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Posts posted by Valko

  1. As far as I know, this phenomenon is in no way restricted to Deadfire, i.e. you would find the exact same dodgy keys for many, many games. (I once made a short search and found several very cheap keys. But they looked so dubious I didn't even consider buying.)

    Thousands of cheap steam keys for famous titles is a very very rare case. In this case it could be some fishy reseller or marketing source. Moreover that could be a reason of financial failure of the game.


    Deadfire filter is horrible! Though original pics are great

    Deadfire filter?  :rolleyes:  Lol, what is that? If you mean the watercolor portraits I do here then it's handwork for the most part. I make them as similar looking as a I can to the official watercolor portraits. But if you don't like them you can always take only the original portrait to use in dialogues and scripted interactions. They will stand out though, because all NPCs and companions use watercolor portraits in those instances.


    Watercolor or whatever, they look like comics for 8 yo kids and that's compared to PoE 1 is terrible

  3. Valko, Do you happen to launch Pillars from a shortcut from your Taskbar? The reason I ask is that I also had issues with achievements not unlocking or the Steam overlay not working. I have been launching the game by that route myself. I would assume that a shortcut to the Desktop would also do this but I have not tested this yet. When I was researching this today I noticed that my Steam account said that the last time I played the game was back in April even thought I did play it yesterday. After launching the game through Steams library the Steam overlay worked and low and behold I unlocked my first achievement after 10 minutes of playing.

    I'm launching the game from a shortcut from my desktop, without steam overlay. I'll try it to start from steam library directly.

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