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Posts posted by marc5477


    Don't think changing the cast time is going to improve the usage of the summoning weapons because will still remain the issue about "why should I use a conjuring weapon over my current best weapon". Add the fact all these spells already have a 0 recovery time, I hardly believe obsidian will touch these spells in that regard.


    I should prefer to see some effect attached to them, in order to make their situational usage a reliable asset during the battle.

    Make them able to detonate or sacrificed in some sort. For example, the firebrand can be consumed to cast a fireball or maybe, to empower a fire spell; citzal's spirit lance into something similar to a weaker minoletta's piercing burst; etc...

    Or you can add some properties of your current weapon to the summoned weapon.

    Aoe buff/debuff while casting?


    There are many way to improve the conjuring weapons, and some can be interesting, I hope this will be the direction.



    I don't understand how summoned weapons are anything but weak. The effects on unique weapons are just too strong. Veil Piercer refreshes your recovery the moment you crit once you pick up that enchantment. Can a summoned bow ever beat that?



    I'm not looking for something that can replace weapons. I don't think it would be too much to ask for high end uniques as summon weapons, but since I'm not a power-player (min-maxer or whatever) it isn't a big deal if its merely serviceable. Currently the weapons aren't only inferior to non-summoned weapons, but they take up a spell usage, a class ability pick, and 3s of combat. So you are wasting multiple resources just to get your hands on something that is  mediocre.


    I am in the same boat. I want to use the summoned stuff just to do something different. My 1st game I tried a 2h monk/wizard and was insanely disappointed with the summoned stuff. They take too long to summon and they dont last that long. Also by using them, I am denying myself important combat buffs and a lot of defense. I ended up remaking him as a plain 2 weapon focus and skipped the summoned weapons and he was much more powerful.


    I think the author is right. They need to be near instant cast or leave the cast time alone and give them a much longer duration. Perhaps even the entire current battle or until switched.


    The only nice thing about them is they offer alternative damage types without the need for more weapon slots. I can remain unarmed in one slot, use some other weapon/s in the 2nd slot and the summoned stuff can fill the gaps if I face something that is vulnerable to them. But otherwise I cant imagine using them.

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  2. Havent bothered with normal boarding combat. I enjoy poking holes in their boat and sinking them.

    Early on. Place both cannons on the same side so you can fire both at the same time. Make sure you have at least 2 cannoneers assigned. With the starting cannons, move to about 250-300 distance, turn so that your cannons face the bad guy... fire. If they are tough, take out their crew sails with grapeshots. If they are not too strong, just sink them with normal cannonballs. During cooldown, dodge with full speed movement until you can fire again. If you want better accuracy, stop the round before you fire. Its easy.

  3. Ascendant for dps, beguiler if you want utility or want to cheat (range out of combat cheese but its cheating).

    I know you are asking for subclass but honestly... the best cypher is probably a multi-class that gets perks to ranged or melee from the other class. 

    The best synergy will come from Chanter... actually chanter goes with everything. Actually its so good we might as well call it Chuck Norris. But joking aside, it has a really nice buffs. So much so, that you will probably never cast a spell while using it because simple autoattack will do more dps. Add ascendant to it and you will get some crazy damage output spikes but honestly, I like beguiler better in general so I would probably pick that. On top of that, the chanter grants a lot of utility that expands what you can do.

    I also want to say that you can do well with a cypher/ranger but honestly... ranger cannot hold a candle to chanter. The chanter gets better pets, better dps, better defense, and a lot more utility. The only nice thing about ranger is your pet does not need to be summoned but its not nearly as good as 3-6 wurms or drakes...

  4. So is it universal two one handers are better? Or does that depend on what two handers are in the game and what about if you consider Firebrand/Berath's Greatsword, do those lashes bring them up to snuff?

    Seems to be the case. They work but you sacrifice a lot for it. Not only do you do less damage, you also have worse defense. No matter how much I love 2 handed weapons, they really stink compared to 2 weapons in this game. That said, the game is so easy even on potd that it probably does not matter if you are not optimal so just play what you want. Sadly however, if you want big booms, you need to a single class monk to see thousands of damage per hit lol.

  5. What is his role? Do you plan to multi-class?

    I play on POTD and I have tried two polar opposite pillar monk combos.

    1. Tank with consistent DPS and reliable wounds.
    • Max Resolve. You need to stand toe to toe without a shield. No real choice if you want to tank well. 
    • Very High Perception. You need to be able to hit stuff consistently to build wounds. Perception is more important than speed or damage.
    • High Might. More damage, no need to explain this.
    • Below Average Dex. I wouldnt dump dex. But something needs to give to optimize the above. 
    • Low Intelligence/Constitution - Again I dont recommend dumping either one. I wouldnt let anything drop below 6 or 7. Int helps with duration and con, obviously, helps with hit points.
    1.  DPS role. Give up survivability for damage.
    • Max Perception. Missing is bad.
    • Very High Dex/Might. Speed and damage output. They should be at least 15 each if not higher.
    • Below average Con. Because you stink at avoiding damage but you don't want to die too fast so dont dump it.
    • Low Resolve/Intelligence.

    If you want game breaking damage output, simply stay a pure monk for the level 8 & 9 abilities. But be warned, many view them as broken due to how trivial they make the game. 


    If you want a better tank, then multi-class with warrior or paladin or chanter (beckoner). The warrior/paladin multi should be obvious, but I was surprised at how good the beckoner is on the front line. Why? Because summons are awesome. As a tank, your jobs is to soak up damage and keep enemies off your team. Summoning 2-6 creatures is very powerful and their DPS is not shabby either. A warrior also offers good aoe dps with cleave stance and a lot of engagement. A paladin will give you better personal defenses but I would say, not as good at keeping enemies off your team. 

    If you want tons of utility (regardless of role) try a pillar + wizard or chanter (troubadour). My pick is wizard. Wizards have a lot of quick cast spells with 0 recovery and good duration thus do not interfere with your melee damage output. They also have some nice summoned weapons which allow for interesting melee options without needing weapon slots. Also, since spell damage scales with might and accuracy with perception, you can still put out good ranged damage with any caster. The troubadour with low int works because you are already on the front line thus you dont need a huge radius to make use of bard spells.

    I am currently having a blast with this non-optimal build:

    Human Pillar/Wizard

    Might - 18
    Constitution - 7
    Dexterity - 7
    Perception - 18
    Intelligence - 9
    Resolve - 19

    He is not the best tank nor the best DPS but he is pretty fun and always active. He is a front line heavy armor tank with insta-cast wizard spells who can nuke (hard) every now and then. Despite the low con, he is hard to kill and can stand side by side with Edar on the front lines. He does not need to run like a chicken though I do use him for flanking. In a defensive pinch, I have a ton of fast cast spells for support such as level 1 spirit shield and wizard double or level 2 mirror image. I can also summon a staff (though due to cast speed and recovery, I dont do it often) and activate the defensive modal for even more melee defense. His only issue is lack of engagement which is why I still need Edar on the front line, but this guys DPS is much higher than full warrior Edar and is also a lot more single target tanky thanks to wizard spells. Be warned, he is VERY active so you should set up your team to be a bit hands off (edit their AI and select hands off classes).

  6. As you probably already know, its highly likely that there will be weapons with properties that more than make up for fist damage.

    Also, Hellwalker DPS is dependent on the need to get hit or use self damaging abilities. Not just that, but the hellwalker wounds also cause them to become more vulnerable. All this means they are not particularly good at tanking. So you have two situations. Hellwalker vs trash mobs and vs tough mobs. Against trash mobs and as an off tank, the target will die long before the monk can gain max wounds. Against bosses, the enemy will likely target the tank and the monk will get very few wounds. Even if the boss went after the monk, the monk probably cannot tank them so they will either go down, require tons of healing from partners (limiting their dps), or they will need to take time away from dps to do something else to survive.

    I am not 100% sure, but I think that in practice, the pillar will actually out dps the Hellwalker over a play through and will likely be more effective against bosses and tough enemies since it can max wounds fast and it can tank better allowing it to stay in the fight without interruption or assistance longer.

    Just my 2 cents.

  7. Well I am playing the game and I can tell you right now that people who are not playing at the highest difficulty should not make suggestions unless they play at potd. Sorry but if its too easy then you should bump up to potd then make suggestions. Here is my experience:

    Mental Binding: Seems to miss... a lot. Id say about 25% of casts do not land on anything. Not sure why but I am thinking that if the main target resists then the entire spell fails. Since it is a spell that can be resisted... it is almost entirely useless against any hard targets. It is great when it lands on large crowds but those easy enemies are so easy that its a waste of time. You are better off plopping a meatshield at the front and just auto attack to kill them. I am up to level 9 and for the most part it has not been useful except against trash... and those annoying healing paladins which are not really a threat but they take a while to kill since they heal.

    Tenuous Grasp.: Same as above except it is even less useful. Totally worthless in potd in my opinion since it lacks the aoe and will barely ever land on hard enemies.

    Eye Strike: Sucks the big one since it targets fort... which is basically the high save for almost everything in the game. Totally worthless against tough enemies. If it does land, then its good but it is unreliable so you are usually better off auto-attacking with a heavy weapon.


    Basically, anything that has a save will be iffy and unreliable and since a cipher is not exactly great at hitting stuff, it is simply a waste of time and effort.

    At this point the only spells I use at all are 
    Ectopsychic echo & Antipathic field. Usually I can use one or the other and they are very good. Mind Lance is good too but not nearly as good as the other two if you can target them right.



    Bottom line, Cipher stinks on potd. Sorry but you are better off with a fighter or pally in the back with a heavy gun. In fact, a group of 5 fighters and 1 pally will pretty much mop the floor with the game since they can do about average around 200 damage per round and they hit very frequently (thanks to being able to focus your attribute points on fewer things). That will pretty much kill most things in 1 round. you need 2 built as tanks in the front and 4 at range in the back. I have not tried rogues yet but I bet they would be better than ciphers too. I did not mess with the wizard much nor the druid so I will try them later but I hate depending on rest for spells... if you want an "oh crud I need some cheese" character just add 1 summoning bard but honestly it is not needed. I didnt know about the summoning items till later in the game but now that I have them you dont need the bard as much... i mean chanter.

  8. I read up to the 1st 7 pages of this post and just wanted to post my experience with the PC version of KOTOR2. Before I begin I have to say that I do not blame the original poster for being angry however I do not think Obsidian is the only one to blame.


    Just as a background, I am a software engineer (yes really... I work on simulators) so I am going to take the engineers perspective on top of my years of RPG gaming.




    KOTOR2 was rushed. There is no doubt about it. You can tell by the querky quest system and the obvious bugs everywhere ingame and I have to be honest, when it comes to RPG's I have never in my 15 years of RPG/Strategy gaming history ever seen a game with more loose ends. Here is what I saw...


    Many dialog options should have been removed at certain points but never were. (completed quests, choices made, etc)


    There were 8!!! quests that couldn

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