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Posts posted by Zae

  1. I agree, KotOR's movies was better. KotOR 2's movies are so empty. There is no details or environment in them, its just like, a boring landing pad, a plain snow landscape, no trees, objects, crates or small details that would make it more living-like. The same counts in-game. There is many empty rooms and hallways, which removes the feeling of that you are playing in a living world. Add more detail! :wub:

  2. I got another bug:


    When your in the Mandalorian camp on the Dxun moon, go to the fighters circle where you can challenge and fight other mandalorians. The first two is pretty easy, but the last guy (cant remember his name <_< ) is pretty hard. Before you fight him, save the game while you stand close to him. While fighting him, have him targeted, pause the game, and use an item, like a shield or medpack.


    Now you see the choices of attacks and force powers disappear, then while still having him targeted and the game paused, load the save game you made when standing in front of him. Now your character will attack him by himself, and he dont fight back. If you kill him, he leaves the place and your journal gets updated. I dont know if it will work for you, but it happened to me.

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