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Posts posted by RedPred

  1. Make a copy of your game data with the permanent crash. send an email to support@obsidian.net with it attached or upload it in any cloud and give to devs the link here.


    After that dismiss the party in Story (just click the X button in the parties list, you don't lose the characters), then create a new party with the same experienced characters and replay that scenario to complete AD3 mate

  2. If you completed the scenario with different instances of characters that already completed it ... perhaps it doesn't trigger the reward (a new Merisel if Merisel already completed it)... 


    Otherwise it is really a bug or devs removed every possibility to get gold reward replaying Normal and Heroic difficulty (in that case I could be the last lucky guy that got it...). I hope not, because the info frame in the scenario selection become trash for Normal/Heroic in that way (they added it one month ago).


    I haven't read any statements from the devs in 3 months about this question of gold for replays below legendary... so this is discouraging...


    I can only suggest you a strategy to move your actual party forward legendary, but I have to ask you some info before

  3. How many ! exclamation you have still active over your party? If you have more characters with ! on the same type of cards perhaps you can move a card from one in surplus to one in shortage.


    If you have only one char with !, and only one type of cards in shortage and you can't press the arrow on the right side... we have a great problem (bug)..

    In this last case, try to remove the party from Main menu/Story (there is an X to remove it). You won't lose chars don't worry. Then rebuilt the same party with previous chars and start again that scenario.

  4. For the Story mode you can replay every scenario you have unlocked and you can choose your favorite combination of new/experienced chars. Only new ones can gain feats/rewards then. I always leveled up my new added chars in a party with full experienced ones (until the current AD3 at least) to be faster. Also a new char can play advanced scenarios if any char in the party already unlocked it. That could answer you next question :)


    For the Quest mode the higher char in your party determine the Tier of the casual scenario you are going to play. If any char is lvl 10+ you ll play Tier 1 (Tier1 is mostly like AD1), if anyone is lvl 20+ Tier 2, and so on.

  5. Every time you acquire a boon, you can use it in the current scenario. Then in the post-scenario you can setup your decks switching old and new cards you have.

    The decks dimension and the number of cards for each type is defined by the base stats of your char + powers/card feet you choose to add.

    In this version of the game you can't pre-adjust your decks before a scenario with previous AD base decks (except in the first scenario where you can get B+C cards before to start playing), so you have to collect cards you need during explorations and switch them with some old card in the post-scenario setup.


    Normally we use 'Show all' button to verify that some good cards are not discarded by mistake.


    I hope this can help you. GL mate

  6. No mate, doesn't work in that way. For the gold on replay I can't assure what new patch does, but I bought all my chars just playing normal from AD0 to AD3 with all new ones. So the 0 gold at the end of normal story scenario is just a glitch in my opinion and you should see a change in your gold count of about 100-150 for each scenario you play.


    For the card feat you need complete all the adventure (not just the last scenario)


    After that each character has his own completed scenario list (party is just a temporary grouping) that you can find in their statistics sheets. Then every char gets reward when he complete the first time a specific scenario or adventure (set of scenarios, like AD1, AD2,...)


    For the XP in Quest mode, a char gains some xp doing specific actions playing the scenario, and leveling up give specific reward you can read in the Quest statistics sheets. Also in Quest you can regroup old and new chars as you like.

  7. An other possibility is to debug the heavy bugged code and complete the content, to have:

    - additional 5 stars review everywhere and everyday (with the digital version of one of the most wonderful tabletop rpg ever come to light)

    - a perfect and complete source code to compile with what-ever-system-you-want for the next 10 years


    Actually that requires resources (additional programmers, additional testers, additional control quality specialist) that they seem to lack.. but I'm not so confident that entering in new multiple 'environments' in the actual condition will help to relaunch the project and to acquire missing resources mate.. It's a very very risky way.. The integrated customer review systems are very effective pushing up good products and pushing down defective ones (bugged, with half content and empty multiplayer)... Quite easy to bury ourselves with our own hands we could say..

  8. End of turn actions are messed up from the beginning I think, and you can't undo the last selection (also if it hasn't produced any result in the progression). If you activate 'Next' on the middle right side, than you can't activate discard anymore or come back to play different cards. That enables irreversibly just the last turn powers or cards if you have, but until you don't use them logically you could change your mind and undo to play differently or simply discard some cards.


    For the abilities that don't trigger is very complex I think, because they works normally for other players with same os and same game version. So it's a problem in the game logic but that connects several variables we don't know.

  9. I experienced a worse issue than yours. My interface doesn't react at all. I killed the app, saved the data directory and sent to support@obsidian.net. They asked some additional details and I think they worked around before the cumulative hot fix they released a few days later.

    I suggest you to try the same thing because your data produces the issue consistently in that situation, so the analysis is easier.


    Anyway I tried that scenario a second time (before the hot fix) and luckily I completed without other problems in legendary 6-party as you. So retrying could be the shortest way for you in all cases.

  10. @ ripe

    No idea what are you talking about. In the discussion you posted they argued about the ability involved. Answer: no one.

    Here the op is about blessing that doesn't add any die.

    The rule on the blessing is: "Discard this card to add one die to any check". Player is rolling a check? Yes, so blessing adds one die. They HAVE to, also with no ability involved (that gives basic value and extra dice in other situations).

    Also in the end of the discussion you linked, a subscriber asked that and it got exactly this answer: 

    "A blessing adds d6s to a combat check using the Wand of Scorching Ray. A Gorum would add 1d6. A Zarongel would add 2d6."


    PS just noticed that the subscriber there was our Hannibal_PJV. Hei mate :)



    I'm perfectly happy to wait for a quality AD4 release. This game isn't the most important thing in my life, I don't need to go an immature, irrational tirade about the state of the game. I'll patently watch for the app update announcing AD4 and continue playing. I'll probably just start a new party and redo from B forward just to experience the new stuff that's been patched in.



    You can patently watch for the app update announcing, but players who have already paid to complete the game in August 2016, don't want to complete the game in March 2017 after a year... reasonably. They paid full price with false scheduling, not half price. Give them possibility to half refund and I ll accept your thesis.

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