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Posts posted by RealUltimateNinja

  1. Dudes, you should start by defining what a zombie is, how they spread and what its weak points are.  I see head boinking and what to use/not to use but no details.


    For example you may want to tell the dudes if melee's a bad idea because the zombie virus/bacteria and other general infections from decaying flesh would be nasty if it gets on you from fluid contact.


    Sorry for the formatting but im not going to type out 30 pages by hand.




    He comes from the grave, his body a home of worms andjilth. No life in

    his eyes, no warmth of his shn, no beating of his breast. His soul, as

    empty and dark as the night sky. He laughs at the blade, spits at the

    arrow, for they will not harm hisflesh. For eternity, he will walk the

    earth, smelling the sweet blood of the living, feasting upon the bones of

    the damned. Beware, for he is the living dead.


    ZOM-BZE: (Zom'be) n. also ZOM-BIES pl. I. An animated corpse that

    feeds on living humanjlesh. 2. A voodoo spell that raises the dead. 3.

    A Voodoo snake god. 4. One who moves or acts in a daze "like a zombie."

    [a word of West African origin]


    What is a zombie? How are they created? What are their strengths and

    weaknesses? What are their needs, their desires? Why are they hostile

    to humanity? Before discussing any survival techniques, you must first

    learn what you are trying to survive.

    We must begin by separating fact from fiction. The walking dead

    are neither a work of "black magic" nor any other supernatural force.

    Their origin stems from a virus known as Solanum, a Latin word used

    by Jan Vanderhaven, who fust "discovered" the disease.




    Solannm works by traveling through the bloodstream, from the initial

    point of entry to the brain. Through means not yet fully understood,

    the virus uses the cells of the frontal lobe for replication, destroying

    them in the process. During this period, all bodily functions cease. By

    stopping the heart, the infected subject is rendered ''dead." The brain,

    however, remains alive hut dormant, while the virus mutates its cells

    into a completely new organ. The most critical trait of this new organ

    is its independence from oxygen. By removing the need for this allimportant

    resource, the nndead brain can utilize, but is in no way

    dependent upon, the complex support mechanism of the human body.

    Once mutation is complete, this new organ reanimates the body into a

    form that bears little resemblance (physiologically speaking) to the

    original corpse. Some bodily functions remain constant, others operate

    in a modified capacity, and the remainder shut down completely.

    This new organism is a zombie, a member of the living dead.



    1. SOURCE

    U~~fortunateleyx, tensive research has yet to find an isolated example

    of Solanum in nature. Water, air, and soil in all ecosystems, from all

    parts of the world, have turned up negative, as have their accompanying

    flora and fauna. At the time of this writing, the search continues.



    The timetable below outlines the process of an infected human (give

    or take several hours, depending on the individual).


    Hour 1: Pain and discoloration (brown-puple) of the infected area Immediate

    clotting of the wound @rovided the infection came h m a wound).

    Hour 5: Fever (99-103 degrees F), chills, slight dementia, vomiting,

    acute pain in the joints.

    Hour 8: Numbing of extremities and infected area, increased fever

    (103-106 degrees F), increased dementia, loss of muscular coordination.

    Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart


    Hour 16: Coma.

    Hour 20: Heart stoppage. Zero brain activity

    Hour 23: Reanimation.





    Solanum is 100 percent communicahle and 100 percent fatal.

    Fortunately for the human race, the virus is neither waterborne nor airborne.

    Humans have never been known to contract the virus from elements

    in nature. Infection can occur only through direct fluidic

    contact. A zombie bite, although by far the most recognizable means

    of transference, is by no means the only one. Humans have been

    infected by brushing their open wounds against those of a zombie or

    by being splattered by its remains after an explosion. Ingestion of

    infected flesh (provided the person has no open mouth sores), however,

    results in pemanent death rather than infection. Infected flesh has

    proven to be highly toxic.


    No infomation-historical, experimental, or othenvise-has surfaced

    regarding the results of sexual relations with an undead specimen,

    but as previously noted, the nature of Solanum suggests a high

    danger of infection. Warning against such an act would be useless, as

    the only people deranged enough to try would he unconcerned for their

    own safety. Many have argued that, given the congealed nature of

    undead bodily fluids, the chances of infection from a non-bite contact

    should be low. However, it must be remembered that even one organism

    is enough to begin the cycle.





    Solannm is fatal to all living creatures, regardless of size, species, or

    ecosystem. Reanimation, however, takes place only in humans. Studies

    have shown that Solanum infecting a non-human brain will die within

    hours of the death of its host, making the carcass safe to handle.

    Infected animals expire before the virus can replicate throughout their

    bodies. Infection from insect bites such as from mosquitoes can also

    he discounted. Experiments have proven that all parasitic insects can

    sense and will reject an infected host 100 percent of the time.





    Once a human is infected, little can be done to save him or her. Because

    Solanum is a virus and not a bacteria, antibiotics have no effect.

    Immunization, the only way to combat a virus, is equally useless, as even

    the most minute dosage will lead to a full-blown infection. Genetic

    research is under way. Goals range from stronger human antibodies to

    resistant cell structure to a counter-virus designed to identify and destroy

    Solanum. This and other, more radical treatments are still in the earliest

    stages, with no foreseeable success in the near future. Battlefield experiences

    have led to the immediate severing of the infected limb (provided

    this is the location of the bite), but such treatments are dubious at best,

    with less than a 10 percent success rate.


    Chances are, the infected human

    was doomed from the moment the virus entered his or her system.

    Should the infected human choose suicide, he should remember that the

    brain must be eliminated first. Cases have been recorded in which

    recently infected subjects, deceased by means other than the virus, will

    nonetheless reanimate. Such cases usually occur when the subject

    expires after the fifth hour of infection. Regardless, any person killed

    after being bitten or otherwise infected by the undead should be immediately

    disposed of. (See "Disposal," page 19.)





    It has been suggested that fresh human corpses could reanimate if

    Solanum were introduced after their demise. This is a fallacy. Zombies

    ignore necrotic flesh and therefore could not transfer the virus.

    Experiments conducted during and after World War I1 (see "Recorded

    Attacks," pages 216m have proven that injecting Solanum into a

    cadaver would be futile because a stagnant bloodstream could not

    transport the virus to the brain. Injection directly into a dead brain

    would be equally useless, as the expired cells could not respond to the

    virus. Solanum does not create life-it alters it.






    Too often, the undead have been said to possess superhuman powers:

    unusual strength, lightning speed, telepathy, etc. Stories range from

    zombies flying through the air to their scaling vertical surfaces like spiders.

    While these traits might make for fascinating drama, the individual

    ghoul is far from a magical, omnipotent demon. Never forget that

    the body of the undead is, for all practical purposes, human. What

    changes do occur are in the way this new, reanimated body is used by

    the now-infected brain. There is no way a zombie could fly unless the

    human it used to be could fly. The same goes for projecting force

    fields, telepottation, moving through solid objects, transforming into a

    wolf, breathing fire, or a variety of other mystical talents amibuted to

    the walking dead. Imagine the human body as a tool kit. The somnambulist

    brain has those tools, and only those tools, at its disposal. It

    cannot create new ones out of thin air. But it can, as you will see, use

    these tools in unconventional combinations, or push their durability

    beyond normal human limits.



    A. Sight


    The eyes of a zombie are no different than those of a normal human.

    While still capable (given their rate of decomposition) of transmitting

    visual signals to the brain, how the brain interprets these signals is

    another matter. Studies are inconclusive regarding the undead's visual

    abilities. They can spot prey at distances comparable to a human, but

    whether they can distinguish a human from one of their own is still up

    for debate. One theory suggests that the movements made by humans,

    which are quicker and smoother than those of the undead, is what

    causes them to stand out to the zombie eye. Experiments have been

    done in which humans have attempted to confuse approaching ghouls

    by mimicking their motions and adopting a shambling, awkward limp.

    To date, none of these attempts have succeeded. It has been suggested

    that zombies possess night vision, a fact that explains their skill at nocturnal

    hunting. This theory has been debunked by the fact that all zombies

    are expert night feeders, even those without eyes.


    B. Sound


    There is no question that zombies have excellent hearing. Not only can

    they detect sound-they can determine its direction. The basic range

    appears to be the same as that for humans. Experiments with extreme

    high and low frequencies have yielded negative results. Tests have also

    shown that zombies are attracted by any sounds, not just those made

    by living creatures. It has been recorded that ghouls will notice sounds

    ignored by living humans. The most likely, if unproven, explanation is

    that zombies depend on all their senses equally. Humans are sightoriented

    from birth, depending on other senses only if the primary one

    is lost. Perhaps this is not a handicap shared by the walking dead. If

    so, it would explain their ability to hunt, fight, and feed in total darkness.



    C. Smell


    Unlike with sound, the undead have a more acute sense of smell. In

    both combat situations and laboratory tests, they have been able to distinguish

    the smell of living prey above all others. In many cases, and

    given ideal wind conditions, zomhies have been known to smell fresh

    corpses from a distance of more than a mile. Again, this does not mean

    that ghouls have a greater sense of smell than humans, simply that they

    rely on it more. It is not known exactly what particular secretion signals

    the presence of prey: sweat, pheromones, blood, etc. In the past,

    people seeking to move undetected through infested areas have

    attempted to "mask" their human scent with perfumes, deodorants, or

    other strong-smelling chemicals. None were successful. Experiments

    are now under way to synthesize the smells of living creatures as a

    decoy or even repellent to the walking dead. A successful product is

    still years away.



    D. Taste


    Little is known about the altered taste buds of the walking dead.

    Zombies do have the ability to tell human flesh apart from that of animals,

    and they prefer the former. Ghouls also have a remarkable ability

    to reject carrion in favor of freshly killed meat. A human body that

    has been dead longer than twelve to eighteen hours will be rejected as

    food. The same goes for cadavers that have been embalmed or otherwise

    preserved. Whether this has anything to do with "taste" is not yet

    certain. It may have to do with smell or, perhaps, another instinct that

    has not been discovered. As to exactly why human flesh is preferable,

    science has yet to find an answer to this confounding, frustrating, terrifying




    E. Touch


    Zombies have, literally, no physical sensations. All nerve receptors

    throughout the body remain dead after reanimation. This is truly their

    greatest and most temfying advantage over the living. We, as humans,

    have the ability to experience physical pain as a signal of bodily damage.

    Our brain classifies such sensations, matches them to the experience

    that instigated them, and then files the information away for use

    as a warning against future ham. It is this gift of physiology and

    instinct that has allowed us to survive as a species. It is why we value

    virtues such as courage, which inspires people to perform actions

    despite warnings of danger. The inability to recognize and avoid pain

    is what makes the waking dead so formidable. Wounds will not be

    noticed and, therefore, will not deter an attack. Even if a zombie's

    body is severely damaged, it will continue to attack until nothing




    E Sixth Sense


    Historical research, coupled with laboratory and field observation,

    have shown that the walking dead have been known to attack even

    when all their sensory organs have been damaged or completely

    decomposed. Does this mean that zombies possess a sixth sense?

    Perhaps. Living humans use less than 5 percent of their brain capacity.

    It is possible that the virus can stimulate another sensoly ability that

    has been forgotten by evolution. This theory is one of the most hotly

    debated in the war against the undead. So far, no scientific evidence

    has been found to suppoa either side.



    G. Healing


    Despite legends and ancient folklore, undead physiology has been

    proven to possess no powers of regeneration. Cells that are damaged

    stay damaged. Any wounds, no matter what their size and nature, will

    remain for the duration of that body's reanimation. A variety of medical

    treatments have been attempted to stimulate the healing process in

    captured ghouls. None were successful. This inability to self-repair,

    something that we as living beings take for granted, is a severe disadvantage

    to the undead. For example, every time we physically exert

    ourselves, we tear our muscles. With time, these muscles rebuild to a

    stronger state than before. A ghoul's muscle mass will remain damaged,

    reducing its effectiveness every time it is used.



    H. Decomposition


    The average zombie "life span"-how long it is able to function before

    completely rotting away-is estimated at three to five years. As fantastic

    as this sounds-a human corpse able to ward off the natural

    effects of decay-its cause is rooted in basic biology. When a human

    body dies, its flesh is immediately set upon by billions of microscopic

    organisms. These organisms were always present, in the external environment

    arid within the body itself. In life, the immune system stood

    as a harrier between these organisms and their target. In death, that barrier

    is removed. The organisms begin multiplying exponentially as

    they proceed to eat and, thereby, break down the corpse on a cellular

    level. The smell and discoloration associated with any decaying meat

    are the biological process of these microbes at work. When you order

    an "aged" steak, you are ordering a piece of meat that has begun to rot,

    its formerly toughened flesh softened by microorganisms breaking

    down its sturdy fiber. Within a short time, that steak, like a human

    corpse, will dissolve to nothing, leaving behind only material too hard

    or innutritious for any microbe, such as hone, teeth, nails, and hair.

    This is the normal cycle of life, nature's way of recycling nutrients

    back into the food chain. To halt this process, and preserve dead tissue,

    it is necessary to place it in an environment unsuitable for bacteria,

    such as in extreme low or high temperatures, in toxic chemicals

    such as formaldehyde, or, in this case, to saturate it with Solanum.

    Almost all the microbe species involved in normal human decomposition

    have repeatedly rejected flesh infected by the virus, effecThe

    tively embalming the zombie. Were this not the case, combating the

    living dead would be as easy as avoiding them for several weeks or

    even days until they rotted away to hones. Research has yet to discover

    the exact cause of this condition. It has been determined that at least

    some microbe species ignore the repelling effects of Solanum-otherwise,

    the undead would remain perfectly preserved forever. It has also

    been determined that natural conditions such as moisture and temperature

    play an important role as well. Undead that prowl the bayous of

    Louisiana are unlikely to last as long as those in the cold, dry Gobi

    desert. Extreme situations, such as deep freezing or immersion in -

    preservative fluid, could, hypothetically, allow an undead specimen to

    exist indef~telyT. hese techniques have been known to allow zombies

    to function for decades, if not centuries. (See "Recorded Attacks,"

    pages 193ff.) Decomposition does not mean that a member of the

    walking dead will simply drop. Decay may affect various parts of the

    body at different times. Specimens have been found with brains intact

    but nearly disintegrated bodies. Others with partially rotted brains may

    control some bodily functions but be completely paalyzed in others.

    A popular theory has recently circulated that attempts to explain the

    story of the ancient Egyptian mummy as one of the first examples of

    an embalmed zombie. The preservation techniques allowed it to fuuction

    several thousand years after being entombed. Anyone with a rudimentary

    knowledge of ancient Egypt would find this story almost

    laughably untrue: The most important and complicated step in preparing

    a pharaoh for burial was the removal of the brain!



    I. Digestion


    Recent evidence has once and for all mscounted the theory that human

    flesh is the fuel for the undead. A zombie's digestive tract is completely

    dormant. The complex system that processes food, extracts nutrition,

    and excretes waste does not factor into a zombie's physiology. Autopsies

    conducted on neutralized undead have shown that their "food" lies in its

    original, undigested state at all sections of the tract. This partially

    chewed, slowly rotting matter will continue to accumulate, as the zom12

    hie devours more victims, until it is forced through the anus, or literally

    bursts through the stomach or intestinal lining. While this more dramatic

    example of non-digestion is rare, hundreds of eyewitness reports have

    confirmed undead to have distended bellies. One captured and dissected

    specimen was found to contain 21 1 pounds of flesh within its system!

    Even rarer accounts have confirmed that zombies continue to feed long

    after their digestive tracts have exploded from within.



    J. Respiration


    The lungs of the undead continue to function in that they draw air into

    and expel it from the hody. This function accounts for a zombie's signature

    moan. What the lungs and body chemistry fail to accomplish,

    however, is to extract oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Given that

    Solanum obviates the need for both of these functions, the entire

    human respiratory system is obsolete in the hody of a ghoul. This

    explains how the living dead can "walk underwater" or survive in environments

    lethal to humans. Their brains, as noted earlier, are oxygenindependent.



    K. Circulation


    It would be inaccurate to say that zomhies have no heart. It would not

    he inaccurate, however, to say that they find no use for it. The circulatory

    system of the undead is little more than a network of useless tubes

    filled with congealed hlood. The same applies to the lymphatic system

    as well as all other bodily fluids. Although this mutation would appear

    to give the undead one more advantage over humanity, it has actually

    proved to he a godsend. The lack of fluid mass prevents easy transmission

    of the virus. Were this not true, hand-to-hand combat would

    he nearly impossible, as the defending human would almost certainly

    he splattered with hlood andlor other fluids.



    L. Reproduction


    Zombies are sterile creatures. Their sexual organs are necrotic and

    impotent. Attempts have been made to fertilize zombie eggs with

    human sperm and vice versa. None has been succcssful. The undead

    have also shown no signs of sexual desire, either for their own

    species or for the living. Until research can prove otherwise, humanity's

    greatest fear-the dead reproducing the dead-is a comforting



    M. Strength


    Ghouls possess the same brute force as the living. What power can be

    exerted depends greatly on the individual zombie. What muscle mass

    a person has in life would be all he possesses in death. Unlike a living

    body, adrenal glands have not been known to function in the dead,

    denying zombies the temporary burst of power we humans enjoy. The

    one solid advantage the living dead do possess is amazing stamina.

    Imagine working out, or any other act of physical exertion. Chances

    are that pain and exhaustion will dictate your limits. These factors do

    not apply to the dead. They will continue an act, with the same

    dynamic energy, until the muscles supporting it literally disintegrate.


    f While this makes for progressively weaker ghouls, it allows for an allpowerful

    first attack. Many barricades that would have exhausted three 1 or even four physically fit humans have fallen to a single determined



    N. Speed


    The "walking" dead tend to move at a slouch or limp. Even without

    injuries or advanced decomposition, their lack of coordination makes

    for an unsteady suide. Speed is mainly determined by leg length. Taller

    ghouls have longer strides than their shorter counterparts. Zombies

    appear to be incapable of running. The fastest have been observed to

    move at a rate of barely one step per 1.5 seconds. Again, as with

    strength, the dead's advantage over the living is their tirelessness.

    Humans who believe they have outrun their nndead pursuers might do

    well to remember the story of the tortoise and the hare, adding, of

    course, that in this instance the hare stands a good chance of being

    eaten alive.



    0. Agility


    The average living human possesses a dexterity level 90 percent

    greater than the strongest ghoul. Some of this comes from the general

    stiffness of necrotic muscle tissue (hence their awkward stride). The

    rest is due to their primitive brain functions. Zomhies have little handeye

    coordination, one of their greatest weaknesses. No one has ever

    observed a zombie jumping, either from one spot to another or simply

    up and down. Balancing on a narrow surface is similarly beyond their

    ahility. Swimming is also a skill reserved for the living. The theory has

    been put forth that, if an undead corpse were to he bloated enough to

    rise to the surface, it could present a floating hazard. This is rare, however,

    as the slow rate of decomposition would not allow by-product gas

    to accumulate. Zombies who walk or fall into bodies of water will

    more likely find themselves wandering aimlessly across the bottom

    until eventually dissolving. They can be successful climbers, but only

    in certain circumstances. If zombies perceive prey above them, for

    example, in the second story of a house, they will always attempt to

    climb to it. Zombies will try to scale any surface no matter how

    unfeasahle or even impossible. In all but the easiest situations, these

    attempts have met with failure. Even in the case of ladders, when simple

    hand-over-hand coordination is required, only one in four zombies

    will succeed.





    A. Intelligence


    It has been proven, time and again, that our greatest advantage over the

    undead is our ahility to think. The mental capacity of the average zombie

    ranks somewhere beneath that of an insect. On no occasion have

    they shown any ability to reason or employ logic. Attempting to

    accomplish a task, failing, then by trial and error discovering a new

    solution, is a skill shared by many members of the animal kingdom hut

    lost on the walking dead. Zombies have repeatedly failed laboratory

    intelligence tests set at the level of rodents. One field case showed a

    human standing at one end of a collapsed bridge with several dozen

    zombies on the orher side. One by one, the walking dead tumbled over

    the edge in a futile attempt to reach him. At no time did any of them

    realize what was happening and change their tactics in any way.

    Contrruy to myth and speculation, zombies have never been observed

    using tools of any kind. Even picking up a rock to use as a weapon is

    beyond their grasp. This simple task would prove the basic thought

    process involved in realizing that the rock is a more efficient weapon

    than the naked hand. Ironically, the age of artificial intelligence has

    enabled us to identify more easily with the mind of the zombie than

    that of our more "primitive" ancestors. With care exceptions, even the

    most advanced computers do not have the ability to think on their own.

    They do what they are programmed to do, nothing more. Imagine a

    computer programmed to execute one function. This function cannot

    be paused, modified, or erased. No new data can be stored. No new

    commands can he installed. This computer will perform that one function,

    over and over, until its power source eventually shuts down. This

    is the zombie brain. An instinct-driven, unitask machine that is impervious

    to tampering and can only be destroyed.


    B. Emotions


    Feelings of any kind are not known to the walking dead. Every form

    of psychological warfare, from attempts at enraging the undead to provoking

    pity have all met with disaster. Joy, sadness, confidence, anxiety,

    love, hatred, fear-all of these feelings and thousands more that

    make up the human "heart" are as useless to the living dead as the

    organ of the same name. Who knows if this is humanity's greatest

    weakness or strength? The debate continues, and probably will forever.



    C. Memories


    A modem conceit is that a zombie retains the knowledge of its former

    life. We hear stories of the dead returning to their places of residence

    or work, operating familiar machinery, or even showing acts of mercy

    to loved ones. In trnth, not a shred of proof exists to support this wishful

    thinking. Zombies could not possibly retain memories of their for

    mer lives in either the conscious or subconscious mind, because neither

    exist! A ghoul will not be distracted by the family pet, living relatives,

    familiar surroundings, etc. No matter who a person was in his

    former life, that person is gone, replaced by a mindless automaton with

    no instinct other than for feeding. This begs the question: Why do zombies

    prefer urban areas to the countryside? First, the undead do not prefer

    cities, but simply remain where they are reanimated. Second, the

    main reason zomhies tend to stay in cities instead of fanning out into

    the countryside is because an urban zone holds the highest concentration

    of prey.



    D. Physical Needs


    Other than hunger (discussed later), the dead have shown none of the

    physical wants or needs expressed in mortal life. Zombies have never

    been observed to sleep or rest under any circumstances. They have not

    reacted to extreme heat or cold. In harsh weather, they have never

    sought shelter. Even something as simple as thirst is unknown to the

    living dead. Defying all laws of science, Solanum has created what

    could be described as a completely self-sufficient organism.



    E. Communication


    Zombies have no language skills. Although their vocal cords are capable

    of speech, their brain is not. The only vocal ability appears to be a

    deep-throated moan. This moan is released when zombies identify prey.

    The sound will remain low and steady until physical contact is made. It

    will then shift in tone and volume as the zombie commences its attack.

    This eerie sound, so typically associated with the walking dead, serves

    as a rallying cry for other zombies and, as has been recently discovered,

    is a potent psychological weapon. (See "On the Defense," page 74.)

    E Social Dynamics Theories have always proliferated that the

    undead function as a collective

    force, from an army controlled by Satan to an insect-like

    pheromone-driven hive to the most recent notion that they achieve

    group consensus by telepathy. The truth is that zombies have no social

    organization to speak of. There is no hierarchy, no chain of command,

    no drive toward any type of collectivization. A horde of the undead,

    regardless of size, regardless of appearance, is simply a mass of individuals.

    If several hundred ghouls converge on a victim's location, it

    is because each one is drawn by its own instinct. Zombies appear to be

    unaware of one another. Individuals have never been observed to react

    to the sight of one another at any range. This goes back to the question

    of sense: How does a zombie distinguish between one of its own and

    a human or other prey at the same range? The answer has yet to he

    found. Zombies do avoid one another in the same way they avoid inanimate

    objects. When they hump into one another, they make no attempt

    to connect or communicate. Zombies feasting on the same corpse will

    tug repeatedly on the meat in question rather than shove a competitor

    out of the way. The only suggestion of communal effort is seen in notorious

    swarm attacks: the moan of a ghoul calling others within earshot.

    Once they hear the wail, other walking dead will almost always converge

    on its source. An early study theorized that this was a deliberate

    act, that a scout used its moan to signal the others to attack. However,

    we now how that it happens purely by accident. The ghoul that moans

    at the detection of prey does so as an instinctive reaction, not as an alert.



    G. Hunting


    Zombies are migratory organisms, with no regard for temtory or concept

    of home. They will travel miles and perhaps, given time, cross

    continents in their search for food. Their hunting pattern is random.

    Ghouls will feed at night and during the day. They will stumble

    through an area rather than deliberately searching it. Certain zones or

    structures will not he singled out as more likely to contain prey. For

    example, some have been known to search farmhouses and other rural

    structures while others in the same group have moved by without even

    a glance. Urban zones take more time to explore, which is why the

    undead remain longer in these areas, hut no building will take precedence

    over another. Zombies appear to be totally unaware of their sur

    roundings. They do not, for example, move their eyes in a way that

    would take in the information of a new setting. Shuffling silently, with

    a thousand-yard stare, they will wander aimlessly, regardless of location,

    until prey is detected. As discussed earlier, the undead possess an

    uncauny ability to home in on a victim's precise location. Once contact

    is made, the previously silent, oblivious automaton transforms into

    something more closely related to a guided missile. The head turns

    immediately in the direction of its victim. The jaw drops, lips retract,

    and, from the depths of its diaphragm, comes the moan. Once contact

    is made, zombies cannot be distracted by any means. They will continue

    to pursue their prey, stopping only if they lose contact, make a

    successful kill, or are destroyed.



    H. Motivation


    Why do the undead prey upon the living? If it has been proven that

    human flesh serves no nutritional purpose, why does their instinct

    drive them to murder? The truth eludes us. Modem science, combined

    with historical data, has shown that living humans are not the only

    delights on the undead menu. Rescue teams entering an infested area

    have consistently reported them stripped of all life. Any creatures, no

    matter what their size or species, will he consumed by an attacking

    zombie. Human flesh, however, will always he preferable to other life

    forms. One experiment presented a captured specimen with two identical

    cubes of meat: one human, one animal. The zombie repeatedly

    chose the human. Reasons for this are still unknown. What can be confirmed,

    beyond any shadow of doubt, is that instinct brought on by

    Solanum drives the undead to kill and devour any living creature they

    discover. There appear to be no exceptions.



    I. Killing the Dead

    While destroying a zombie may be simple, it is far from easy. As we

    have seen, zombies require none of the physiological functions that

    humans need to survive. Destruction or severe damage of the circulatory,

    digestive, or respiratory system would do nothing to a member of

    the walking dead, as these functions no

    longer support the brain. Simply put, there

    are thousands of ways to kill a humanand

    only one to kill a zombie. The brain

    must be obliterated, by any means possible.



    J. Disposal


    Studies have shown that Solanum can still

    inhabit the body of a terminated zombie for

    up to fortyeight hours. Exercise extreme

    care when disposing of undead corpses.

    The head in particular possesses the most

    serious hazard, given its concentration of

    the virus. Never handle an undead corpse

    without protective clothing. Treat it as you

    would any toxic, highly lethal material. Cremation is the safest, most

    effective way of disposal. Despite rumors that a pile of burning corpses

    will spread Solannm in a cloud of smoking plague, common sense

    would dictate that any virus is unable to survive intense heat, to say

    nothing of an open flame.



    K. Domestication?


    To reiterate, the zombie brain has proved, so far, to he tamper-proof.

    Experiments ranging from chemicals to surgery to electromagnetic

    waves have yielded negative results. Behavioral modification therapy

    and other such attempts to train the living dead like some kind of pack

    animal have similarly met with failure. Again, the machine cannot be

    rewired. It will exist as is, or it will not exist at all.





    If zombies are the creation of a virus and not black magic, then how

    does this explain the so-called "voodoo zombie," a person who has died,

    been raised from his grave, and is doomed to spend eternity as a slave

    of the living? Yes, it is trne that the word "zombie" originally comes

    from the Kimbnndn word "nzfimbe," a term describing a dead person's

    soul, and yes, zombies and zombification are integral parts of the Afro-

    Caribbean religion known as voodoo. However, the origin of their name

    is the only similarity between the voodoo zombie and the viral zombie.

    Although it is said that voodoo houngans (priests) can turn humans into

    zombies by magical means, the practice is rooted in bard, undeniable

    science. "Zombie powder," the tool used by the houngan for zombification,

    contains a very powerful neurotoxin (the exact ingredients are a

    closely guarded secret). The toxin temporarily paralyzes the human

    nervous system, creating a state of extreme hibernation. With the heart,

    lungs, and all other bodily functions operating at minimal levels, it

    would be understandable if an inexperienced coroner declared the paralyzed

    subject to be dead. Many humans have been buried while in such

    a state, only to awaken screaming in the pitch darkness of their coffin.

    So what makes this living human being a zombie? The answer is simple:

    brain damage. Many who are buried alive quickly use up the air

    inside their coffins. Those that are recovered (if they are lucky) almost

    always suffer brain damage from lack of oxygen. These poor souls

    shamble about with little cognitive skills, or, indeed, free will, and are

    often mistaken for the living dead. How can yon distinguish a voodoo

    zombie from the genuine article? The telltale signs are obvious.


    1. Voodoo zombies show emotion. People suffering from zombie

    powder-induced brain damage are still capable of all normal human

    feelings. They smile, cry, even growl with anger if hurt or otherwise

    provoked (something real zombies would never do).


    2. Voodoo zombies exhibit thought. As has been stated before, when

    a real zombie encounters you it will immediately home in like a

    smart bomb. A voodoo zombie will take a moment to try to figure

    out who or what you are. Maybe it will come toward you, maybe it

    will recoil, maybe it will continue its observation as its damaged

    brain attempts to analyze the information given it. What a voodoo

    zombie will not do is raise its arms, drop its jaw, unleash a hellish

    moan, and stumble directly toward you.


    3. Voodoo zombies feel pain. A voodoo zombie that trips and falls

    will undoubtedly hold its bruised knee and whimper. Likewise, one

    already suffering from some other wound will nurse it, or, at the

    very least, be aware of the wound's existence. Voodoo zombies will

    not ignore deep gashes in their bodies like a real zombie would.


    4. Voodoo zombies recognize fire. This is not to say that they are afraid

    of open flames. Some that have suffered severe brain damage may not

    remember what lire is. They will stop to examine it, perhaps even reach

    out to touch it, hut they will recoil once they realize it causes pain.


    5. Voodoo zombies recognize their surroundings. Unlike real zombies,

    who only recognize prey, voodoo zombies will react to sudden

    changes in light, sound, taste, and smell. Voodoo zombies have been

    observed watching television or brightly flashing lights, listening to

    music, cringing at thunder, and even taking notice of one another.

    This last fact has been critical in several cases of mis-identification.

    Had the zombies in question not reacted to each other (they looked

    at each other, made noises, even touched each other's faces), they

    might have been accidentally exterminated.


    6. Voodoo zombies do NOT have bypersense. A human who has suffered

    the debilitating effects of zombie powder is still a sightdependent

    human. He cannot operate perfectly in the dark, hear a

    footstep at 500 ya~dso, r smell a living being on the wind. Voodoo

    zombies can actually be surprised by someone walking up behind

    them. This is not recommended, however, as a frightened zombie

    might react in anger.


    7. Voodoo zombies can communicate. While this is not always the

    case, many of these individuals can respond to audiovisual signals.

    Many understand words; some even comprehend simple sentences.

    Many voodoo zombies possess the ability to speak, simply, of

    course, and rarely for extended conversations.


    8. Voodoo zombies can be controlled. While not always true, many

    brain damaged humans have lost much of their self-realization,

    making them very susceptible to suggestion. Simply shouting for a

    subject to halt or even go away can he enough to get rid of a voodoo

    zombie. This has created the dangerous situation of confused people

    believing they could control or train true zombies. Several times

    headstrong humans have insisted they could simply command their

    living dead attackers to stop. As cold, rotting hands grabbed their

    limbs and dirty, worn teeth bit into their flesh, these people discovered,

    too late, what they were truly dealing with.


    These guidelines should give you a good idea of how to tell a voodoo

    zombie from a true zombie. One final note: Voodoo zombies are

    almost always encountered in sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean,

    Central and South America, and the southern United States.

    Although it is not impossible to find someone who has been turned

    into a zombie by a houngan elsewhere, the chances of such an

    encounter are slim.




    Since the living dead first stepped onto the silver screen, their greatest

    enemy has not been hunters, but critics. Scholars, scientists, even concerned

    citizens have all argued that these movies depict the living dead

    in a fantastic, unrealistic fashion. Visually stunning weapons, physically

    impossible action sequences, larger-than-life human characters,

    and, above all, magical, invincible, even comical ghouls have all added

    their colors to the controversial rainbow that is "the Zombie Movie."

    Further criticism argues that this "style over substance" approach to

    somnambulist cinema teaches human viewers lessons that may get

    them killed in a real encounter. These serious charges demand an

    equally serious defense. While some zombie movies are based on

    actual events*, their goal, indeed the goal of almost every movie in

    every genre, has always been, first and foremost, to entertain. Unless

    we are discussing pure documentaries (and even some of those are

    "sweetened"), moviemakers must take some artistic license to make

    their work more palatable to the audience. Even movies that are based

    on actual events will sacrifice pure reality for good storytelling.


    Certain characters will be an amalgam of real-life individuals. Others

    may be purely fictional in order to explain certain facts, facilitate the

    plotline, or simply add flavor to the scene. One might argue that the

    role of the artist is to challenge, educate, and enlighten her audience.

    That may be true, but try imparting knowledge to an audience who has

    either left or fallen asleep within the first ten minutes of the picture.

    Accept this basic rule of moviemaking and you will understand why

    Hollywood zombie films stray, in some cases wildly, from the reality

    on which they are based. In short, use these photo-plays as their makers

    intended: as a source of temporary, lighthearted entertainment and

    not a visual aid to your survival.





    Although each zombie attack is different, given the number, terrain,

    reaction of the general populace, etc., its level of intensity can be measured

    in four distinct classes.

    *At the behest of the filmmakers andlor their estates, the titles of those movies based on me-life stories have been omitted.


    CLASS 1

    This is a low-level outbreak, usually in a Third World country or First

    World rural area. The number of zombies in this class of outbreak

    ranges between one and twenty. Total human casualties (including

    those infected) range from one to fifty. The total duration, from the fist

    case to the last (known), will range between twenty-four hours and

    fourteen days. The infested area will be small, no larger than a twentymile

    radius. In many cases, natural boundaries will determine its limits.

    Response will he light, either exclusively civilian or with some

    additional help from local law enforcement. Media coverage will be

    light, if present at all. If the media is present, look for common stories

    like homicides or "accidents." This is the most common type of outbreak

    and also the easiest to go unnoticed.


    CLASS 2

    Urban or densely populated mral areas are included in this level of outbreak.

    Total zombies will range between twenty and one hundred.

    Total human casualties may reach as high as several hundred. The

    duration of a Class 2 attack may last no longer than a Class 1 outbreak.

    In some cases, the larger number of zombies will spark a more immediate

    response. A rural, sparsely populated outbreak may extend to a

    hundred-mile radius, while an urban outbreak may encompass only

    several blocks. Suppression will almost certainly be organized. Bands

    of civilians will be replaced by local, state, even federal law enforcement.

    Look for an additional, if low-level, military response, the

    National Guard in the United States or its equivalent abroad. Most

    often, so as to ease panic, these units will take a more noncombatant

    role, providing medical assistance, crowd control, and logistical support.

    Class 2 outbreaks almost always attract the press. Unless the

    attack occurs in a huly isolated area of the world, or one where the

    media is strictly controlled, the story will he reported. This does not

    mean, however, that it will be reported acc~lrately.


    CLASS 3

    A hue crisis. Class 3 outbreaks, more than any other, demonstrate the

    clear threat posed by the living dead. Zombies will number in the thousands,

    encompassing an area of several hundred miles. The duration of

    the attack and a possible lengthy mop-up process could last as long as

    several months. There will be no chance for a press blackout or coverup.

    Even without media attention, the sheer magnitude of the attack will

    leave too many eyewitnesses. This is a full-blown battle, with law

    enforcement replaced by units of the regular military. A state of emergency

    will be declared for the infested zone, as well as the neighboring

    areas. Expect martial law, restricted travel, rationed supplies, federalized

    services, and strictly monitored communication. All these measures,

    however, will take time to implement. The initial phase will be

    one of chaos as those in power come to grips with the crisis. Riots, looting,

    and widespread panic will add to their difficulties, further delaying

    an effective response. While this is happening, those living withm the

    infested area will be at the mercy of the undead. Isolated, abandoned,

    and surrounded by ghouls, they will have only themselves to depend on.


    CLASS 4

    (See "Living in an Undead World," pages 154-81.)



    Every undead outbreak, regardless of its class, has a beginning. Now

    that the enemy has been defined, the next step is early warning.

    Knowing what a zombie is will not help if you are unable to recognize

    an outbreak before it's too late. This does not entail building a "zombie

    command post" in your basement, sticking pins in a map, and huddling

    around the shortwave radio. All it requires is looking for signs

    that would slip by the untrained mind. These signs include:


    1. Homicides in which the victims were executed by head shots or

    decapitation. It has happened many times: People recognize an outbreak

    for what it is and try to take matters into their own hands.

    Almost always, these people are declared murderers by the local

    authorities and prosecuted as such.


    2. Missing persons, particularly in wilderness or uninhabited areas.

    Pay careful attention if one or more of the search members end up

    missing. If the story is televised or photographed, watch to see what

    level of armament the search parties carry. Any more than one rifle

    per group could mean that this is more than just a simple rescue



    3. Cases of "violent insanity" in which the subject attacked friends or

    family without the use of weapons. Find out if the attacker bit or

    tried to bite his victims. If so, are any of the victims still in the hospital?

    Try to discover if any of these victims mysteriously died

    within days of their bite.


    4. Riots or other civil disturbances that began without provocation or

    other logical cause. Common sense will dictate that violence on any

    group level does not simply occur without a catalyst such as racial

    tension, political actions, or legal decisions. Even so-called "mass

    hysteria" can always be traced to a root source. If none can be

    found, the answer may lie elsewhere.


    5. Disease-based deaths in which either the cause is undetermined or

    seems highly suspect. Deaths from infectious disease are rare in the

    industrialized world, compared to a century ago. For this reason,

    new outbreaks always make the news. Look for those cases in

    which the exact nature of the disease is unexplained. Also, be on the

    alert for suspicious explanations such as West Nile virus or "mad

    cow" disease. Either could be examples of a cover-up.


    6. Any of the above in which media coverage was forbidden. A total

    press blackout is rare in the United States. The occurrence of one

    should be regarded as an immediate red flag. Of course, there may

    be many reasons other than an attack of the living dead. Then again,

    any event causing a govemment as media-conscious as our own to

    clamp down merits close attention. The truth, no matter what it is,

    cannot be good.


    Once an event has tripped your sensors, keep track of it. Note the

    location, and its distance from you. Watch for similar incidents around

    or near the original site. If, within a few days or weeks, these incidents

    do occur, study them carefully. Note the response of law enforcement

    and other govemment agencies. If they react more forcefully with each

    occurrence, chances are that an outbreak is unfolding.

    Hyperlinks are your friend. :p










    Also: Can you imagine what a quote tree would look like with this baby?! :-"



    I'm having trouble seeing it, personally.



    No, I think... I see it now.

    Are you sure?


    One must be absolutely certain in these matters, for they are not to be trifled with.

    I'd just like to say...I'm sorry. :*"

    Oh, you're quite forgiven LoneWolf.


    It is Christmas after all!


    I agree.

    And when Kiro-San speaks, ninjas, pirates, monkeys and robots all listen!


    Zombies BEWARE! If the quote-tree doesn't kill you, Kiro's ph4t skillz0rz will.


    I learned from teh best. :*

    Did somebody say ninjas? :shifty:

  2. Man, I'm going to love FO3 if the devs realize the importance of jumping AND swimming. Maybe they'll even include awesome ninja robot suits that allow you to fly into space! Being the RPG gods that they are, though, the Bethesda dawgs already know that ^_________^ It'd really be the next-gen of RPG!

    Now I'm all for teh ninja robot suits! Clearly the ZRPG wins teh internets!1

  3. At the moment, PNJ's forum was not important. Since there was very little to go by, the speculation in the forum was turning into spam. When they are allowed to give us more information, I am sure that it will return. :-

    Your're kidding me, right? There were some serious ninja related issues on that fora! :)

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