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Posts posted by Revan1127
went for the starforge.....malacor V is or was just a ruin of the Mandalorian War, it did'nt maintain any power, just a bunch of beasts that i dont remember the name of and trayus academy.....
starforge maintains ancient power, it's not(maybe not) in ruin since it was still operational and all....
I always felt they knew each other before the wars and thats why the romance works if they didnt then well i agree with previous posts that it makes no sense for them to fall in love over little jokes. I also feel thats why she saved him in answer to my own post.
With Bastila and male Revan, somehow romance seemed to be intense, and a bit excessive. Hardly understood its rationale at all. Unless say perhaps there was some other part of story where both are involved, apart from Bastila restoring Revan's wounded mind. One can say that that could also have been for a female Revan, though.
I never really undersood why bastila saved Revan when he was betrayed why save the sith lord when he was about to die.
Lol, I was just joking.
yeah I know i read your post and was on pcgamemods and saw it. I was like this is wierd so I was like what thae hell ill post it.
Too bad that the romance was restricted to male Revans. Disappointed I am.
theres a mod for a female revan and bastila romance I jus saw it so i dont no if it works. http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/18736.html
It is one of my favorite
True. But remember, Kotor 2 came out in 2004. At that point I think LucasArts had every intention of making a 3rd release. If only for the sake of finishing the trilogy. Thus they likely started work on it in early 2005. Let me see here... 2005 2006 2007.... So yeah, I'm thinking we'll hear something about it at the end of this year, and probobly will see it in either late 2007 or early 2008.
Anything is possible but not probable.
There is a very old saying... "We shall see what we shall see"
When it happens, we'll know, and then we can settle this whole ordeal once and for all.
I loved Kotor 2, so it would be very bad if Obsidian is not woking on Kotor 3. Kotor 2 is one of the best games I ever player.
I have a feeling the will get someone else to do it.
Very well said. It's more "fear of the unknown", then anything. Fear brings up exaggeration from the human psyce. Thus, the "all powerful true sith"
This is true, an example is how the Europeans feared the Native Americans when the landed in the new world because they were a unknown factor.
"It totally destroys whole idea of Anakin bringing balance to Force"
Heh, the thought of Hayden Christensen bringing balance to anything gives me a rash.
Or at least an anurism
And meh, whats so bad about Luke being a force ghost? I think Hamill did a lousy job of portraying him, he acts a little to wimpy for my standards. But the book character of Luke is actually pretty cool. And him being a force ghost just means he'll be around forever
yeah I guess but I really disklike legacy comics if it had been 1000 year later or something different, I would be like cool luke force ghost, but since its in Legacy comics I was unhappy.
Well... at least we know they are not going to be rushing out KotOR 3 with the same graphics engine that KotOR 1 had.
We hope
I never really liked the legacy idea i though it was too close to the njo order and lotf era i mean another war
anyway sad to see luke as a force ghost
OK then.
I think that Kotor 3 should have alien PCs! That would be sooo awesome guys. Oh oh, I also want triple bladed lightsabers, 2 of them. That would own. I would own you all. I also think that good should have halos and evil should have horns. I also want more love, this is Star Wars, where is my twin to love on?
Aye, one thing you said mate, I REALLY hope that they dont write our characters history for us like they did the last two times. Both times we had a character that was already hated by some and loved by others. For once I would like to make the choises that determine who likes and dislikes my character rather then to have it all pre-written for me and thus limit me in several areas with choises made by my character that I would have never made personally.
So yeah, how about a little more control over our past, helps us influence our destiny that much more
i always liked the pre written storys becuase it always seemed more like a book or a movie to me but it would also be cool to write it ourselves.
One thing that is crediable from that link s that merc 2 is coming out.
Anyone thinking what I'm thinking??? WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH KOTOR?!?! lol
Ok not that big a deal, but seriously, this isnt the merc forum.
what pop said.
#5 For the love of a wookie, give me a fricken lightsaber from the start. I've had enough of playing for a hour or so before i can make one, or "earn" one.
#8 Please Please i never want to have to go to tattoine again...ever.
I love these two ideas lol
One thing that is crediable from that link s that merc 2 is coming out.
Revan of course.
His accent and what sionn said.
I meant to add male revan reunite with bastila :">
KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion
in Star Wars: General Discussion
Is this really true or another hoax <_<