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Posts posted by Revan1127
Yeah the conversions in k2 were boring after awhile. I had a majorty of the conversions done by the middle of the game
Does anyone think we'll see Kreia as a Force Ghost in K3?
Can't imagine her with atrophied eyes. Might look a bit like an undead spector, a bit like Freedon Nadd. However, it might be possible.
I agree might be possible i kinda do want to see her as a force ghost
Yeah it is a giant shark that guards the star map. Also drives the selketh crazy and they believe it is an ancient relative of them. Thats why they get angry if you kill it
1. Well, Lord Revan went to the unknown regions to fight te True Sith. Than the Exile went after him. Now the true sith are just a Force-sensitive species that interbred with the Force Users that went to the Dark Side after the Great Schism. A few examples of those sith are: Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos, Ludo Kresh. But they are all dead.
While i was reading Clone Wars(Light and Dark) there was a scene where Darth Tyrannus gave Quinlan Vos the crystal of Darth Andeddu, who looked like a true Sith.
Now i red on Wookiepedia that they have plans for him. Maybe they will use him a leader of the True Sith. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Andeddu
2. Although the likehood of the things that i'm going to share is very small, i just want you to read it: In the new comics, Knights of the Old Republic the protagonis is Zayne Carrick. Zayne was a Padawan who was not very talented and always came to late. On the night where he was supposed to be a Jedi Knight he witnessed how his master and the other Jedi Masters of the council kils his fellow Padawans, shocked by this he runs away. While he runs away his masters tells the authorities it was Zayne who killed the Padawans and that they'll deal with him. After a little research he finds out, that his masters thinks he is going to be a Dark Lord of the Sith, a Destroyer of Worlds. Could this referring to Darth Nihilus?
Many fans have speculated about Zayne's future. If the Jedi Masters' fears turn out to be accurate, there is a possibility that Zayne could become one of the characters from the Knights of the Old Republic games. In particular, many fans predict that Zayne may become the Jedi Exile. Others theorize that Zayne may be Darth Nihilus, judging by the "destroyer of worlds" prophecy. Darth Sion is a more remote possibilityhttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zayne
Or Darth Nihilus could be his friend, Squint
Just as some fans believe that Zayne Carrick and the Jedi Exile can be the same person, so is it theorized that Squint may be Revan. However, it should be noted that "Revan" is a real name, not an alias or nickname, so "Squint" should be an alias for this theory to work. Also, given that Squint was captured and Nihilus was known to have been a prisoner of the Mandalorians, it is also possible that Squint and Nihilus are the same person.http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Squint
So maybe a game about this?
Greets, Darth Nihilus
This is interesting
Are you sarcastic?
No wasnt trying to be i never read any of the clone war material and i found it interesting srry wasnt trying to be sarcastic.
1. Well, Lord Revan went to the unknown regions to fight te True Sith. Than the Exile went after him. Now the true sith are just a Force-sensitive species that interbred with the Force Users that went to the Dark Side after the Great Schism. A few examples of those sith are: Naga Sadow, Marka Ragnos, Ludo Kresh. But they are all dead.
While i was reading Clone Wars(Light and Dark) there was a scene where Darth Tyrannus gave Quinlan Vos the crystal of Darth Andeddu, who looked like a true Sith.
Now i red on Wookiepedia that they have plans for him. Maybe they will use him a leader of the True Sith. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Andeddu
2. Although the likehood of the things that i'm going to share is very small, i just want you to read it: In the new comics, Knights of the Old Republic the protagonis is Zayne Carrick. Zayne was a Padawan who was not very talented and always came to late. On the night where he was supposed to be a Jedi Knight he witnessed how his master and the other Jedi Masters of the council kils his fellow Padawans, shocked by this he runs away. While he runs away his masters tells the authorities it was Zayne who killed the Padawans and that they'll deal with him. After a little research he finds out, that his masters thinks he is going to be a Dark Lord of the Sith, a Destroyer of Worlds. Could this referring to Darth Nihilus?
Many fans have speculated about Zayne's future. If the Jedi Masters' fears turn out to be accurate, there is a possibility that Zayne could become one of the characters from the Knights of the Old Republic games. In particular, many fans predict that Zayne may become the Jedi Exile. Others theorize that Zayne may be Darth Nihilus, judging by the "destroyer of worlds" prophecy. Darth Sion is a more remote possibilityhttp://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zayne
Or Darth Nihilus could be his friend, Squint
Just as some fans believe that Zayne Carrick and the Jedi Exile can be the same person, so is it theorized that Squint may be Revan. However, it should be noted that "Revan" is a real name, not an alias or nickname, so "Squint" should be an alias for this theory to work. Also, given that Squint was captured and Nihilus was known to have been a prisoner of the Mandalorians, it is also possible that Squint and Nihilus are the same person.http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Squint
So maybe a game about this?
Greets, Darth Nihilus
This is interesting
I voted other because I'd like to play as Revan but i dont think that will happen
I just want a good name for it. I mean, K1 = Kotor, nice enough K2= Kotor 2 sith lords, nice enough. But what the heck will k3 be?
Kotor 3: The ultimate
Mmm...TexturesIt's like someone getting aroused by Lara Croft's body in the original Tomb Raider game.
edit: Ibelieve that you haven't heard about Kasumi pillow?
I guess jedi watchmen because it is the continuation of the Jedi Sentential. But I like them all
dont no if its been said but when bastila asks you what planet your from you can say your a wookie. anything hk says also the flirying between male revan and bastila is funny
Meant the Flirting between Male Revan and Bastila
Voted Taris because it was the most complex looking in my opinion.
They are good freinds u cant take any romance farther then friendship belive me i treied lol <_<
I voted neither because both orders are pretty much destroyed by the end of kotor 2 hopefully the Jedi order will be rebuilding in kotor 3
meant kotor story srry bout that
I found it I should ask the artists permision but if he/she objects I will gladly remove it.
That is not an insult to Visas.
The following art of Visas is not by me.
More information can be found in this thread http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=35824&st blah blah blah......star wars tales #24.
Ps, sokay Xard,you don't have to weep for me I'm going to hell anyway according to the bible.
She's still hotter than Bastila. But of course, who isn't?
LOLZ right.
Visas needs to cover her eyes back up.
I agree i used to want to know what was under the veil. lol now I don't
My big thing is i want to find out what happen to revan
I think i heard somewhere it did
I think its a bug in the game that happened to me i had to start a new game before she talked to me again. Or you could load a previous save before she was mad at you.
Umm... wasn't Unkown world in quite in middle of Galaxy?
I mean, just at the Star Map
I belive it was
Was Luke Skywalker given a sith name when he began apprenticed to Palpatine's clone?
No, because he didn't deal in absolutes.
Well, maybe Luke could have been the Dark Lord of the Bith.
And then we'd have a game named Jedi Academy: The Bith Lords. :D
I dont really want a prequel before you know how the story ended even then i may not really want one. Like Dark Wast said you already know what is going to happen.
This thread strengthens my faith in humanity.
EDIT: I voted Kreia, just because someone said it would be funny.
That was me lol
Does mira love the jedi exile
in Star Wars: General Discussion
Posted · Edited by Revan1127
Yeah they are not supposed to be in realtionships like that but the exile was well exiled so he doesn