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Darth Blivion

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Posts posted by Darth Blivion

  1. Revan is male?! If he is, wouldn't the databanks have at least one definitive background for him? And as for the Exile's "canonical" setting? Without getting into long winded posts, I'd much prefer the male Exile over the female. A more sensible story is built around the Male. Why would the female Exile fall in love with Sion or vice versa? It's plot lines like these that make the male Exile a lot more appealing.


    Atris/Male Exile relationship is all the reason there is, as to why a Male Exile is more fitting.

  2. Atton, I believe was the pilot Coorta had hired to take him off Peragus. Otherwise, what other reason would a mercenary pilot be doing in a mining facility?

    Freighting fuel? Wouldn't Atton have another ship if he had indeed been Coorta's contact? Why wouldn't the HK-50 have taken it? Why be waiting around? The Exile was unconcious. It's my theory he was still waiting for Coorta's contact. Although he repaired the Ebon Hawk he couldn't use it. The navicomputer is locked.




    The same would apply if he was freighting fuel. There is no way Atton would fReight fuel and run the risk of getting stuck or having a possible extended stay (as he is without a ship) unless there was some payment involved. I'm guessing he was contracted by Coorta through a shared acquintance, he boards a freighter to Peragus expecting that Coorta gets transport via his own communcitations. I know it's a bit of a wild guess, but assuming that Atton wasn't filled in on the specifics of the cargo they'd be transporting (i.e. if Coorta mentioned they'd be cargo in the first place), it would explain why he doesn't know about Coorta's plans to sell a Jedi.



    He gets arrested as security makes a guess that he might have some connection to Coorta. Atton being unaware of the true purpose of his potential contract -outside of piloting - is oblivious to the reason they arrest him. But then again, he might have known and decided to go along with it anyway, there was money involved after all.

  3. Storyline wise: Kreia supposed to be a weak fighter.



    Just say, I do THINK that Revan had a harder time Fighting Malak at the Star Forge than he would against Kreia.


    Kreia is never portrayed as a weak fighter. She admittedly knows all the lightsaber forms, and is very proficient at controlling saber's telekinetically. She is a lot more knowledgable than Malak and knowledge, for a force sensitive quite literally translates to power.


    Malak is the weakest of the major Sith Lords in Kotor so far. I think Malak was a great lightsaber duelist, but overall, he's less powerful than the Kotor 2 Sith.

  4. Malak was more powerful than those. Otherwise Sion would've surely challenged him into duel when he still was not living-dead. Kreia was wise, but hardly fighter. Nihilus...Well. He is monster weirdo :ermm:


    Malak was strong in the force and skillful with lightsaber. He is just uncool and dumb ^_^ That's why nearly everyone hate him


    Exile couldn't "eat" Revan unless he would've beaten him to near death, so...


    The Sion that we know (Kotor 2 Sion) is certainly more impressive in power than Malak. His background information (remember that background fodder) has nothing to do with the person we encountered in Kotor 2.


    Malak was strong in the force I accept, but he was admittedly never much of a threat to Revan in terms of power though there was some hint that Revan needed to stop him before he was surpassed. Malak was never more than a fledgling Sith Lord who didn't seem to fully understand his responsibility e.g his actions on Taris.


    EDIT: Also, Sion didn't exist in Bioware's story. You're writing like this is not fiction.


    This is fiction? :(


    Nah, I thought that Sion could've been killed in other than DS planets even without persuading.


    I mean at Korriban he says (or Kreia) that he cannot be killed long as dark side of this PLANET runs through him.


    Well, Sion didn't get some powerbuff when he became living dead. Strong as h*ll, yes as he didn't know much about pain.


    Hey, Malak wasn't great against Revan. He still could beat everyone else... With this I mean especially strong jedis and siths. Especially siths. Strongest rules" etc.


    Why the bemused emoticon over my mentioning the fact that this is fiction, and that the back ground stories are merely made up?


    What makes you think that Malak could beat everyone else. The way Kreia describes him, I'd be willing to assume that she'd mop the floor with him. Then there's Nihilus who would kill him almost instantly because he's force sensitive. This leaves out Sion, who was no doubt amazingly strong in the force because he used it to keep his dead body animated. Sion was all will, and as Kreia put it, he was not a creature of the flesh. Storywise, the Exile had an edge over Sion only because of his relationship with Kreia, a relationship Sion craved for himself and envied. Malak would have no such edge.


    Oh! And the story's explanation for why none of the Kotor 2 Sith Lords challenged Malak, is first that, they didn't know about the starforge (Kreia wonders about Revan's resources) and the obvious fact that they didn't exist during the time Kotor 1 was being crafted - they were not part of Kotor 1's plot.


    My Kotor Sith Lord rankings by power:-


    1) Nihilus


    3) Kreia


    3) Sion


    4) Malak

  5. Malak was more powerful than those. Otherwise Sion would've surely challenged him into duel when he still was not living-dead. Kreia was wise, but hardly fighter. Nihilus...Well. He is monster weirdo :)


    Malak was strong in the force and skillful with lightsaber. He is just uncool and dumb ^_^ That's why nearly everyone hate him


    Exile couldn't "eat" Revan unless he would've beaten him to near death, so...


    The Sion that we know (Kotor 2 Sion) is certainly more impressive in power than Malak. His background information (remember that background fodder) has nothing to do with the person we encountered in Kotor 2.


    Malak was strong in the force I accept, but he was admittedly never much of a threat to Revan in terms of power though there was some hint that Revan needed to stop him before he was surpassed. Malak was never more than a fledgling Sith Lord who didn't seem to fully understand his responsibility e.g his actions on Taris.


    EDIT: Also, Sion didn't exist in Bioware's story. You're writing like this is not fiction.

  6. And as far as how important the Exile was.... It's mentioned that if the Exile falls, the galaxy will die a quiet death, one that would herald the coming darkness. I admit that Revan is powerful and cool, in a vader ripoff sought of way, but Kotor 2's Exile is on a higher plain in terms of power. He drains the life out of the Jedi in the ds playthrough and he learns their techniques on the fly. It's no coincedence that the Exile is needed by Revan to stop the unknown threat.


    EDIT: Revan it seems, has been hyped up more by the fans than by the game because by Kotor 2's end nothing suggests that Revan is stronger than the Exile if anything it's the other way round: kind off like, the little brother catching up to his older brother and surpassing him.

  7. Their resumes based on best victories/scalps.



    Uthar Wyn - possibly with Yuthura but these are not set in stone, they are variables.




    Bandon - Revan not neccesarily needed to kill Bandon.


    The Exile:-


    Nihilus - without him Nihilus destroys Telos and probably the galaxy








    The rest of their victories are against un identifiable masses of force users and non force users.

    As you no doubt know, the Exile has the more impressive wins and has therby been tested to a greater extent story wise. As you know the greater the conflict a Jedi is exposed to, the stronger they become for fighting through it.


    So, Revan may have won as per the pole but when does popular opinion (in this case a singe message board thread) ever represent unbiased reasoning, eh?!

  8. A lot of fan boys. The only reasons I've read for giving Revan the edge was that he is smart (who isn't) and that he's a genius (here say). Give us one vital aspect of Revan that would give him an edge over the Exile who by the way, through Kreia's own admission, is the greatest student she has ever had.


    And Revan is power but so is every other powerful force senstive. And before we get carried away Revan is not the heart of the force in any literal way. It was a metaphor used by Kreia to describe how highly she thought of him. Knowing how greatly Kreia regarded Revan its a great compliment for the Exile that she considers him her greatest student.


    Though Revan seems to be popular in this message board I choose to disagree that he's anywhere near as powerful as some people on here make him out to be. I mean what's the greatest feat of strength he's demonstrated? Killing Malak? the Exile's resume based on what we've played in kotor 1 and 2 is better than Revan's. Lastly, to clarify Revan is not the heart of the force it was metaphor used to describe the contrast between the Exile - a void in the force and Revan - a powerful force user.


    I say, if they fought the Exile beats Revan. As far as we know the Exile knows battle well as some of the Handmaidens point out, and he has withstood far greater threats than Malak. A boxing pundit would definitely give the Exile the edge based on some reasonable deduction, but people here are mostly not addressing the definitives.


    And leave out these: "Revan was the supreme commander and the Exile was a general" arguments. They are fictional characters in a fictional world. They had to have specific back ground stories to give us an idea of their origins. It doesn't say anything about who is smarter or charismatic or powerful. For all we know being an administrator doesn't make you better than anyone else. It's just back ground fodder, if you were observant you'd understand that.

  9. The full quote is: "average student of the force but with a unique strength". Plus Kavar goes on to mention that the Exile as a padawan had a very strong connection to the force. So this Zayre can't be the exile.


    Also, I 've always taken "average student of the force" to mean that he wasn't a stand out padawan learner though he was definitely always strong in the force. The reasons why he was viewed as an average padawan learner may be because he wasn't too keen on playing the model student. I mean, there is a hint that he was the rebellious type.

  10. Of course Revan predicted everything. ABSOLUTELY everything. Revan is such a super-duper-mega-cool fanboy favorite that he MUST predict and foresee every single event in the galaxy that somehow concerns the Jedi, the Sith, the Republic or the Mandalorians to support this super-duper-mega-coolness. All the other characters are infinitely insignificant compared to Revan's blaze of glory. In addition, he orchestrated the Mandalorian Wars, not to mention orchestrating the Great Sith War before even being born in order to set up the stage for the Mandalorian Wars. And of course, Revan is the central point of the entire KOTOR era, possibly even all of Star Wars.




    That's the problem with some of this fanboy's on top the fact that he's a fictional character, they don't get the idea that Revan fell to the dark side precisely because he wasn't anywhere near perfect. Everything from the way his war ruined the Republic, to how he needed the help of a Jedi (Bastila) to save his life after Malak's betrayal, suggest to me that he was a flawed character. Just like every other Sith Lord.

  11. The Exile being a "wound" as he is and using the force at the same time is confusing, but this is the force remember?! :) . I think of the Exile and his wound as a magnet or more precisely a vacuum. In severing his connetion to the force he only increased his affinity to the force. Look at his force bonding, I think it operates the same way a vacuum (for instance) would draw matter into it, if exposed to any particles.


    The nature of his natural force bonding ability is the same as his "wound" I believe, and as a result is able to function even while the Exile's connection to the force has been severed. There is a suggestion from speaking with Chodo Habat that this "wound" can be healed though, so it might not be permanent.


    (Might have used atoms to draw the analogy but didn't feel like revisiting basic chemistry.)

  12. Jediphile wrote:


    Well, let's listen to the wisdom of HK-47 of all people...


    HK-47: "That is why Revan felt that Malachor V was so important. It was intended to be a conversion tool. Assessment: When faced with a continuous series of hard-fought battles, I detected a significant statistical increase in Jedi following Revan over the Jedi Code - a compromise in principles brought about by battlefield conditions.The emotional weight of war changed Jedi morale, power, and eventually, their allegiance. Conclusion: I believe the Mandalorian Wars were to beat the Mandalorians and also to allow Revan to build the foundation of his army. But I am surprised you have not already arrived at this conclusion. Surely the loss of your troops and the Jedi who served under you at Malachor V, had a detrimental effect upon you and your ties to the Force - and I suspect, your desire to be around others ever again."


    HK-47: "Observation: Master, that was the lesson of Malachor. Any Jedi involved in the systematic slaughter on such a scale cannot help but doubt and question themselves.Observation: Master, I do not believe that the Mandalorians were the true target at Malachor - I believe that the intention was to destroy the Jedi, break their will, and make them loyal to Revan.I do not know if you examined the records of the deaths on Malachor, but you cannot escape that many of the Jedi and Republic soldiers who died were not Revan's strongest supporters. Observation: I believe that Revan was "cleaning house" at Malachor V. What ones did not die became Revan's allies against the Republic."


    From these comments it seems clear that Revan purposefully manipulated events to suit his/her plans and knew exactly what the consequences would be for the jedi - s/he knew what the will of the force would be.


    Still, that doesn't rule out your own explanation, but bear in mind what Kreia tells the LS Exile after the meeting with the masters.




    I disagree with the last assesment. Though I believe Revan manipulated events to turn Jedi during the tail end of the Mando wars I do not beleive he did because he knew the will of the force. Everything he did and the way he did it seemed to be according to his will not because he had knowledge of the will of the force. You have to remember he was steeped in the dark side at the time, and such an idea runs contrary to dark side beliefs, which are that the dark side offers an avenue to follow your own will and cease to become a servant of the force.


    At this point Revan was oblivious to the unknown threat as well so the idea that he knew the will of the force doesn't hold. I believe like the Jedi who followed him Revan only did what he felt he needed to do to win the war, but like all fallen Jedi he didn't believe there existed methodologies different from his own.

  13. [she said it, but the question is what she meant by it. Kreia admires the Exile's ability to deny the will of the force. That makes him unique by any standard, but it does not mean that he's a powerful force-user. Indeed, Vandar described him as an average force-user to Vrook in the flawed holographic projection on Dantooine...




    Vandar calls him an average student of the force, not an average Jedi. The full quote is: "an average student of the force but with a unique strength". Kavar even mentions that the Exile as a padawan had an unusually strong connection to the force. As a padawan he was an average student in the sense that he probably wasn't an exceptional learner, but he was always a good leader and exceptionally strong in the force.


    EDIT: He probably also lost a lot of points in the eyes of some masters because he seemed to have a rebel's spirit. As Vrook mentions when he says he was always arguing with some of his fellow students including Vrook's padawan. Anway the impression I got was that he never pushed himself to achieve excellence as a student, which by no means implies (as is evident with what we discover in K2) that he was average.


    Revan was probably a better a padawan learner and exhibited less of a rebel's attitude.

  14. I think the Exile is more of an Obi Wan. He dosnt show off but when it comes down to it he's got what it takes.

    Revans more of a Vader, he's got the image thing but the reality dosnt really equal the hype.





    You could go beyond that and look at Ulic, who the Exile resembles quite a bit. As for Revan, he does seem to be a rip-off of Vader and a sprinkle of Kun with his artifacts.

  15. NO!  THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!  (takes a dive off a cliff on malachor)


    ya well this is star wars.  there are millions of planets out there, and there could be flying pigs on any of them...revan owns vader.


    I was waiting for a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!


    EP II & III ruined Vaders image.


    We only saw Vader at the end of Eps 3. I'd say his reputation only grew, and public interest in Lord Vader was rekindled. Vader: baddest, coolest Sith Lord in the SW mythos.

  16. that would ruin the plot, obsidian and the Kotor project. :o


    How's is that? Many greater fictional heroes have been killed; Achilles, Gilgamesh, Turin Turambar, Siegfried, Vader/Anakin etc etc . Killing Revan doesn't change anything if the story isn't based on him - he never struck me as a compelling character anyway, nothing dynamic about him: just your regular video game hero.


    Besides, next to other SW characters these Kotor guys are shallow. There isn't much content on them, so it doesn't matter who is killed off.


    As long as the story is excellent, we really shouldn't miss anyone that was left out.

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