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Darth Sirius

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Posts posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Jason Statham is a pretty likeable character too. Personally he's the top action star for my money right now.

    Jason Statham? Pinochio was less wooden than him!....And that was before he turned ito a real boy! (w00t)


    He's like Sean Connery, minus talent, charisma and screen presence. :)

  2. Sirius - I read through your art thread over at the WOT forum the other day. There is some incredible stuff there. I'm lookin forward to seein some fanart from you!

    Thanks man, I appreciate a talent like you saying that :lol:


    I have actually started work on one already, but I may do a few before I post any. And I may also do a few carbon copies of in game/concepts etc. etc. before I venture into the no mans land of imagination alone. :luck:

  3. I have difficulty believing this; someone so stupid as to do that to the graphics card wouldn't have tried to install it himself in the first place, and paid money to a technician to do it.

    Why do sleeping tablets have a WARNING! May cause drowsiness sticker on them? There is always one! :thumbsup:

  4. Ohh, I like this mystery of the red Sirius, too ...

    I have read about that a few times in alot of different books (my mother is into paranormal books and stuff so I read them when I babysit my little bro)


    A wise wo/man knows s/he knows nothing!

  5. Edit* Oh I remember! It wasn't Alpha Centauri on my sig, it was Alpha CMa (Alpha Canis Majoris) The brightest star in the sky after the sun AKA Sirius....My stolen name. And I'm guessing here but CMb would be it's white dwarf?



    Um, you didn't say anything (except "Coolio!"), I was responding to Hilde, which is why I included his post. :/


    I think he's referring to that... :-"

    Bingo! :p

  6. I mixed Calax's sig with your name, thought it was yours - sorry. I called you 'Alpha Centauri dude' because Sirius A is the closest star to earth located in the Alpha Centauri system, that's all :-

    Actually the closest star in the Alpha Centauri system is Alpha Proxima.



    Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, not the closest, and is in the Canis Major system (larger Dog group), in the Southern Hemisphere, near Orion (which contains the etymological curiousity Betelgeuse and its brightest star Rigel).

    Which is what I said...Right? :)

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