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Posts posted by Bass-GameMaster

  1. Yeah our galaxy doesn't have the Force and we're not much better off. That being said, I still never understood why Kreia wanted the Exile to kill her? It didn't result in the death of the Force which she wanted. She just ended up dead.


    It was a test, to see if Exile could kill her and end their bond breaking his chains and regaining his own connection to the force... It was the ultimate decision.


    I loled. How do you know that the Exile is a he? That's maybe only in your game :blink:.


    Sorry didnt mean to hurt your feelings.. I forgot about canon Exile is a girl.

  2. They do have "higher Ideals" they just are opposite of the LS. They want to become the strongest and most powerful sith in the galaxy. Thats why the apprentice kills its master, to show he is more powerful or eliminate a more powerful sith and thus gain gaining places on the "power ladder".


    Well, I fail to see the difference between that and personal ambition. The Sith may preach that as their higher goal, but to me it just sounds like an excuse for doing what they selfishly want to do.



  3. Anyways, the True Sith arent some unstoppable force their the creatures we saw on the unknown planet... search it on wookiepedia it even names the 3 planets.


    1. Exile isnt god-like Kreia is very hard on expert and hardcore

    2. Revan was god-like in his game considering he was 30 levels lower than exile

    3. Ive already mentioned that a new pc needs to balance out both of the powes

    4. Exile+Revan romance

    5. Spend time drifting in hyperspace to develop dialogue

    6. Enticing story line

    7. And most of Jedi-Phile's ideas...


    Eh, the race on the unkown planet was the Rakata. A force-sensitive race like Miraluka's who used the dark side to build their technology, their most famous invention being the Star Forge.


    True Sith is another race... Sith is a race.... thats the name of the race... Sith. Search Rakata on Wookieepedia.


    1. Agreed...

    2. Huh? I thought the level caps were the same in both games... I haven't played one as much though. Whats level caps?

    3. Not sure how trhis could work but yeah, should happen.

    4. Mentioned earlier, so agreed I guess.

    5. Ofc :)

    6. Yes please :D

    7. yeah.


    It was mentioned first by me second by Jediphile.

  4. Anyways, the True Sith arent some unstoppable force their the creatures we saw on the unknown planet... search it on wookiepedia it even names the 3 planets.


    1. Exile isnt god-like Kreia is very hard on expert and hardcore

    2. Revan was god-like in his game considering he was 30 levels lower than exile

    3. Ive already mentioned that a new pc needs to balance out both of the powes

    4. Exile+Revan romance

    5. Spend time drifting in hyperspace to develop dialogue

    6. Enticing story line

    7. And most of Jedi-Phile's ideas...

  5. Yeah our galaxy doesn't have the Force and we're not much better off. That being said, I still never understood why Kreia wanted the Exile to kill her? It didn't result in the death of the Force which she wanted. She just ended up dead.


    It was a test, to see if Exile could kill her and end their bond breaking his chains and regaining his own connection to the force... It was the ultimate decision.

  6. Although Malak's powerfull power attacks wielding one saber made him top stuff...... He had to fall to the Dark Side become a leader and not a follower... he was just Revan's biatch before... But he displayed cowardice,ignorance,comedy,satisfaction, and a laugh to go with it.... What more can be asked by one character?

  7. 1. New PC. While it is plausible for the Exile to lose his power again (since it was absorbed from his companions who might not be with him anymore) I'm pretty sure he would be pissed having to start from scratch for the 3rd time in his life.


    2. I just really want the hood


    3. Prestige classes were pretty cool, bu make some for neutral characters


    4. I think he means other Empires besides the Sith, but I really think the game should be mostly confined to the Sith Empire itself


    5. No, I don't want sub-plots in this game (sarcastic)


    1. Read my reply to Jediphile


    2. Agreed


    3. Agreed on Neutral Characters - I would love to roll a "Grey Jedi" despite the fact most people despise them.


    4. Yes I do. Yes I want the game to revolve around the Sith empire, I'm just saying that some areas from Chiss space would be a good idea to make available as kind of a "fall back" area.


    5. tnemmoc on



    My mind has undergone a change of opinion.... I WOULD like a PC. I would however like this PC to be a normal Jedi/Sith depending on your actions. No fancy "Force bonds are strong with this one" type character (I like the Exile/Revan storylines don't get me wrong but two is enough for me.


    A simple Jedi who managed to survive would be awesome, I would love to level that.


    (type numbers with dots and repeat what everyone just said)

  8. i do think he is fighting them convertly.


    Me too. I suspect Revan of deliberately falling to the dark side (unless he already was) and then become part of the true Sith to make a claim for the position of dark lord. Those in power would naturally resist this, and so civil war ensues, weakening the true Sith and buying time for the Republic.


    Thats exactly right, he did deliberately do it. But being knocked uncoincious was a huge set back...

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