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Posts posted by SleepyTemplar

  1. I got the Pim ending where the Principi become a transit company by siding with the Huana and killing both Furrante and Aeldys. I spared Benweth so that Aeldys was imprisoned in Dunnage, killed Furrante and his captains when he asked me to interrogate Aeldys and then set her free. I then manually attacked her (which also turned Mad Morena hostile, but not Pim) and killed the two of them, leaving only Pim alive who was still neutral. This ended the Principi questline for me, but since I was siding with the Huana it all worked out.


    According to https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_endings it looks like that's only a possibility with the Huana claiming Ukaizo.

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  2. I think resolving certain faction quests in the favor of one faction or the other, or quests that strengthen/weaken a faction impact this.


    For instance, I was doing a Aeldys-led Principi ending to try and get one of the worst possible endings for everyone (that didn't involve destroying the world) and had the Royal Deadfire Company as my rival after destroying the adra on Poko Kohara (the only other quest done was the watershaper's guild quest for the queen and I released the dragon). I did the Sakuya quests for the RDC and no VTC quests (also did the slaver quest which pissed Atsura off). If I didn't do the Poko Kohara quest, then the VTC became my rival (which prevented me from getting an ending slide for Pallegina), but it went back to RDC as my rival after I redid Poko Kohara and destroyed the adra.

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  3. Empowering Woedica, with the souls of the Dyrwood, like Thaos wanted (the whole plot of the first game), and making her powerful to restore her broken crown amounted to.... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Bravo Obsidian, Bravo!


    Of course it amounted to something. Her crown is fixed now so she doesn't have to buy a new one. If it took fifteen years of children's souls to fix it, can you imagine how much it would cost for a new one? 

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  4. So I've seen there's a slide where Maia quits the navy, but I must be missing something as I don't see how this option occurs after trying different conversation options with her side quest and doubts about the RDC's actions plus I also refused the final RDC mission to kill the queen and Maia helped me slaughter everyone there, but I still get an ending slide where she's pleased with the RDC's actions (Probably because they let her kill everyone there).


    Might someone point me in the direction of how to get this outcome if you know how? Thanks!

  5. I imported a save with empowered Woedica, and this was the only recognition I saw of it. It was pretty disappointing. I've always given the souls to Berath, but going with Woedica sounded like it had the potential to be a lot of fun. Definitely going back to Berath for my next playthrough.


    I was particularly annoyed not to get any reactivity in the Steel Garrote questline. I was expecting Woedica to spirit-in at any moment. Save for Abydon, Woedica is the only god we haven't had a one-on-one talk with(and the Eyeless were pretty close to talking with Abydon).


    Though, like BalkothTheFeared, I also stayed mostly silent. It's possible I missed some reactivity there. And I did every side quest I ran across, but I didn't run across them all so it's possible there's something there as well. I also haven't seen what Woedica acts like in conversation with the other gods without being empowered. Is she less brash, less belligerent? I wouldn't think so.


    Interesting, I didn't get that blurb about Woedica (instead I got something about sacrificing a companion to the blood pool). Did you sacrifice a companion as part of your history? 

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