earth located in the Alpha Centauri system, that's all :-

    Coolio! (w00t)

  2. That officially scares me about the stupidity of mankind


    That's right and your 1st sig says it all Alpha Centauri dude :thumbsup:

    Alpha Centauri? never played it and never know where it came from other than my brother....


    My bad....... I mixed you up with Sirius.

    Alpha Centauri? What the hell was my first sig? I can't remember...Damn it. ;);)


    And watch it dude! When I put my pointer over my name it goes orange....Thats right, like a mod!! :shifty: Feel the absolute power! MWAHAHAHA!


    Edit* Oh I remember! It wasn't Alpha Centauri on my sig, it was Alpha CMa (Alpha Canis Majoris) The brightest star in the sky after the sun AKA Sirius....My stolen name. And I'm guessing here but CMb would be it's white dwarf?

  3. I'd never smoke marijuana and I'm big health advocate, so I don't have too much of a personal opinion on it. But if it is legalized, it'll be taxed to hell. I also don't want to see more strong judgement altering drugs so easily available. Alcohol and the bajillion deperession medications are bad enough :) I'd rather not see it legalized, but it is ultimately your choice to decide what to ingest so I guess I have 'mixed feelings'. I am horrible at debate ;)

    Anyone who has been extremely high and extremely drunk will tell you that you're a hell of a lot more dangerous to society when extremely drunk rather than extremely high.

    Not to mention a hell of a lot more likely to die.

  4. I reserve the right to kill myself in any which way I choose!


    So yes. ;)


    Alcohol kills tens of thousands of people (in England alone) a year, and the biggest argument about pot they can come up with is........It gives you man boobs! WTF? So does McDonalds!

  5. If you get the Episode II DVD and watch the cut scene's with Padme's family (the few they showed) you see that Lucas cut out the only scenes that gave Padme character, or sold the romance.

    I've seen them, and I was disappointed they weren't in.


    The way it was was like, scene 1: They meet, scene 2: They are married. <_< They cut scene 1.5 for some strange reason.




    Now MGM is talking about Karl Urban as bond, and he neither has the presence nor the accent

    Thats Eomer right?

  6. Well this thread seems to have gone down like the titanic (w00t) Oh well you can't win them all, I suppose I should give it time, but I'm impatient damn it! :thumbsup:


    And Ainsley Harriet gets on my nerves too, I must just have a deep seeded vendetta against celebrity chefs! (w00t)

  7. Well tonight in England there is a program on called (you've guessed it) celebrity shark bait, and that got me thinking, which celebrity would you throw to the sharks, with a little deviation from the actual program i.e. no cage :lol:


    I think mine would be Jamie Oliver, that fool of a mockney really gets my goat, just seeing him flapping those massive lips about on TV. :thumbsup:


    Alwight guvner <whack!> :rolleyes:

  8. I used to play football, but have since retired my football boots and stuck to spectating  ;)  I'm a Manchester United fan and have shared a season ticket with my brother for as long as I can remember... ;)"


    In fact it's my brother's turn to go to the City match this weekend... <_<




    P.S. It's spelt F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L, not S-O-C-C-E-R  :thumbsup:

    Newcastle all the way baby.......Owen to our new signing! I mean owing :p:p

  9. You Brits are insane!


    I'm going out to buy 10 guniea pigs, which I will promptly roast on a spit and eat for dinner.

    Extremists are extreme .


    Personally I couldn't give a %*$! about guniea pigs, but thats just me.


    How much longer before extremists petrol bomb domestos because it cruelly kills germs? Germs have rights too damn it!

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