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Darth Blivion

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Posts posted by Darth Blivion

  1. In my view, K2 (and maybe even K3) might try to make a hero of the DS Revan, trying to prepare the galaxy against the True Sith and stuff - if you want fibs like that go off and play some Tie Fighter and "help the Emperor restore piece and order throughout the galaxy". (at least the Tie Fighter opening credits were a deliberate satire)




    The idea that Revan reaped the Galaxy apart so as to strengthen the Republic, was total BS INMO.

  2. The Exile is also dull and, though you're being hunted by every living Sith, the character feels very obselete and unimportant. Not to mention a mute, for some reason.



    the exile is a mute?!


    how about revan!!


    No, because if you switch between characters in KOTOR at least Revan says things like "Yes?" or "What?" and he/she grunts and yells and such during battle, which I believe added a nice affect. KOTOR2.... mute. Exile fights, Exile dies, Exile makes no sound. Exile = mute.



    What does being mute have to do with anything?! Malak ( A Run-of-the-mill bad guy) & Revan in his vaunted mask and fall to the dark side was lame and shallow compared to Kreia and The Exile. Hell, Kotor2 made Revan look more interesting than kotor did. If anything it may be assumed that Kreia overestimated him.

  3. I'm not well versed as far as the d20 system is concerned but in its defence i'll say it makes combat related attributes significant. But lets consider your party AI. For one they ran headlong into  clearly visible mines. This aspect of the games system is'nt fun.


    As was said before, what you're using as an example is an example of poor AI, not the turn-based system itself.



    A fully real time system would easily rectify the AI problem.

  4. Why do people equate gameplay to Role playing. I mean look at Zelda, the game offers you opportunity to advance by awarding you new items and abilities but it is not the core element of the game. It is about a character being woven into a story and a scenario much larger than themselves and yet despite the nature of the role it is absolutely necessary in it's world.

  5. I'm not well versed as far as the d20 system is concerned but in its defence i'll say it makes combat related attributes significant. But lets consider your party AI. For one they ran headlong into  clearly visible mines. This aspect of the games system is'nt fun. Secondly the way the system works grenades and mines a practically weak. Weak in the sense that they dont deliver realistic damage. Now anyone here who has played any FPS or JA for that matter knows that in those games when someone throws a grenade you dodge roll and cover or you're dead.


    Thats what the reflex saving throw is supposed to simulate.


    But it's not nearly enough not for a video game about Jedi.

  6. With out a dout it would have to reven. for the basic reason that there was so much mystery surrounding Reven. :p



    Which mystery?! The guy where's a mask and suddenly his mysterious. Despite Bioware's intentions for giving him the mask in the kotor universe it would seem to be purely cosmetic as the greatest Sith Lords never wore masks. Except vader who needed it for breathing.

  7. I'm not well versed as far as the d20 system is concerned but in its defence i'll say it makes combat related attributes significant. But lets consider your party AI. For one they ran headlong into clearly visible mines. This aspect of the games system is'nt fun. Secondly the way the system works grenades and mines a practically weak. Weak in the sense that they dont deliver realistic damage. Now anyone here who has played any FPS or JA for that matter knows that in those games when someone throws a grenade you dodge roll and cover or you're dead.

  8. No,

    1) These Sith Lords were products of Malachor 5 and the Mandalorian wars which as you know Bastilla was not a part of.

    2) They had to expound on the causes of the Civil war which thay didn't do in the first. Therefore they needed a new protagonist.

    3) This Sith Lords used techniques that were founded on the 'Great Malachor Genocide' which was the Exiles doing.

    4) So its only understandable that the Exile would have to "clean up his own mess" so to speak.

    5) This Sith would have been to powerful for Bastila. Afterall they killed more Jedi in their Shadow War than Malak and Revan ever did in the civil war.

    6) This was way out of their league (especially Carth as he is not a Jedi)

    7) The Mand. wars started and ended with Revan and The Exile (a character perhaps waiting in the wings since the concept of kotor was made)


    that my 2 cents.... &(whatever ...else ..your supossed to say or not say)- Darth Blivion

  9. It hard to call these two 40 hour experiences movies. Besides unlike movies most games fail to capture the protagonists emotinal, mental and spiritual struggles as they move through their respective conflicts. The Zelda games try despite the abscence of voice acting. However Kotor should have done a lot better, especially with the predictable revelation scene. Kotor2 tried but fell short in certain areas, however I think Kreia was a very convincing and her presence in kotor 2 made up for the lack of real feeling in kotor.

  10. For me a full realtime system adds dimension to the game e.g it allows for stealth missions, more tactical AI (Not simply having some dim-witted tradoshan run straight at you with a vibrosword despite being peletted by laser shots). It's the realism or the "realism" as far as what we know in GL'S universe.

  11. I've kinda been able to appreciate the pseudo-real time fighting system deployed for the kotor games. But lets face it turn based games have been over utilised simply because of technological constraints. Turn based combat only shows the inability for game developers to take risks or perhaps they cannot create deep real time combat systems. Lets bring real time to kotor where lightsabers will actually cut through tradoshan scum and sith like knives through butter.

  12. I would definetly say that the movies still rank a step above the kotor games. There is just that real emotion, i feel, the movies have that kotor lacks especially the first one. Aside from Malak's words of regret at the end it all seemed so light hearted and teeny. I would say kotor2 however breathed some new life in the ever-so-cliche roster of star wars games.

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