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Posts posted by nikolokolus

  1. *snip*

    Again, I'm sorry for creating such a long post. I'm also sorry if anyone feels offended by anything I've said - It isn't my intention to offend anybody, but I felt the need to express my concerns, as well as my appreciation, for romances.


    It's OK, just let it out, don't hold it in, that just leads to ulcers and heart attacks.


    Shame on you Bioware! See what damage you've done?

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  2. I think it might be cool to have the barbarian's nekkid berzerk rage mimic what it was all about in them olden days- it needs to inspire awe and fear. If the barbarian chooses to armor himself, his berzerk rage will no longer inspire the same awe and will fatigue him faster. Or some such mechanical reason to choose to eschew armor.


    Having visited both rainforests and deserts, I *can* think of a few cultural reasons why barbarians might not want to wear too much body armour as a rule of thumb. Besides, it does indeed look more impressive when giving in to rage and you start tearing your flimsy deer skin toga apart Hulk Hogan style :p


    Besides, vikings were sort of archetypical barbarians. Wouldn't want too much armour pulling you down if you are a sea faring people.


    Personally the last thing I want is to have to level up armor.


    I didn't really meant anything like that, I wouldn't want to level armor either (unless it was intelligent armor :grin:).


    A bit like the stealth suit in Old World Blues 8)


    Honestly the thing that sprang to mind was the Pictish warriors who would strip naked, paint themselves in blue body paint and charge into battle. Northern Scotland aint exactly a sunny, tropical clime.

  3. I was more wondering why Plate and Chain would be contemporaries at all. I thought that Chain fell out of favor because Plate was better in pretty much every way in a fight. Chain's benefits really only show up in ease of donning and storage, since its lesser weight wasn't distributed as well so it still ended up tiring you out more quickly.


    Certainly, plate armor was a technological advancement, but availability usually boils down to expense with any kind of weapon and armor system.


    Plate armor was highly prized and coveted. If it hadn't been so expensive to make, anyone would have sought to get some and use it.

  4. It is related to PE. These are the kinds of discussions being had right now behind the curtain.


    True, of course.

    Perhaps I'm just spoiled by the nice updates we had throughout the Kickstarter. Had hoped that now with one week between each update that kind of quality would continue.


    I don't know how to respond to your characterization of "quality." The kickstarter updates were about the evolving scope of the game; a time of excitement and expanding possibilities. Now they're rolling up their sleeves and trying to put those lofty and nebulous goals into concrete terms, that requires a lot of thought and deliberation.


    You can be underwhelmed if you like, but my advice would be to appreciate this unique opportunity to peak behind the curtain- this just doesn't happen every day!

  5. Hmm, kinda surprised to see several people saying this is a "good update"... found it to be rather disappointing to be honest.

    A small bit about the way armor is handled in other games but without an answer on how PE will be handling it.

    Or to be more precise, I feel as if this update is some sort of placeholder since the actual PE relevant info in it is nowhere near enough to warrant making this an update.


    There's a reason it's called pre-production. These are the issues the developers are wrestling with. The fact that they're exposing this high level design stuff is almost unprecedented in game development under the traditional publisher model.


    If you want concrete descriptions of the nuts and bolts of game mechanics then my advice would be to ignore the project for about six months.

    • Like 2
  6. I agree with Sawyer a whole lot; I think his fear of people wanting NPCs to be romance-able even against the design of the NPC is very fair. Because I do think there are some players who feel that the NPCs should be subjugated to the will/identity of the PC, caught in the gravity well of their leadership.


    I'm against that. I think its poor NPC design to allow players an option to violate who the NPC is just for the sake of giving the PC something "special" (a romance, a quest, or anything else).


    All of this... times a thousand.


    I'll be honest, if MCA writes a romantic subplot into the game I almost want to see the whole thing get turned on its head. Have the NPC object of desire turn into a psycho stalker or have them deliver the "I just want to be friends" speech, or claim chastity. Anything but the detestable, give gifts, talk sweet, subjugate and "win" the relationship garbage that most cRPG romances have devolved into.


    Maybe this is my problem with people vocally and persistently asking for romance able companions. I can only presume that they've enjoyed the kind of shallow fan service romances we've seen from companies like bioware and others. I'm hard pressed to think of any games that have handled this kind of thing in a nuanced or compelling way.

    Strangly enough Bioware provided all the things you have asked for in DA2.

    Aveline won´t be intrested no matter how much the player flirts with her. And Sebastian will insist on keeping the relationship chaste on the friendship path.


    DA2 sprang to mind as one of the worst offenders when I was writing up that post. And just so we're clear I'm not asking for any kind of romantic subplot in the game, but if it's there, I want it to completely subvert the fan-service, ego-stroking, tack taken by games like DA2

  7. Geography in fantasy (!) games/books/movies can be all sorts of weird, what's important is to have a plausible story to back it up. It would be cool for example to have a river which flow is reversed by some kind of magical mishap. Variety is another issue... Looking at PE map, majority of the continent is covered by forests, but I'm still hoping to see a little bit of desert with one or two oases.


    In general though, I don't really care about realistic geography.


    That's not a continental map.

  8. I agree with Sawyer a whole lot; I think his fear of people wanting NPCs to be romance-able even against the design of the NPC is very fair. Because I do think there are some players who feel that the NPCs should be subjugated to the will/identity of the PC, caught in the gravity well of their leadership.


    I'm against that. I think its poor NPC design to allow players an option to violate who the NPC is just for the sake of giving the PC something "special" (a romance, a quest, or anything else).


    All of this... times a thousand.


    I'll be honest, if MCA writes a romantic subplot into the game I almost want to see the whole thing get turned on its head. Have the NPC object of desire turn into a psycho stalker or have them deliver the "I just want to be friends" speech, or claim chastity. Anything but the detestable, give gifts, talk sweet, subjugate and "win" the relationship garbage that most cRPG romances have devolved into.


    Maybe this is my problem with people vocally and persistently asking for romance able companions. I can only presume that they've enjoyed the kind of shallow fan service romances we've seen from companies like bioware and others. I'm hard pressed to think of any games that have handled this kind of thing in a nuanced or compelling way.

    • Like 3
  9. To be fair we don't know exactly how few and how far these rest stops will be... actually we don't know anything yet because the game is barely into pre-production.


    Whatever gets implemented, an extensive playtest and balancing process will have to take place. Hopefully what comes out at the other side is thoughtful, challenging and fun.

  10. Prerequisites for certain feats/skills are fine sometimes, but I've never much cared for the way it was done in the Dragon Age games. The perk/feat chains made me feel railroaded into a particular build.


    I'd like to see a system wherein the generalist, "jack of all trades, master of none" approach is nearly as viable for character building as the specialist, min-max path.

  11. Maybe the best explanation is that during bed rest, magical curatives are applied to hasten the body's natural healing processes? If there are in fact some limited magics to boost or restore stamina in the game during and after combat, then perhaps a patient with truly grievous wounds needs these same types of curatives applied while the patient's body mends itself during complete bed rest? So instead of convalescing for weeks to let a massive wound heal on its own, it can be accelerated to a matter of hours or a couple of days?


    In any case, trying to apply logic as to why certain magic functions one way or another is completely futile. Personally, I find the idea that healing and resurrection magic are rare and/or non-existent kind of refreshing. It will be interesting to see how the entire scope of magic is handled in the game.

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  12. I think I've figured something out. If you like romances in games, perhaps you liked playing with Barbie and Ken and pretending they were getting married and pooping out lots of babies? If you don't like romances, chances are, you preferred GI Joe action figures and you liked imagining Cobra getting his ass kicked. (God help those of you whose parents forced you to merge your play time with your baby sister and combine GI Joe action time with Ken and Barbie country club time).



    The thing with RPGs is once upon a time they were mostly about GI Joe kicking Cobra's ass, and then at some point -- hard to pinpoint when exactly -- Barbie started showing an interest in GI Joe and all of sudden poor Joe had to start having feelings and being all sensitive and crap. Before you know it, Barbie moved in and started decorating Joe's house with frilly curtains and making him watch Bridges of Madison County and Twilight on the weekends. Now (thanks to Bioware) GI Joe has hung up his rocket launcher, quit the army and become a mopey, emo, D-bag -- an emotional cripple, cut adrift in a world where he's ill-equipped to keep that dirty Ken from stealing Barbie.


    I know the days of role-playing games being tied to tabletop war games is over, but I'm so damn tired of RPGs being turned into melodramatic, interactive soap operas. I just want my barbarian, Tahvo Ukonnen, of the Northern Steppe to be able to cleave that goblin in twain without having to ego stroke a bunch of navel gazing, water drinkers that choose to tag along after him.


    Ah, Diablo 3 written in a few more words!


    Diablo 3 has more in common with Ms. Pacman than it does real table-top war gaming.

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