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Posts posted by pukoid

  1. Game version was 2.02.0749 PX1

    Downloaded GOG updates:


    4a1f627a0b9208867616f9beea97444e *patch_pillars_of_eternity_2.6.0.12.exe
    69f30eb0f328f24d11adc390ab9571a8 *patch_pillars_of_eternity_the_white_march_part_1_2.2.0.12.exe

    Update patch_pillars_of_eternity_2.6.0.12.exe writes in patch_log.txt

    Pillars of Eternity patch log
    File not found (for patching): d:\games\pillars\PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle\spirit_bane.unity3d

    Update patch_pillars_of_eternity_the_white_march_part_1_2.2.0.12.exe throws no error.


    Updated to 2.03.0788 PX1, game runs without visible glitches.



    Is incorrect DR fixed?


    It was never bugged. It's fine in your screenshot too.


    I think he means the discrepancy between the listed DR of an item found with +DR enchantment vs one without it that is later enchanted by the player. It's only a label problem, but it's still a problem.


    When you find an item with a +DR enchantment on it, the enchant's +DR is factored into the item's 'total' DR.

    When you enchant an item with +DR that did not have it upon being obtained, it is not factored into the item's 'total' DR.


    Basically, it's factoring it in one case(items found with +DR) and not in the other(items found without it).




    I clearly remember that DR was displaying properly in pre-2.0 versions. In 1.05/1.06 totals were displayed with all bonuses, and if item has pre-built or manualy enchanted XXX-proof +3 it was always added to corresponding resist value or displayed as separate vlalue.

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