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Posts posted by Warden

  1. If my understanding is correct, the base value of recovery speed is 1.2*attack speed. So, if we have an attack animation that takes 30 frames, it would have a recovery of 30*1.2=36 frames. Now if you use the +20% attack speed talent then your attack would have 30 (1-0.2)= 24 frames. Consequently, the recovery will be performed in 1.2*24=28.8 frames. Thus changing the attack speed also has an impact on the recovery speed.


    all in-game description "attack speeds" are changing the recovery speed

    except the DEX

  2. so actually the modifers were:


    Dex: 30% Attack and Recovery and Reload Speed?

    Penetrating Shot: -20% Recovery

    Chant: +17% Recovery, +50% Reload Speed

    Armor: -50% Recovery


    i would switch the +/- because if you want to make something faster you subtract

    the in-game descriptions are strange (at least for me anyway), sometimes x2 sometimes % and with armor they write -50% like the armor is making the recovery time to be 50% faster

  3. @ErlKing:

    my understanding is:

    first you take default animation speed, lets say some 2h melee wep. which is 30

    modify it with dex bonus lets assume we have 20 dex -> 10x3% -> 30% -> 30 speed * (100% - 30%) -> 30 * 0.70 -> 21

    now that we have the animation speed we multiply it by 1.2 to get the default recovery speed -> 21 * 1.2 -> 25.2

    and now we apply the recovery bonuses -> 25.2 * (100% + (50% 2H - 30% dex + 50% armor)) -> 25.2 * (100% + 70%) -> 25.2 * 1.7 -> 42.84


    in your case you are just adding % with all 3 -> (100% + (50% 2h + 50% armor + 20% penshot + 40% ??? low dex)) there is no  / 0 .... just 260% -> *2.6

    on the other hand you could prolly get to recovery time * 0 or recovery time * -X



    as you guessed the attack speed chant does NOT stack .... *cry*

    and i had such a stylish rifleman squad named Rifleman A-F XD

  4. @Sensuki:

    if i go by the logic you posted, you can actually negate the recovery time completely provided you have enough +attack speed stuff right ?

    then your attack speed = the animation speed which can be modified by DEX only ?

    and if the same logic can be applied to ranged weapons ...

    6 chanters with ranged attack speed buff, equiped with rifles and maxed DEX ... there would be only heavily lowered animation speed + super fast reload speed ?


    are there any recovery/animation/reload speed caps ?

    do those ranged attack speed buffs stack ?

  5. same here, but different characters

    Eder moves at like half speed and Aloth at like double

    noticed it too late (all my saves are ******), becuse the movement speed is capped at the speed of slowest selected character, in stealth the cap disappears and everyone moves at different speed which results in Aloth moving at speed of light and Eder ... im faster sitting then he is walking!! XD

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