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Big Bottom

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Posts posted by Big Bottom

  1. I really want to play through FO:NV but I don't really want to pay the premium prices for the Ultimate Edition when I can buy the standard one for a few quid.  Do you guys think the DLC is really worth paying the extra cash bearing in mind it costs around five times as much?  Thankyou thankyou.

  2. Alright dudes my tag is Backside#2100 please add me! Don't know why I have an anus theme going with my names but there you go!


    Will piut you on later, will be up late hrs GMT on nightmare. Tigs it too cool for skool, he's on hell. I suck at Diablo.


    I'm not even up to Act 2 on normal yet...you guys will be way ahead!

  3. I'm thinking of getting BG2 on GoG then I'll never have to worry about where my discs are ever again.


    Is the GoG version patched to the last one so it's good to go mod-wise?


    Don't fancy waiting for the new improved BG2 that they're working on?


    I thought that was BG1?


    Yeah but they've said they will start working on BG2 if BG1 sells enough...which I'm sure it will.

  4. I'm thinking of getting BG2 on GoG then I'll never have to worry about where my discs are ever again.


    Is the GoG version patched to the last one so it's good to go mod-wise?


    Don't fancy waiting for the new improved BG2 that they're working on?

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