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Posts posted by Surreptishus

  1. I thought the post limit was nearer to a 1000 before its wise to close... never mind.


    Insane In The Membrane - Richard Cheese.


    Singing rock and rap in the lounge style really highlights the ludicrousness of the lyrics.

  2. Yep, those six are the only smileys with the jagged edges. Are you aware that all except the exclamation mark have duplicates that look fine? There seem to be some other doubles there too.

  3. Stop it you guys! I am not that much of a noob to anime. The jokers amongst you are recommending things that just reinforce my impression that anime is largely aimed at weirdoes. I've seen all of that...


    Thanks to Blank and Mus? though.

  4. I know what over fiend is as well...


    Yes Blank I have heard of Ghost In The Shell and aware that it was acclaimed and stuff. I tried watching a bit of it once and it seemed too melodramatic for my taste. That was a long time ago though. What in your opinion is good about it?

  5. Animeniacs heed my call!


    I've seen and liked Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo . Both were awesome IMO. Can you people recommend a new anime on a similar level of quality? (and style I guess but that is not so important)

  6. Not a bug but a request.


    Is it possible to make so that viewing emoticons is disabled but not images in posts? The current corresponding option seems to lump the two things together.

  7. I'm going to side with Kelverin on this one as well. That guy that played Doom came off like a little bit of a ponce. I didn't find him very threatening. The film would have been better if Doom was a bit more sinsister looking, I think. And had a thicker accent.


    Fair enough... but which is the authentic Doom?

  8. The first two characters of the passwords are the related subjects initials in upper case.


    e.g. HG = Hana Gitelman (Wireless) in HGghx11a, GG = Gabriel Gray (Sylar) in GGeh81zu.


    Following this, I assume the passwords could begin with M(att) P(arkman) or T(ed) S(prague) or whatever Eden's name was. I have no idea about the rest of the characters in the passwords... so have fun trying to work them out :D

  9. Dunno, maybe he deep fries it in a batter and lard.


    I am just going by what it says on the diagram... which is that he has very high cholesterol.

  10. Yeah, tbh the combat in SS2 was not the enjoyable part. The atmosphere was excellent. Throw in some NPCs and party interaction a la Aliens and we have something interesting. In the Alien movies the first act is usually investigation and research. If the game follows suit that leaves plenty of scope for typical RPG fare.


    Speculating optimistically 2 years ahead of release is a bit pointless but fun too. Whatever the case, its infinitely more useful/constructive than bashing an as yet unmade game based on limited understanding of game design, like some retarded troll.

  11. So is it possible to have a succinct/pithy description of the problem that I can c&p into our list?


    I guess its:


    Unread post marker/function does not update properly.

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