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Posts posted by Gray_Jedi_Knight

  1. I agree with Meta.  Speaking of religious extremists, when are you starting a new thread Gray JK?

    A question was asked to me earlier, in this discussion, "why must you bring your religion in to all of this". My answer is simple, Jesus Christ is my Lord, God, and Savior; Jesus is the bigest part of my life, and his Holy Light shines thru my every move. So I will continue to pray for you, and all non-beleivers. My efforts to help guide people to the Light, will not be stoped by you or any of the rest of you non beleivers. I have every right to speak my mind. You might ask yourself, why do the comments of one man upset you so much.

  2. I would assume that most people in this forum are part of my generation, the younger croud, and I was wondering what all of your oppinions are on the Iraq war. I am not in support of the war, I respect the soilders, this is not there fault. I do get very tired of the double talk that seemes to come from the Bush administration. What do yall think about all of this?

  3. Just like Blacks don't need to apologize for THEIR ancestors selling THEIR ancestors into slavery.



    You actually have a very good point there, the black people have always tended to hate white people for their ancestors being put into slavery, but the truth is that Africa's own people sold their own people into slavery, i'm not sure of the specifics but I know that much is true.


    As for my comment about Malcom X, the picture I was always painted about him, was that he was a racist muslim extreemist, who hated all white people, if I am wrong then someone please tell me the truth.

  4. I think the show shows the truth about racism. The black people on the show go on and on about how the white people are not getting the full experiance of being a black person, I think that it shows the truth of what is really out there. You see what the white people say of their experiances, they don't see the racism that the black people claim to see. I think that the black people have been brought up to expect racism from people especially white people, so it's already in their heads that white people are going to be racist to them before we even open our mouths. I think that it is all about the personality someone has. I have known many great black people, some of them have been some of the most respected people in my mind that I have ever met, one of them grew up in Germany, and he acted and talked like a white person. Most people react negetively toword a negetive personality, regardless of their skin color. I actualy have a great deal of respect for Martin Luther King Jr. for the way he conducted the majority of the civil rights movement in the 60's. He did it peacfuly, not like Malcom X who seemed to hate all white people regardless of what they said or did. I have encountered alot of racism twords me, I live in the south and I am white, and alot of Mexican people have given me looks, and talked to me in a derogitory way, just because I don't understand the language, or because I am white and they don't like me. Even Bill Cosby made a coment about how he thinks that the young black comunity is only hurting itself with the majority of the way they think and act. Racial equality is fine I'm all for that but, I'm not for any race claiming that it is better than another. I am not responsible for what my ancestors did hundereds of years ago, and I should not be held accountible for their actions. I judge whether I like a person or not on their personality and who they are as a person, not on the color of their skin. I think that both the KKK, and the Black Panthers are screwed up, and they need to go to church, and be edjucated in the ignorance of their actions. God created all people equaly and no race should stand above another.

  5. You still never answered the question...who are you to judge?  It says not to judge others as well...so are you not a Christian now?  It also says that all people sin, and Jesus is supposed to be the redemption, so how does that work?

    First of all, I am a Christian, your right in the fact that I will not judge you, but I already know what the judements are and Jesus will pass judement on you all, so don't you dare question my faith when you defend the enemy of Jesus.

  6. Seriously, this guy is super loony.  Who honestly thinks a few barbs on a forum is a full out attack on your religion.  I need to find that section in bible where it says "Dude...chill."


    As for calling homosexuality an abomination, again, who are you to judge?

    It says in the Bible, "a man shall not lie with a man as a man lies with a woman", theres your proof, you can not be a Christian and Gay, it does not work that way.

  7. There was one guy who actually claimed to be Jesus, I will not stand for that and if you read most of what I wrote, I could have been a hole lot meaner, and I could have cursed him out, I'm trying to help guide people toword salvation, and I try to do it with as much respect as possible, even when ediots voice there ediotic opinions


    You talk about christianity and salvation and then throw out insults in the same sentence. Do you think people will find faith because you are rude to them? Wake up, you have absolutely no clue what Gods love is. Gods love doesn't stand for calling people idiots and abominations. It is not your job to judge, it is His alone.

    I WILL DEFEND MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be mocked or spit upon as long as I am here to stop it.

  8. As a christian, I was extremely offended at the way the Gray Jedi fellow carried the thread out.  It wasn't such a problem that he started the thread, in fact I think people did jump on him a bit too much at first, but his responses were terribly contradictory.  The fact is, he started a thread to talk about christianity with some SW fans.  People with different beliefs didn't NEED to comment, but of course they all did.  Then he flew off the handle, which was amusing to watch.


    Don't judge others, lest ye be judged something or other.  I'm terrible with scripture.

    You said that you were okay with homosexuality, it is an abomination. If you claim to be christian, stand by your faith, call me alitle like Peter choping of the guards ear, but I love Jesus and I WILL NOT WATCH PEOPLE BLASFEME HIS HOLY NAME. You are right in the fact that non Christians should have left my topic alone, and they did attack me before I responeded, and I will always respond to defend my Lord Jesus Christ for he is my God, and my Savior and I will never deny him.

  9. Feeling a little left out after missing all the flaming action from that Christian thread, I think I will attempt to start a new discussion about how Christians and atheists could learn to respect each other's beliefs as well as how the two parties could conduct a civil discussion about their differences.


    Like everyone else, I certainly don't appreciate it when someone arrogantly points out that I am ignorant and starts bombarding me with a haughty lecture. Any Christian who would try to spread 'the love of Jesus' (as it's their duty to do so) should be smart enough to see this plain fact. The only way for you Christians to reach an audience with beliefs opposite of yours is first to admit that you yourselves are imperfect and make mistakes and that you yourselves are also seeking knowledge and truth beyond what you have already discovered. If you deny such a simple fact that separates man from God, then you better go and read your Bible a few more times. Even then, it is only best to share your knowledge to those who show interest and are willing to learn.


    I guess that's all I have to say at the moment. Anyone is certainly welcome to add their thoughts on the matter here.

    There was one guy who actually claimed to be Jesus, I will not stand for that and if you read most of what I wrote, I could have been a hole lot meaner, and I could have cursed him out, I'm trying to help guide people toword salvation, and I try to do it with as much respect as possible, even when ediots voice there ediotic opinions

  10. Actually you get saved by doing good things, religion doesn't really matter.

    In that statement you prove your igonrance, the Bible say that no matter what your actions, all that matters when it comes to saved is beleiving in Jesus as your Savior and God. The only action that matters is the action of giving every thing you are to Jesus and letting go of your self. Serve Jesus and you will be rewarded with Heaven itself and be saven from the firey depths of hell.


    Listen boyo, the creator used the bible to make you pissants take care of each other, it wasn't a great way, but it worked for a while, now I'm back, and I shall smite religion and unite man.

    Your are an ignorant fool who will burn hell if you do not change, and for that I am sorry for you. God Bless you.

  11. Actually you get saved by doing good things, religion doesn't really matter.

    In that statement you prove your igonrance, the Bible say that no matter what your actions, all that matters when it comes to saved is beleiving in Jesus as your Savior and God. The only action that matters is the action of giving every thing you are to Jesus and letting go of your self. Serve Jesus and you will be rewarded with Heaven itself and be saven from the firey depths of hell.

  12. Enough, I will add only this, it is interesting that atheists and non beleivers talk of tolerance, and political correctness, gays, pagans, everything is okay to you, but the mineut anybody mentions the Holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or mentions the word Christianity you all get thrown into a frenzy, the founders of this country, set up a system inwhich you could speek your mind without feer of redicule or retaliation. I will never be silenced, I love Jesus Christ as my God, Savior, and Lord, and I will take any condesention that you can think of, because my eventual reward is heaven, ask yourself what if I am right, you will burn in hell if you do not turn from sin. All you have to do is except Jesus as your savior and you will be saved. Political correctness and tollerence of sin be damned, I will have nothing to do with thes worldly ideas. It is the devil that tries to make you waiver and from hearing what I have said in these chat rooms, I worry that he has succeded with some of you. Jesus loves all of you and he will always. Repent, if one day you wake up and millions of people disapear from the Earth, remember my words, read the Holy Bible, read revelation, and know that you have one last chance. Turn from sin, repent, except Jesus Christ as your God, Personel Savior, and Lord, and if and when you do this you will experiance a peace beyond words, and you will understand finally why you are here, you will understand why you exist and your name will be written in the Lambs Book of Life, as mine is. Your sin's will be forgiven. For only thru Jesus Christ is true Peace, Forgiveness, and Mercy possible.

  13. Oh, blasphemy is bad, but gay bashing is cool with you?  Geez

    I don't agree with homosexuality, I personally beleive it to be an abomination. But I never bashed it, I won't stand by and watch people blasfeme the name of my Lord Jesus. Political correctness be damned.


    So what if Jesus wanted to have gay sex with you? Would that still be an abomination?

    You discust me, God loves you nomatter what you say, you are ignorant, and if you do not turn from evil, darkness, and Sin, you will pay for your crimes.

  14. Since homosexuality is hereditary and caused by a hormonal imbalance in the human brain, thusly a person is born/made homosexual since conception and therefore God made them that way.  You are calling one of God's creations an abomination.  Interesting.

    Being a homosexual is a choice, and there is nothing natural about it. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam, or Eve and Eve.

  15. There not delusions, Jesus is the Son of God, the Only Son of God.  He is and will always be God, He is the Alpha and the Omega, and he loves you no matter what you say.


    Got any hard evidence of that or are you just spouting what they brainwashed you in Sunday school.

    It's called faith, faith can not be proven. "Blessed are those who beileve in me but have not seen". Jesus said that. I have no "proof", other than what is in my own heart.

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