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Posts posted by Yokoshima

  1. The anti fascist movement, was directly responsible for the fascist movement.


    That's some great doublethink right there.

    When one side uses authoritarian and violent means against another, the vast majority of the population who was on neither side will have empathy for the side that was wronged. Especially if they side attacking was successful. Take the modern political climate. Right now "SJW"s and anti-fa are using violence to attack literal fact, peaceful protest, and in many ways white people (esp. white males). You don't have to be a Nazi to find that distasteful. But the extreme left has the majority of social power (Basically modern day McCarthyism) and a great deal of the political power. 


    As a result some see the far right as their only hope, while most moderates and liberals see the far left as the enemy and major threat but still do not like the fat right. Either way the far right benefits.


    So yes, one authoritarian side in power can lead to the opposite authoritarian side gaining power. It is known as the pendulum effect. Those who do not observe history and all that.

  2. Atifa violence was directly responsible for Hitlers and other fascist parties in Europe rose to power as people wanted order in their countries and that was the platform they run on in Germany and Italy for example.

    The legend of antifa fighting "against nazies" was forged after WWII to make them look good in retrospective.

    Antifa didn't fought fascist because they seen them as evil, they fought them because they were political rivals for rhe same leftist voters. Fascist for national socialism and Antifa for international socialism.

    Fascist won battle in Germany and millions of people died from their ideology, antifa won in Russia and millions died from their ideology.

    Using the ligh/dark side is false as it implies antifa thugs are "good". In fact they are equivalent of D&D Blood Wars between Lawful Evil Devils (Nazies) and Chaotic Evil Demons (Antifa).

    Both are evil and noone should side with either one.

    This. A 1000 times this.

  3. It's almost like the left are the only ones willing to fight the nazis before they take power. Who would have thunk?

    It took me until now to realize that "Antifa" is actually "AFA", wich is the term I'm more used to. Knew alot of AFA people growing up since my hometown had a high concentration of neonazis.

    Yeah it tends to pop up where there's a lot of nazis.


    Show me where there are a lot of nazis. Show me where they hold meaningful social or political power. Even if you assume 100% of the people at charlottesville were Nazis or white supremacists (they weren't) it was a massive country wide effort just to get that many. And you know what? Before Antifa showed up there was no violence. THEY didn't break any laws or act like children. So let them spout their idiocy. The MSM, the President, hell pretty much EVERYONE condemns them. Even most of the people on any of the /pol/s think they are idiots (LARPing aside). The ones who break the law and riot are the ones we should care about.

    • Like 1
  4. Antifa vs. Nazi has a long history that goes way back.  The two have always co-existed as the opposing forces:



    Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə akˈtsi̯oːn]), abbreviated as Antifa (German: [ˈantifaː]), is a militant anti-fascist network in Germany.


    The first German movement to call itself Antifaschistische Aktion was proclaimed by the German Communist Party (KPD) in their newspaper Rote Fahne in 1932 and held its first rally in Berlin on 10 July 1932, then capital of the Weimar Republic...


    The late 1920s and early 1930s saw rising tensions between Nazis and leftists. Berlin in particular was the site of regular and often very violent clashes between the two groups. There were several Nazi and anti-Nazi paramilitary groups.


    Antifaschistische Aktion was formed as a broad-based alliance in which Social Democrats, Communists and others could fight legal repression and engage in self-defence against Nazi paramilitaries.


    After the forced dissolution in the wake of the Machtergreifung [Adolf Hitler's rise to power] in 1933, Antifa was banned and went underground.


    The reemergence of Antifa in 1980s:


    Many new Antifa groups formed from the late 1980s onwards. One of the biggest antifascist campaigns in Germany in recent years was the, ultimately successful, effort to block the annual Nazi-rallies in the east German city of Dresden in Saxony, which had grown into "Europe's biggest gathering of Nazis".


    Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifaschistische_Aktion


    Given the history that the communist Soviet Union was our ally in World War II, and fought on our side together in the Allied Forces against Nazi Germany, I would say Nazi and its successor neo-Nazi, - whose ideology is White nationalism and White supremacy, was and still is the bigger threat than Antifa.


    So, Antifa and Nazi have always been archenemies. Antifa and Nazi exist like the two opposing sides of the Force, Light and Dark. When the Dark Side (i.e., Nazi) rises again, the Light Side (Antifa) also reemerges to fight. And Antifa has always used violence to fight against Nazi, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with Antifa's use of violence in fighting Nazi.


    So, Antifa has reemerged only because the other side, the Dark Side, the true evil, has returned and become stronger.

    This is insane. The "neo-nazis" are few and hold almost not political power. But places like CNN shilled for the authoritarian left Ati-fa (who, btw, represent an ideology far worse than the Nazis based on number killed). Many are anarco-commuinists. We didn't fight with them at all, and we have ALWAYS stood against authoritarian ideologies.  Don't paint them for what they aren't. There is a reason they have been classified as a terrorist organization since 2016 internally.

  5. I agree with this wholeheartedly. If someone wants to cheat all they need to do is type in GivePlayerMoney X, it's not that hard. Right now with hirelings I just lose money. Even without them I get 200-300cp. With the thousands I have put into it I will be lucky to make any real profit by the end of the game. Now if this game had a randomly generated quest system or something then that would be fine. Or, in the very least, put hirelings  on the same timetable. It's kind lore breaking that time stands still for the whole world save for the select few that you hired and a small handful of events. Time passes or it doesn't. I'd prefer if time DID but both is just kinda awkward. 

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