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Posts posted by Bloodrunes

  1. First bug comes in Approach to Thistletop with https://www.dropbox.com/s/fevha2zi65txjt7/Bug1.png?dl=0 this happening. This was running with Lem and Ezren after Ezren used an Orb of Firestorm. Gogmurt hit me before combat for 10 damage which I assume wasn't intended.


    The second bug I don't have screenshots of, but when discarding cards for the waterfronts ability, I discarded one card and found I could use the paladin's inspired grace, which locked me into to trying to roll for nothing, and I couldn't do anything.

  2. Here is a link to my saves folder with logs and my dxdiag.




    After testing it seems to be a problem with the characters as I'm able to enter a campaign with two freshly made characters


    Edit 2:

    After the game crashing when testing if I could add one of the old characters in, the two new party members crashed again trying to go into a campaign.

  3. As of today I have been completely unable to enter the campaign map screen with my full roster.

    I recently deleted my party because everytime I loaded it the game would crash in the loadscreen after

    deck management, duplicating some cards, deleting others(nothing major). Now whenever I make a new

    party when I add all my characters and click the continue button nothing happens. I can try to go to the 

    edit deck screen, but even after continuing from there I still can't get to the campaign screen. I have tried

    with only one character and that'll take me to the map screen, but after adding any more characters the

    game will crash when trying to get back to the map screen.

    I am running on PC Windows 7.




    I seem to be able to play with any singular character but if I put any more than I character in my party

    it will crash in the load screen or won't even let me continue to the load screen.

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