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Posts posted by Dragonforce

  1. just because he was weakened for trying to drain you doesn't mean he can't pose a threat, he's a Sith Lord .. even if he can't use his tremendous powers he should still be able to challenge you with a lightsaber!

    And I'm still not convinced that he was weakened in any way. He just tried to drain you dry... and failed because there was nothing to drain. Nothing more. That gave the PC a chance to fight him, but it doesn't mean that Nihilus should be absolutely incompetent with a lightsaber or the only Sith Lord that can't spam Force Lightning.


    imo he was weakened as he wasted energy trying to drain you and got nothing for it, its even said several times that he is slowly consuming himself, so the longer he goes without absorbing something with the force the weaker he is, so even if he wasn't weakened from the backlash of trying to absorb you, he was weakened probably from not consuming anything for a while anyway, so you didn't fight him in "top form" so to speak


    he seemed to me to be pretty good at lightsaber combat though , he was backflipping all over the place for me haha


    that said it didn't help him when he was dropped in two hits

  2. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I noticed my defense never goes higher than 19 points from my base. Is there a limit? The stuff I equipped my character was supposed to increase it 24 points, but it always gets stuck at 19. Is this a rule or just another bug?  :blink:


    seriously who cares about defense, you're gonna be hit no matter what, the best strategy is to kill them before they kill you

  3. Well its been 2 months, if they don't have something to tell us yet then they really do not deserve to call themselves developers, more like timewasters

    And you don't deserve to call yourself poster, more like trolling spammer. But you don't see me complaining, do you? :blink:)


    dude its not like i am asking obsidian to part the heavens or anything, like one guy with a one sentence post to explain roughly when the patch will be out and/or how it is coming along is not asking alot


    i'm thankful one of the devs actually answered the question, i don't think it was that hard for him or that it took up too much time

  4. Maybe there's stuff happening they can't talk about ...diclosure agreements and all that. *shrugs* either way I said it before and I said it again. Constant updates still won't keep some people happy. They'll still be unhappy because it wasn't released the day they had a problem, and a daily repeat of 'its not coming out yet, it will be soon' is only going to make them more annoyed, invite flame attacks against devs. and generally fuel the fires.


    If I were the devs, I'd probably keep fairly quiet until I have something to actually tell the customers.  :sorcerer:


    Well its been 2 months, if they don't have something to tell us yet then they really do not deserve to call themselves developers, more like timewasters

  5. on the subject of lightsabers, notice how in the kotor games the devs are boring and gave every sith lord from malak to


    single lightsabers,

    not that that could be helped in the latters case



    But they should go out of their way to give atleast one guy some identifiying feature about his lightsaber, or make the way they fight a bit more interesting like in the clone wars with dooku

  6. the fact that obsidian are so tight lipped about the patch is a joke, seriously, how much could it hurt to ****ing inform people as to how close the patch is to release or atleast how its coming along


    Its not like one guy working on the patch or somebody with knowledge about the subject couldn't go to the forums and take 5 minutes out of his life to tell all the fans and people they have let down who've been waiting for the thing for months

  7. Adding all that stuff wouldn't take an extra 6 months,


    more like a couple of weeks if they got off their asses, its already all or nearly done, just not present in the game, you have to remmeber the entire game was made in 13 months, you're suggesting that it would take them just under half the time to add something like an extra couple of areas and some dialogue that has already been recorded


    tbh thats the only reason that i could think of why the patch is taking so long, its not out of the question that a patch would add the missing stuff, either that or obsidian are just incompetant and can't release an essential patch within a reasonable amount of time

  8. the xbox has the advantage over a pc of being more compact and you can just buy a game and play it immediatly


    but seriously if you get a high end pc, there is other gaming experience compared to it, plus the keyboard and mouse setup is superior for RTS, 3rd person shooters and FPS games


    And provided your pc isn't too old you could buy a high end graphics card that would run the newest games for the cost of an xbox, even cheaper if you use the internet

  9. You trying to say the N64 wasn't good?


    Because, take a look at the Gamecube... It's the exact same thing...


    no the gamecube is much better, for one thing it has the best controller.. ever, i have played every games console there is to be played and the gamecubes controller is the best of the lot, in terms of practicality and comfort.


    The N64 had like 2 or 3 good games, lylat wars, goldeneye and super mario 64.


    Actually its alot like the xbox in this time period, only it has even less good games, atleast ones you can't already get on another console or the pc.


    Though that said, the Ps2 has the best games, the mgs series, the GTA series, the Final fantasy series, the gran turismo series, the list goes on


    and to the spastic who said there was no good games for the pc, 3 letters HL2!!!!

    The greatest fps of all time and one of the most groundbreaking games in years. Not to mention Rome:Totalwar, Warhammer: Dawn of War, Doom 3, Warcraft series, even the original Half-life is better than halo

  10. in general, ATI cards run much faster and can handle newer games better than nvidia cards, though nvidia cards tend to make the games look better due to lighting and slightly more advanced pixel shaders


    for this game, once the patch comes out, hopefully it will fix the ati cards problems, ati cards will be better for it, while right now in its unpatched form, nivida cards are better as there are less hardware issues

  11. they sort of presume you should know that you can add the characters, the beginning, peragus and telos seems to be the parts with the most bugs


    where in contrast, the end, malachor and telos revisited seem to be the areas with the most cut out parts due to the game being rushed


    i couldn't find those mercs who fled to the telos planetside, i looked all over the place, checked the map that i had looked everywhere and killed everyone but never found them after they fled

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