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Posts posted by nikolokolus

  1. For a city to feel alive, it's usually got a lot more to do with activity level instead of just raw numbers. And I'm not just talking about the obvious stuff like smiths hammering on an anvil and hawkers barking.


    It's probably beyond the scope of their budget, but I'd love to see guys playing cards outside of a shop, people casually leaning against walls, people stooping to inspect a vendor's wares, actual haggling (gesticulating, shaking their heads, etc.) Little touches added to posture and animations beyond people standing around like wooden statues.


    There doesn't really need to be a lot of written or spoken dialogue (beyond the low level din and chatter tracks typically pieced together) but if a game can get some of these little touches integrated it can really make an environment "pop."

  2. MP in Baldur's Gate seemed like a good idea on paper. In practice, it was a freaking massive headache.


    This doesn't even bring up the fact that they'd have to make sure all of their systems (Dialogue, pause for combat, class balance) were MP friendly and that takes a helluva lot of time to playtest and debug, which equals more expense and more development time.


    Perhaps, If Obsidian released a sort of "Storm of Zehir" type expansion for Project Eternity focused specifically on story-lite and action, that kind of game would make sense, but for a campaign with a strong central protagonist it always ends up feeling like a kludge.

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  3. I don't know, guys... It's not that these harsh accusations aren't enough to make me rethink my core essence as a person, but there are obviously five people who would like to see a PE MMO, and I don't think that you should hate on me for giving this minority a voice. The poll options were simply meant as a sincere reassurance to Obsidian that we will support them in whatever they do, but I understand if some people are uncomfortable with that notion. Even more, the unfortunate reality of the gaming industry is such that it is the follow-up to a highly critically acclaimed title that makes the most money- the same goes for the music industry. Like it or not, I'm confronting real and difficult issues here, and while you may not appreciate the occasionally tongue-and-cheek nature of my presentation that shouldn't take away from the legitimacy of the issues. Now, I suppose I can tolerate some ad hominem attacks along the way in people voicing their obviously strong opinions on this matter, but I do ask that you keep that to a minimum. Thank you.


    At any rate, I am positive that the members of this community would rather discuss matters such as this than hold discourse over concrete issues like game mechanics (as my mostly ignored thread on character traits and statistics indicates). I'm simply trying to do my best to give you all interesting but ultimately inconsequential things to talk about so that the risk of having to actually confront relevant things like lore or game mechanics is minimized.



    You were able to play the prophet and the martyr cards at the same time. Well done.

  4. One of my favorite PnP characters was a grizzled half-orc barbarian that pulled a Logan's Run with the orc tribe that was planning to sacrifice him to Gruumsh, right before he slipped into his dotage on his thirtieth birthday.


    He spent a lot of time seeking pants that fit properly, complained incessantly about how stupid and lazy his young companions were and how he'd gotten " too old for this #@%$"

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