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I am Catharsis

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Posts posted by I am Catharsis

  1. "the fight on the bridge is pretty insane... how on earth can i beat them" (I didn't want to quote the complete message for a better visibility)


    >> I used a trick with my paladin using the small wood scarabs :


    Summon them at the very begining of the fight, make them tank, then run away with your character.


    At this point, only 2 guys followed me. I killed them, then walked slowly until I find the rest of the pack. Pulled a first part of the pack (the Melee ones on me), then summoned the shades directly on the ranged guys (Mages). The shades killed fast the mages, then came to my help right after :)

  2. Hi "I am Catharsis" and congrats


    Can you tell us what were your stats ? What abilities did you choose ?


    Thx :)


    Hi, and sorry for the late answer.

    So basically, my build was not that optimised. But the core stats and skills i took were the following:


    - Might and Cons maxed out.


    * Might is probably the best stat in the game as it influences ALL the damages you do, including the scrolls and spells you get from your gear.

    * Constitution is extremely useful when you play solo because you will have to tank, so a large HP pool is important. + A high global health pool will allow you to hold long fights.


    The rest of the stats are secondary, still the ones that boost Deflection are still good to take on your gear.


    For the skills and talent:

    I took mainly passive ones. First because the Rogue doesn't have active skills that really deal high damages, second because with a low Dexterity, they are not that instresting.


    Key spells:

    - Sword and Shield Mastery: Probably the best for soloing, i took it level 2

    - Shadowing Beyond: You NEED this one as a Rogue, i took it level 3

    - Retaliation: This is what this build is all about. When you Parry / Dodge, you have 30% to hit back your opponent. With a high deflection, you will hit like crazy in big packs of mobs. You will get access to it level 5.

    The rest is up to you. I personally played super safe and took the +5 Deflection Bonus and the +10 Deflextion for 0,8 Attack speed Bonus that have a great synergy with this build.



    And to follow on the last answer, I think too that it's doable with almost all classes. I am currently trying with a Paladin, and so far I reached the Bay with no trouble. Using the same kind build (with the blood plate), it works really well, especially since Paladins have HUGE bonuses in Deflection. I'll try to keep you up to date if I manage to finish the game :)

  3. Hi, here's my small contribution:


    - When you hit level 2 (most of the time right after the first cave if you're not a Rogue), get your points in mechanics, then go back in the cave to unlock all the traps. Each of them will give you between 5 and 15 xp for free.


    - In general, try to get enough mechanics to unlock all the possibe traps. They give you free XP and those are extremely useful to initiate good fights.


    - In the first inn, there's a free Coat at the first floor on the first room on the right. Even though there's a NPC, you won't lose reputation if you unlock the locker. If you're lucky enough, you'll get the Cold Resist one, extremely good against Shadows and Phantoms.


    - Free 1handed dagger if you go to easternwood, take the path right on the left at the entrance of the zone, then sneak up to the mausoleum (hidden cache)


    - Free 2 handed weapon if you go to Magran fork, on a cadaver on the bottom left of the map (sneak up to here as there are some monsters around)

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    After a long dilemma, I choose to play a cipher as my first character, mostly because they seemed the most BROKEN AS F**K and also because they are the closest to a fighter/mage archetype.

    Fixed :p


    Except that, it depends a lot on what difficulty mode you're playing on. If you want to make it a tank, you can, but you will probably need to take some talents like Shield and Weapon mastery, or Deflection.


    Your ability to tank will be also depending a lot on the level of your character compared to the level of the monsters you're fighting. If you don't do a lot of side quests to be a bit over the level of the mobs you're encountering, you will obviously take more damages.


    But in the end, it's totally possible to make a tank. I'm currently playing with a Rogue that I turned into a tank, and it works well in PotD.



    Tested and approved for Rogue.


    By maxing the Deviation and getting enough Endurance to handle a long fight, this is currently one of the best build and especially of you're solo.


    You have to know that Retaliation also procs when your character is cc'ed (on the ground to exaple).


    Extremely good skill (probably one of the best).

    What do you mean by maxing the deviation?  I don't understand that term?



    Pretty sure he means deflection.



    Haha thanks for the translation. Yeah I totally meant Deflection. I struggle a bit with the different names in Eng and Fr :p

    So yeah, and by "Maxing" I mean trying to find as many items as possible that brings you Deflection. :)

  6. It all depends on what difficulty mode you're playing on.


    If you wanna be 100% RP, nothing prevent you from playing Easy with the charcter of your choice and doing some "fair" fights.


    If you wanna go in PoTD (which seems to be your focus), well... Talking about stats only, all those D&D look-alike games are based on the fact that your main characters have nothing but the same stats as the monsters you encounters. Even worse sometimes. So yeah, if you wanna 1v1 a Bear with your freshly made hero, you can try. The thing is you're gonna have to reload the fight 100 times to have the "pefect" fight where your hero dodge every single attack and crits on every hit.


    But honeslty, i think that this mode is made to push the game mechanics to the limits, including IA "abuse".

  7. Not even close :p


    Currently, there's a funny bug : I managed to kill Thalos multiple times before he hosts one of the statues. What's the result? The cinematics doesn't start and if you kill the 2 golems afterwards, the game "stops". That is to say that you can still open your map, but you can't move your character anymore.

  8. Congrats, man! I wasn't expecting rogue to be here.


    Honestly, I think PotD solo's biggest hurdle is the early game. Eothas' temple, Readric's Hold, Meirwald... they all present a lot of difficult challenges. After that, I think that the game opens up immensely. It's just a matter of getting past Caed Nua!


    Looking forward to hearing what you did.


    Thank you so much!


    And yes exactly! Currently the early part of the game is a real pain, especially Caed Nua with the main room filled with Phantoms (I honestly think they should rework it by the way). After that, all the part where you can farm XP thanks to small quests in he Bay is actually quite easy. 


    Still the last chapter is a challenge, and the last boss is honestly super hard. I probably reload more than 200 times (normal + PotD mode) to finally find some small rifts in the IA and to kill it. And I have no idea how you could do it with something else than a Rogue for now.

  9. Thank you so much for your support! :D


    What was your strategy in the final battle with Thaos?


    I'm currently uploading a video of the final fight on youtube with all the explanations :)



    Hi Catharsis, congrats for finish the game solo.


    Could you make some screenshots like this (http://imgur.com/a/SJm6k) to see your build, mate? And what attributes do you choose at the begining of the game?


    I wanna try a retaliation rogue/chiper for soloing, but your Retribution tank actually souds very good.




    I think i'm going to write a new topic with all the details about the build I used. It will be easier! But you can have a preview on the video i'm uploading. :)



    I soloed the BB with a rogue but I pretty much decided "never again". Solo in this game is just kinda tedious. I'm sure triple crown solo still takes some skill but it's more about patience, learning the fights before hand, and abuse of AI limitations.


    The players that've done triple crown so far used separate saves to figure the best ways to do most things. And I think so far it's all rogues for shadowing beyond of course.


    I didn't know that people actually achieved the triple crown solo. But yeah, this is definitely possible!

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