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Posts posted by Deiphysity

  1. Depends on what difficulty you're playing on and what roles you want for your characters, constitution can be either important or useless.




    For my Path of the Damned run frontline tanks, I have his stats at:




    The White that Wends Human (Hearth Orlans are still the best option I believe)


    4 Might (Min)


    15 Cons (Average)


    3 Dex (Min)


    19 Per (Max)


    18 Int (Max)


    19 Res (Max)





    For whatever reason, I felt compelled to reply to this, but anywho..


    Your idea of "Average" stats is a bit skewed.  In RPGs that use the D&D attribute system of 3 to 18, an attribute of "15" is not average.


    This is essentially how attributes were explained in the D&D Manual:

    •   3 is a crippled individual, or someone nearly deficit in whichever attribute.  (e.g.:  3 Agility/Dexterity means you can't even walk.)

    •   8 is slightly below par, such as a computer nerd who has below-average strength, but isn't completely weak.

    • 10 is the average, every-man regular joe attribute level.  e.g. 10 intellegence is equivalent to an average person's IQ

    • 15 is very, very high.  e.g.:  15 to 17 strength/might would be the equivalent to a professional bodybuilder

    • 18 or higher is the attribute level of a demigod, for lack of a better word.  Example:  Hercules may have 19 strength in a CRPG



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