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Blog Comments posted by LiefLayer

  1. 2 things:

    - I'm italian and I answered to the survey

    - I hate DLC, that's why I think a "clean plate" is the best option... at the same time I love expansions because they are usually big and with a playtime like the base game. I love the standalone option, but I also think that is better if I can import my character/items.


    In the end, if the "expansion" is a complete game sequel (like the white march) I don't care if you call it expansion...


    Of course I prefer to know how much money I have to spend before that's why a goty is the best option, but if the base game is already a complete package I'm ok with just buy it and think about expansions later.


    For the multiplayer, I don't really care about it. And I think it's best to focus on single player. But if someone want to make a kickstarter (or fig) for the multiplayer part I'm not against this option.


    Finally, waiting it's ok for me. If the result it's great.

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